Oprah's Book Club (Official) discussion

An American Marriage > Looking to make friends Hey all. I'm new to this, and as a new author, I felt this would be a great place to start. I won't give any details of my book here, but I guess it's okay to give if asked. Hope to hear from you all.

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message 1: by C.A. (new)

C.A. Salisbury | 3 comments Looking to make friends

message 2: by krystal (new)

krystal lea | 20 comments hello

message 3: by krystal (new)

krystal lea | 20 comments so where are you guys from ?im in sydney australia .right now we are going through two or three dayssome terrible floods. rain has been going heavy for 4 days now and apparently wont ease for yet another

message 4: by sonya (new)

sonya marie madden  | 163 comments I’m from ct in the USA

message 5: by Sajid (new)

Sajid (sajid764) | 3 comments hey guys.

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