Teen Girls Book Club discussion

World & Travel > Country

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message 1: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments What country do you live in? Let's see how many countries we can reach :)

I'll start: the UK.

message 2: by ~ameliaclaire~, Co-President (new)

~ameliaclaire~ (ameliaclaire20) | 353 comments Mod
The United States Of America

message 3: by Madison (new)

Madison | 1224 comments USA

message 4: by Fernanda (new)

Fernanda Violante (fernandacorral) | 9 comments méxico :))

message 5: by swaggy (new)

swaggy Katelyn i’m american but i currently live in the uk :)

message 6: by Maya (new)

Maya I’m from Canada

message 7: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments Cool! This is amazing!

message 8: by layla (new)

layla England :)

message 9: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments layla wrote: "England :)"

Same here!

message 10: by paula (new)

paula (palou) I'm from Belgium :)

message 11: by Christine (new)

Christine | 8 comments Canada

message 12: by Emelia (new)

Emelia | 4 comments England

message 13: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments Nice! This is brilliant!

message 14: by Yasmin (new)

Yasmin Brazil :))

message 15: by Emary (new)

Emary USA

message 16: by Cloé (new)

Cloé | 31 comments England !

message 17: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments Cloé wrote: "England !"

Same! Hi from London :)

message 18: by Sophia (new)

Sophia (sophiawolf) | 5 comments I'm from Thailand, but actually just moved here from Germany!

message 19: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments Sophia wrote: "I'm from Thailand, but actually just moved here from Germany!"

So are you in Thailand or Germany now? Sorry I couldn't understand what you meant xd

message 20: by Sophia (new)

Sophia (sophiawolf) | 5 comments I'm currently in Thailand!

message 21: by Cora (new)

Cora | 3 comments The US

message 22: by Prior Eaton (new)

Prior Eaton  | 271 comments England.

message 23: by maïwen (new)

maïwen (maiwenreads) I’m from France!

message 24: by Ayathma (new)

Ayathma | 133 comments Sri Lanka

message 25: by bungisngis (new)

bungisngis | 456 comments usa (really boring considered many of you are from hella cool places!)

message 26: by Lilian (new)

Lilian (6_fire_thegirlwhoknew) | 9 comments England

message 27: by EdenB15, General Manager (new)

EdenB15 | 636 comments Mod
northern ireland

message 28: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments Cool!!!

message 29: by ikallam (new)

ikallam (bookcatforlife) I live in the USA but am from Hebron,Palistine :)

message 30: by Deepika (new)

Deepika India

message 31: by Amani (new)

Amani | 8 comments Denmark

message 32: by jet (new)

jet netherlands :)

message 33: by Sofia (new)

Sofia | 38 comments USA!

message 34: by rye (new)

rye (sassypantsryefrye) | 12 comments usa, but i want to move to the UK in the future

message 35: by Lovisa (new)

Lovisa | 17 comments Sweden

message 36: by elise777 (new)

elise777 | 6 comments England

message 37: by rye (new)

rye (sassypantsryefrye) | 12 comments England? lucky

message 38: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments ✨R y e✨ wrote: "England? lucky"

Lolll Englands pretty good ig

message 39: by rye (new)

rye (sassypantsryefrye) | 12 comments i wanna move to the UK so badly

message 40: by Sienna (new)

Sienna | 9 comments Germany

message 41: by [deleted user] (new)


message 42: by The Jesus Fandom (new)

The Jesus Fandom (thejesusfandom) jet wrote: "netherlands :)"

That's so cool! I'm Dutch too, but rn I live on Madagascar

message 43: by The Jesus Fandom (new)

The Jesus Fandom (thejesusfandom) jet wrote: "netherlands :)"

That's so cool! I'm Dutch as well, but rn I'm living on Madagascar
(also srry if u see this post twice my wifi is being weird)

message 44: by [deleted user] (new)

(Born in Europe)


message 45: by jas ♡ (new)

jas ♡ (jas_d852) | 30 comments I live in the U.S.

message 46: by ݁⋆๋⊹Amber⊹ ݁ ˖, Games and Challenges Manager (new)

݁⋆๋⊹Amber⊹ ݁ ˖ | 1447 comments Mod

message 47: by Emma (new)

Emma USA

message 48: by [deleted user] (new)


message 49: by Abby (new)

Abby Canada

message 50: by ~ameliaclaire~, Co-President (new)

~ameliaclaire~ (ameliaclaire20) | 353 comments Mod
Lol, I hv a quick funny story for u Abby. When my sister was little, I decided to ask her something, I said, “ What do you want to accomplish in your life?” She said quite a few things including learn how to speak Spanish, I think she said something about traveling somewhere, and then, out of the blue, she said, “ I also wanna make peace with Canadians”. I’m just sitting there like, “ um, we are at peace with Canadians” she like ok. But what’s funny is to this day she says she wants to make peace with Canadians. Lol 🤦‍♀️

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