A Good Thriller discussion

Film and Television > Favourite Movies on Netflix

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message 1: by W (new)

W | 37 comments Silverado,terrific western with lots of action and a fine cast.

message 2: by W (new)

W | 37 comments Don't know how many movies they offer in the US,but the selection of movies I've got on Netflix is fairly limited.
Far better for binge watching TV series,however.

message 3: by Emily (new)

Emily | 154 comments I love the movie Hush

message 4: by Christine (new)

Christine Indorf | 2228 comments Shadow of Bone, excellent!

message 5: by Thomas (new)

Thomas (tom471) | 1123 comments I watched "The Forgotten Battle" on Netflix. It is a Dutch WWII film about the battle to gain control of the Scheldt from the Nazis. The Allies had captured the port of Antwerp, but the the Nazis controlled the Scheldt,the waterway leading to Antwerp. There was an Allied operation, called Market Garden, which failed due to excessively long wait time demanded by inept British General Montgomery. The Nazis blew up causeways and dams flooding most approaches. But the Canadian Army did finally capture the Scheldt with help from a Dutch resistance member. I was aware of this history and indeed, the Dutch still send thousands of tulips every year to Canada in gratitude. This film focuses on the final battle which has been forgotten. I recommend it.

message 6: by Emily (new)

Emily | 154 comments @Thomas I really enjoyed that film.

message 7: by Thomas (new)

Thomas (tom471) | 1123 comments Emily wrote: "@Thomas I really enjoyed that film."

Glad to hear that.

message 8: by MATHIEU (new)

MATHIEU LONG (mathieulong) | 2 comments Excellent, I agree!

message 9: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10795 comments Mod
Personally I found it a good story, well told, but very slow and heavy going

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