Teen Girls Book Club discussion

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message 351: by EdenB15, General Manager (new)

EdenB15 | 637 comments Mod

message 352: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments Helen Zhang wrote: "Greetings, I'm Helen. I'm currently 15-years-old, and I use she/her pronouns. I live in Canada and I much prefer math and science over English. However, I find joy in reading books and writing stor..."

Hello Helen! Welcome!

message 353: by Kayla (new)

Kayla | 67 comments Hello! I’m Kayla, and I’m 13 years old (going on 14 soon!) 😊 I live in California, USA, and I’m Korean American 🇰🇷 I have a weird obsession of London, England and that’s my dream vacation LOL
I’m also probably that stereotypical quiet asian smart kid in your school…ahahaha
My favorite subject in school is science, but English comes naturally to me because I’ve been reading since I could remember (no really, my mom claims she read to me when she was pregnant haha). When I was little I was actually known to open up a random book and start saying a random story, and people thought I could read at age three even though I was making everything up lol
Anyway, I joined this group a while ago but decided to get more involved now…thanks for having me! <3

message 354: by bungisngis (new)

bungisngis | 456 comments wassup kayla! what part of cali are you from?

message 355: by [deleted user] (new)

I'm from Cali too!!

message 356: by ݁⋆๋⊹Amber⊹ ݁ ˖, Games and Challenges Manager (new)

݁⋆๋⊹Amber⊹ ݁ ˖ | 1447 comments Mod
I live in New York :P
It must be nice in California.

message 357: by ikallam (new)

ikallam (bookcatforlife) Is “New“ a new country or something ?? 🤣

Im from Minnestoa . It STINKS here barley any snow 😭😭😭So luck to live in Cali

message 358: by [deleted user] (new)

I don't live there anymore 😭😭🙄🙄

my mom thought indiana was a better option to "raise kids in"

i mean she's right.. but that's not the point lol

message 359: by ݁⋆๋⊹Amber⊹ ݁ ˖, Games and Challenges Manager (new)

݁⋆๋⊹Amber⊹ ݁ ˖ | 1447 comments Mod

message 360: by ikallam (new)

ikallam (bookcatforlife) :OO UR IN INDIANA!! i WaS bOrN tHeRe . hMMmmMMmmMmM*thinking cap on*

message 361: by [deleted user] (new)


message 362: by bungisngis (new)

bungisngis | 456 comments ahh where yall from? im from the east bay! my mom moved us to florida so we can be with our grandparents which is nice but i miss the family sometimes back home

message 363: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments Kayla wrote: "Hello! I’m Kayla, and I’m 13 years old (going on 14 soon!) 😊 I live in California, USA, and I’m Korean American 🇰🇷 I have a weird obsession of London, England and that’s my dream vacation LOL
I’m ..."

Ooh welcome! I live in London xD

message 364: by [deleted user] (new)

That's so cool!!

message 365: by Kayla (new)

Kayla | 67 comments Hiii again! Ahhh I wish there was like a reply to a comment thing on goodreads, but to answer questions:
I’m from SoCal, so near Los Angeles.
And yes the weather is nice here haha but I sometimes wish it snowed or rained lol
And OMG U LIVE IN LONDON? WHAT IS IT LIKKKEEEEE (explodes with happiness)

message 366: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments Kayla wrote: "Hiii again! Ahhh I wish there was like a reply to a comment thing on goodreads, but to answer questions:
I’m from SoCal, so near Los Angeles.
And yes the weather is nice here haha but I sometimes..."

I'm replying to a comment right now! It's not on the app, though. And London is like... any other city, I guess. Full of Omicron at the moment xD

message 367: by [deleted user] (new)

Kayla wrote: "Hiii again! Ahhh I wish there was like a reply to a comment thing on goodreads, but to answer questions:
I’m from SoCal, so near Los Angeles.
And yes the weather is nice here haha but I sometimes..."

I was born in Burbank, CA only a couple of miles from L.A and Hollywood!

message 368: by Kayla (new)

Kayla | 67 comments Hiii! I’m on vacation rn, so I don’t have my chromebook to use the website to reply…I’m doing this on the app ahahaha
Omg yea, I heard covid was pretty bad in the UK. I’ve always wanted to go :) if I ever go in the future after covid, anything you’d recommend visiting?

message 369: by Kayla (new)

Kayla | 67 comments And REALLY??? I go to LA a lot and see my uncle often in Burbank. Where do u live now?

message 370: by [deleted user] (new)

Kayla wrote: "And REALLY??? I go to LA a lot and see my uncle often in Burbank. Where do u live now?"

indiana... 😟

message 371: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments Kayla wrote: "Hiii! I’m on vacation rn, so I don’t have my chromebook to use the website to reply…I’m doing this on the app ahahaha
Omg yea, I heard covid was pretty bad in the UK. I’ve always wanted to go :) i..."

Recommend visiting? Hmmmm the classic tourist places eg. Big Ben and things are cool
But maybe just to get a feel for the place visit Greater London which is more residential

message 372: by bungisngis (new)

bungisngis | 456 comments I've always wanted to visit the country bit of the uk it looks so pretty

message 373: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments bungisngis wrote: "I've always wanted to visit the country bit of the uk it looks so pretty"


message 374: by Kayla (new)

Kayla | 67 comments Why’d u move to Indiana haha? 😂 lol I’ve been to other states, but California has stayed my fav hehe, although there might be slight bias. How’s Indiana?

message 375: by Kayla (new)

Kayla | 67 comments @Samiksha
Okkkk I’m trying to convince my parents to go to London next summer break…after covid dies down ofc. Yesss I’ll definitely check out the greater London area! Have u been to the Harry Potter set tour there? 😅😅

message 376: by [deleted user] (new)

Kayla wrote: "Why’d u move to Indiana haha? 😂 lol I’ve been to other states, but California has stayed my fav hehe, although there might be slight bias. How’s Indiana?"

My mom... it's boringggg..
there's so many cornfields and farmers and Amish lol

message 377: by Kayla (new)

Kayla | 67 comments Ohhh nooo too bad it’s boring. Did u like California better?

message 378: by [deleted user] (new)

Yeah!! My mom's family is there and I miss them a bunch since it's so expensive to fly out too often.

message 379: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments @kayla yup I've been to HP world!!! It's amazinggg

message 380: by Kayla (new)

Kayla | 67 comments Oooooh that’s nice. Everything you say Indiana it reminds me of stranger things LOL
Merry Christmas btw :) or happy holidays if u don’t celebrate Christmas

message 381: by Kayla (new)

Kayla | 67 comments @Samiksha oooh really? Have u been to the universal studios one in California or Orlando? I heard the one in England is amazing and there’s the real set props and everything
I’ll probably break down crying when I get there, and my mom will wonder if she was slightly too supportive of my Harry Potter obsession lolllll

message 382: by ikallam (new)

ikallam (bookcatforlife) Yall i know ive been in this group for a while but i feel like i never proporly introdoced my self so here we go ;))

Hi my name (yes my real name) is Mallaki (diff lnguage lol) Im from Palistine and i currently live in Minnisota. I am very very very shy , like VERY shy. And im one of thoes people like if i know ima meet a teacher the day after or something i would hve it all planed out bec id be nervous. I LOVE anime and books. I play Genshin Impact and i watch , like, what most would call 8 yr old shows bec i like them😢😳😳. Conffection(dont kick me out) im not 13 yet

message 383: by ~ameliaclaire~, Co-President (new)

~ameliaclaire~ (ameliaclaire20) | 353 comments Mod
Welcome Mallaki! We are all so happy to have here!

message 384: by Samiksha (last edited Dec 26, 2021 11:39AM) (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments シAnime Bookcatシ wrote: "Yall i know ive been in this group for a while but i feel like i never proporly introdoced my self so here we go ;))

Hi my name (yes my real name) is Mallaki (diff lnguage lol) Im from Palistine a..."

Hi Mallaki! My gf plays genshin, can't say ik anything about it though

message 385: by Kayla (new)

Kayla | 67 comments @Samiksha
Oooh rlly? Wait when u say gf do u mean like dating gf or just friend
Lol I hope it’s not an awkward question, I was just curious

message 386: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments im bi, dating gf

message 387: by Kayla (new)

Kayla | 67 comments @Samiksha
Ooooh that’s so cool! Congrats! :)
If you don’t mind me asking, how did your parents react? I wanna tell my mom something similar (don’t wanna quite specify) but idk what to say….sorry if this is awkward lol

message 388: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments Kayla wrote: "@Samiksha
Ooooh that’s so cool! Congrats! :)
If you don’t mind me asking, how did your parents react? I wanna tell my mom something similar (don’t wanna quite specify) but idk what to say….sorry ..."

still havent told them-

message 389: by Didoncho (new)

Didoncho | 44 comments so... hey, my name is Diana, I am almost 16 and I'm glad I'm here. It's not necessary to tell you that I love reading - we all do it [I hope]. I'm a big fan of fantasy and sci-fi, I read also thrillers, mystery and criminal books. Ones of my favourite authors are James Rollins(thriller) and Sarah J Maas(fantasy)... I'm open for ideas for my tbr list (it's already full but ..meh.. :))))

message 390: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments Diana wrote: "so... hey, my name is Diana, I am almost 16 and I'm glad I'm here. It's not necessary to tell you that I love reading - we all do it [I hope]. I'm a big fan of fantasy and sci-fi, I read also thril..."


message 391: by Didoncho (new)

Didoncho | 44 comments thanks :))

message 392: by Kayla (new)

Kayla | 67 comments @Samiksha
Oh noooo really?! 🥲🥲
I mean do they know ur bi?

message 393: by ~ameliaclaire~, Co-President (new)

~ameliaclaire~ (ameliaclaire20) | 353 comments Mod

message 394: by Maya (new)

Maya welcome!

message 395: by sham (last edited Dec 28, 2021 10:32AM) (new)

sham Hey I'm Shamz, 14 from London I like anime, reading (obviously) and cats

message 396: by ikallam (new)

ikallam (bookcatforlife) Oooo whats ur favorite anime and what is ur favorite charecter in it?

message 397: by sham (last edited Dec 29, 2021 06:23AM) (new)

sham シAnime Bookcatシ wrote: "Oooo whats ur favorite anime and what is ur favorite charecter in it?"
I like quite a few it's hard to pick just one lol. I really liked Bungo stray dogs, banana fish and black butler tho!

message 398: by Zoe (new)

Zoe | 5 comments Hey, I’m Zoe and I love YA and romances

message 399: by ~ameliaclaire~, Co-President (new)

~ameliaclaire~ (ameliaclaire20) | 353 comments Mod
Welcome guys!

message 400: by ~ameliaclaire~, Co-President (new)

~ameliaclaire~ (ameliaclaire20) | 353 comments Mod
Hi Zoe!

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