Buzzwordathon discussion

The Martian
This topic is about The Martian
buddy & group reads > The Martian Group Read | April 2021

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christina ♥ (omqchristi) | 130 comments Hey everyone!

As voted for in this poll, we will be reading The Martian by Andy Weir for the month of April!

The Martian by Andy Weir

If you want to participate in the group read, you can either head to the discord server or chat here!

Discussion questions will be posted on the server and the book will also be broken down into 6 parts.

More information will be available on the 25th.

Link to the Discord Server:

join the discord now!

Also, if you are new to Discord, don't worry. We've updated the server to be as (new) user friendly as possible!

J.elaine | 1 comments Read it! Loved it!

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The Martian (other topics)

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Andy Weir (other topics)