Nothing But Reading Challenges discussion


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message 1: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (last edited May 24, 2021 04:19AM) (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod


Eldarwen (Captain)
Stacie (Co-Captain)
Nanci Drum
Iana Amke

Challenge Status Sheet
Team Sheet

(view spoiler)

message 2: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

message 3: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

message 4: by Eldarwen (last edited Jul 26, 2021 09:54AM) (new)

Eldarwen | 12475 comments Mod
RULES of the Game

Team Spreadsheet
Countdown to Finish

Team Shelves
Nanci Drum
Iana Amke
Lexi Koliner


Completion Post Sample
Book cover
Book: Title + Author
Date Read:
Rating: (optional)
Add verified word count where applicable:

Tasks/Bingo/etc the book works for:
- Number: Character (name + surname)
- Number: #... in series
- and so forth

Please add name and surname for characters every time, no matter which part works for the card.

Please add all possibilities for every book you complete in case we have to switch things around on the spreadsheet, unless you're reading for something specific. (This will take some time, I know, sorry!)

For BOMs, please link to your DQ answers, or the sets you have written.

Thanks guys :-)

message 5: by Eldarwen (last edited Jul 30, 2021 11:15PM) (new)

Eldarwen | 12475 comments Mod

message 6: by Eldarwen (new)

Eldarwen | 12475 comments Mod

message 9: by Eldarwen (new)

Eldarwen | 12475 comments Mod
Hello and Welcome to Team DEATH!

DEATH is one of my absolute favourite characters, and yes, for those of you who are not familiar with Discworld, DEATH indeed speaks in capitals.

For those of you who haven't followed the conversations in the Mended Drum, do not worry. You do not have to read the Discworld books even if our theme for Tower Teams 8 (eight! can you believe it?!) is Discworld. If you want to, great! There are even some BOMs set up for this. If you don't want to dip your toes into this series, no worries at all :-)

Now, for the important bits.

Read the rules. If you're unsure, please read them again. If you're still unclear, feel free to ask us team captains and we'll happily help you out.

Tower Teams is a fairly easy and straightforward challenge. You read what you enjoy and the longer the books, the more points we'll get :-)

Aside from that, you can participate in reading the books of the month, answering questions to garner even more points.

And then, there are some extra tasks that are there for the fun of it, to make it interesting, add a bit of a challenge and generally get us aaall the points.

Please remember to create your Tower Teams shelf if you haven't already done so. When you swing by, please post a link to it, thanks!

And last but not least, and the most important: HAVE FUN!

message 10: by Kari (new)

Kari | 217 comments Hello teamies, checking in! Here's my shelf:


message 11: by Eldarwen (new)

Eldarwen | 12475 comments Mod
Hello and welcome! :-)

message 12: by Michelle (new)

Michelle (govmarley) | 3150 comments Stopping by from The Luggage to say hi to team Death and some of my favorite people!

message 13: by Eldarwen (new)

Eldarwen | 12475 comments Mod
Michelle wrote: "Stopping by from The Luggage to say hi to team Death and some of my favorite people!"

Helloooo :-)

message 14: by Vivi (last edited Apr 17, 2021 11:39AM) (new)

Vivi | 156 comments Hi Team, checking in.

Here's my self: tower-team-challenge

message 15: by LaurLa (new)

LaurLa | 2302 comments Checking in!! I might (MIGHT) dip my toes into the Discworld world... if I were to do that, where should I start???

here's my shelf:

message 16: by Stacie (new)

Stacie (thesebooksaremyfriends) | 5160 comments Hey everyone! Excited for another round of TT!!

Here's my shelf, E. tt8-death

I've never been more upset to not be able to do all caps in a shelf tag before...

message 17: by Eldarwen (new)

Eldarwen | 12475 comments Mod
LaurLa wrote: "Checking in!! I might (MIGHT) dip my toes into the Discworld world... if I were to do that, where should I start???"

Oh, now there's a bit of a difficult question haha.
The very first book is The Color of Magic though if you don't know the world and the awesome characters yet, a lot of people say that this isn't the very best starting point.

There are also various story arcs revolving around some of the characters, such as Death, the City Watch, the Witches..

Personally, my introduction to Discworld was via the Death books, my very first was Hogfather and I absolutely loved it.

For ease of things, mods are going to set up Discworld BOMs you could join.

Equal Rites - first in the Witches arc (May)
Mort - first in the Death arc (June)
Guards! Guards! - first in the City Watch arc (July)

message 18: by Eldarwen (new)

Eldarwen | 12475 comments Mod
Vivi wrote: "Hi Team, checking in.

Here's my self: tower-team-challenge"

Hello and welcome :-)

message 19: by Eldarwen (new)

Eldarwen | 12475 comments Mod
Stacie wrote: "I've never been more upset to not be able to do all caps in a shelf tag before..."

Right?? That would've been so awesome haha.

message 20: by Sonia (new)

Sonia (darktalynn) | 11591 comments Hey team DEATH

Just going to leave this here:

*runs for safety*

message 21: by Rachel (new)

Rachel | 413 comments Hi Teammates! Nice to meet you all. Here is my bookshelf:


I've done a few TT challenges and I'm looking forward to reading with you all!

message 22: by Eldarwen (new)

Eldarwen | 12475 comments Mod
Hey hey :-)

message 23: by Patrycja (new)

Patrycja (patleszczynska) hello everyone! here is my bookshelf:


message 24: by Tati (new)

message 25: by Eldarwen (new)

Eldarwen | 12475 comments Mod
Hello people! :-)

message 26: by Stacie (new)

Stacie (thesebooksaremyfriends) | 5160 comments Hey!!! I sent a friend request to everyone on the team in case anyone is wondering who the weird random girl who sent them a friend request is!

message 27: by Rachel (new)

Rachel | 413 comments Thanks Stacie!

message 28: by Iana (new)

Iana | 32 comments Hello all! :) This is my first Tower Teams challenge and I can't wait for it to start!

Here is my shelf:

message 29: by Jammin Jenny (new)

Jammin Jenny (jamminjenny) | 4184 comments Hi there! This is Team Rob Anybody dropping in!!

Can you all provide some book recommendations? We'll supply some in return if you wish.

message 30: by Eldarwen (new)

Eldarwen | 12475 comments Mod
Iana wrote: "Hello all! :) This is my first Tower Teams challenge and I can't wait for it to start!

Here is my shelf:"

Hello and welcome!
Tower Teams is a lot of fun, you'll see :-)

message 31: by Nanci (new)

Nanci | 2567 comments Hello teammates!
Here's my shelf:

Excited for the game to begin!

message 32: by Stacie (new)

Stacie (thesebooksaremyfriends) | 5160 comments Hey!!!

message 33: by Nanci (new)

Nanci | 2567 comments I've just requested the BOM The Lost Orphan from my library and it will be available for pick up in two days. I'm going to volunteer to write DQ for it.

message 34: by Nanci (new)

Nanci | 2567 comments Eldarwen,
I see you signed up to write DQs for Dumplin' (Dumplin', #1) by Julie Murphy . It should come into my library as an audio book within a week, so I'll read it also!

message 35: by Nanci (new)

Nanci | 2567 comments I'm hoping to also read Equal Rites (Discworld, #3; Witches, #1) by Terry Pratchett for the BOM my first Discworld book! I'm going to claim it on the BOM thread for the DQs. I'm #1 on the waitlist at my library.

message 36: by Nanci (new)

Nanci | 2567 comments That BINGO card is crazy! I'm not sure about some of the symbols, but space 5F brings back memories! My friends and I were obsessed with those trolls growing up and I must have collected about 100 of them. We would play with them for hours in elementary school!

message 37: by Kari (new)

Kari | 217 comments I think I'll be reading my first Discworld book soon too!

message 38: by Eldarwen (new)

Eldarwen | 12475 comments Mod
Nanci wrote: "Eldarwen,
I see you signed up to write DQs for Dumplin' (Dumplin', #1) by Julie Murphy. It should come into my library as an audio book within a week, so I'll read it also!"

That's awesome!
Hopefully it'll be a good book.

And I hope you'll enjoy the other one as well.

message 39: by Eldarwen (new)

Eldarwen | 12475 comments Mod
Kari wrote: "I think I'll be reading my first Discworld book soon too!"


Are you going with the May BOM or a different one?

message 40: by Eldarwen (new)

Eldarwen | 12475 comments Mod
Nanci wrote: "I'm hoping to also read Equal Rites (Discworld, #3; Witches, #1) by Terry Pratchett for the BOM my first Discworld book! I'm going to claim it on the BOM thread for the DQs. I'm #1 on the waitlist at my library."

I actually still need to get my hands on a copy of that one. I've only read very few of the many Discworld novels and this is not one I have sitting on my shelf.

message 41: by Kari (new)

Kari | 217 comments Eldarwen wrote: "Kari wrote: "I think I'll be reading my first Discworld book soon too!"


Are you going with the May BOM or a different one?"

I was thinking of what you suggested above, I kinda like reading in order (unless the first book is AWFUL) so I'll grab The Color of Magic first and then join the May BOM for Equal Rites. That's the plan so far...

message 42: by Eldarwen (new)

Eldarwen | 12475 comments Mod
Haha, no it isn't awful, but keep an open mind, and remember that other books are ever so slightly better ;-)

You do get a good sense of what the Discworld is like and Pratchett's writing style and humour.

message 43: by Kari (new)

Kari | 217 comments Eldarwen wrote: "Haha, no it isn't awful, but keep an open mind, and remember that other books are ever so slightly better ;-)

You do get a good sense of what the Discworld is like and Pratchett's writing style an..."

I'll give it a shot, if I don't like it I'll jump to the next one. I have low expectations but I'm glad to hear it's not awful, lol.

message 44: by Eldarwen (new)

Eldarwen | 12475 comments Mod
Alright, Team DEATH!

Let's talk a little business here ;-)

If you look at the spreadsheet, you'll see various tabs with tasks, bingo and jackanory. Have a browse through, get familiar with the different things we're going to have to hunt down in books.

If you're a planner, go nuts!
If you read as you please, most books tend to fit various tasks without you having to try very hard.

One thing we need to do though:
5 of the tasks require us to read books that have been recommended by members from other teams. (5 tasks, 5 teams)

Other teams are of course also hunting for recommendations, so if you see an invite like the one from team Rob Anybody above, feel free to jump over to that thread to give them some recommendations!

And while you're there.. no harm in jumping in on some of the conversations either if you're of the chatty kind :-)

message 45: by Sammy (new)

Sammy (sammystarbuck) | 11107 comments HELLO THERE TEAM DEA... *cough*

Sorry, I meant, hello there Team Death!

I thought I should come share my favourite Grim reaper with you all, it being perfectly themed and all... ;)


(in case anyone is wondering, Karl urban plays a character called John Grim in "Doom", and his call-sign is 'Reaper' ;) )

message 46: by Eldarwen (new)

Eldarwen | 12475 comments Mod
Do you know I still have not seen Doom??
I really have to remedy that... *dreamy eyes*

message 47: by Nanci (new)

Nanci | 2567 comments I haven't played TT before, so here's my first question (I'm sure I'll have others).
On the Task SS with the Sub-Series grouping, do we read just for the DEATH categories, or do we read for all of them, like Witches, City Watch, etc?

message 48: by Stacie (new)

Stacie (thesebooksaremyfriends) | 5160 comments Karl Urban is dreamy...

message 49: by Stacie (new)

Stacie (thesebooksaremyfriends) | 5160 comments Nanci wrote: "I haven't played TT before, so here's my first question (I'm sure I'll have others).
On the Task SS with the Sub-Series grouping, do we read just for the DEATH categories, or do we read for all of ..."

Eldarwen can correct me if I'm wrong but we can read for all of them :)

message 50: by Sammy (new)

Sammy (sammystarbuck) | 11107 comments Eldarwen wrote: "Do you know I still have not seen Doom??
I really have to remedy that... *dreamy eyes*"

Yes, yes you really should. There's a scene where you get a beautiful close-up of those lovely eyes... after that, the movie could have been the worst thing ever made and I wouldn't have cared, lol!

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