2024 Reading Challenge discussion

ARCHIVE 2021 > My 2021 Reading Diary

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message 1: by Catka (last edited Feb 26, 2021 05:58AM) (new)

message 2: by Catka (last edited Mar 24, 2021 08:31AM) (new)

Catka | 270 comments A Better World - 2021


A Better You
✔️ Read a book with a character who shares a trait with you that you once (or still do) considered a flaw, or a book that discusses body positivity. Just Like You by Nick Hornby
✔️ Read a book that makes you feel good or helps you relax. - An Offer From a Gentleman by Julia Quinn
✔️ Read a book with a main female character who does not enter into a romantic relationship. - The Girl with the Louding Voice
✔️ Read a book featuring a protagonist who's compassionate. - Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal by Christopher Moore
Read a book about something you would like to learn more about or about a skill you want to improve.
Read a self-help book.
✔️ Read a book about a public figure or a fictional character that you admire. - The Secret Chapter by Genevieve Cogman (librarian secret agent, what is not to admire!)
Read a book on a topic that is new to you.
Read an old favorite just to make you smile.

A Better Home
✔️ Read a book about a family or found family. - Hamnet by Maggie O'Farrell
✔️ Read a book with a house on its cover. - Růže bílá, černý les (White Rose, Black Forest) by Eoin Dempsey
Read a book recommended by a family member or friend.
Read a book with a family tree
Read a coming-of-age story.
✔️ Read a book about marriage. - The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren
✔️ Read a book about a unique parent-child relationship - The Hottest Dishes of the Tartar Cuisine by Alina Bronsky
✔️ Read a book which features siblings as its main characters. - Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman
✔️ Read a family saga spanning at least three generations. - Osmý život (The Eighth Life) by Nino Haratischwili

A Better Community
Read a book for a Buddy Read, TBR Twin, or Group Read activity.
✔️ Read a book outside your comfort zone that a fellow group member has rated highly. - Euphoria by Lily King
Read a book you checked out from the library.
Read a book recommended by anyone living in your town.
Read a book with a central theme of friendship.
✔️ Read a book in which teamwork leads to success. - What You Wish For by Katherine Center
Read a book in which a community works together to improve its quality of life.
Read a book recommended by someone in our group.
Read a book with “Community,” “Town,” or “City” in the title.

A Better World
✔️ Read an #OwnVoices book. - Black Buck by Mateo Askaripour
✔️ Read a book about a current global issue. - Život na našej planéte. Moje svedectvo a vízia do budúcnosti (A Life on Our Planet: My Witness Statement and a Vision for the Future) by David Attenborough
✔️ Read a book about sustainability or characters that strive to preserve nature. - The Overstory by Richard Powers
✔️ Read a book about freedom in any sense of the word. - Miss Iceland by Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir
✔️ Read a book set in another country than your home country. - Born a Crime: Stories From a South African Childhood by Trevor Noah
Read a book with “World” or “Earth” in the title.
✔️ Read a book featuring a culture or religion that differs from your own. - Sahara by Michael Palin
Read a book involving efforts toward peaceful reconciliation.
Read a book translated into the language you are reading.

message 3: by Catka (last edited Apr 01, 2021 07:45AM) (new)

Catka | 270 comments March - What a Wonderful World


✔️ 1. Read a book set in or about a big city - Black Buck by Mateo Askaripour (New York)

✔️ 2. Read a book set in the country or on a farm - Under the Greenwood Tree by Thomas Hardy

✔️ 3. Read a book that features a rainforest - The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren (Hawai); Euphoria by Lily King (New Caledonia)

✔️ 4. Read a book that is set in the desert - Sahara by Michael Palin

✔️ 5. Read a book that is set in a suburban area - A Spool of Blue Thread by Anne Tyler

✔️ 6. Read a book that is set in the snow - Žena v polární noci (A Woman in the Polar Night) by Christiane Ritter

✔️ 7. Read a book that prominently features a body of water of some kind (eg. river, lake, stream, ocean, beach etc) - The House in the Cerulean Sea by T.J. Klune

✔️ 8. Read a book that focuses on natural spaces. - Život na našej planéte. Moje svedectvo a vízia do budúcnosti (A Life on Our Planet: My Witness Statement and a Vision for the Future) by David Attenborough

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