Space Opera Fans discussion

R2R Read-to-Review Program > Chiasma - Book I of the Rhadyuas Cycle

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message 1: by Harrison (new)

Harrison C James | 7 comments Hello,

I would be honoured to receive reviews of my latest work, Chiasma, which is a scifi/fantasy/space opera epic spanning 30 worlds and incorporating magic, high technology, alien species, suspense, mystery, political intrigue, a touch of romance, and environmental themes, all set in a rich and complex universe with its own history. Chiasma is the first part of a trilogy.

It has been professionally edited and proofread by 6 people.

In line with my own tastes, its plot is complex and definitely non-formulaic. I have had feedback to the effect that its characters are highly relatable, and that the narrative is well-paced, which is nice to hear. It has strong female characters, and has received a very positive response from two female readers to date.

I will gift you an e-copy (ePub, MOBI or PDF) or a paperback, as you prefer. The 6x9 inch paperback has 588 pages.


Harrison C James

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