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message 1: by Anna, Circadian heretic (last edited Apr 15, 2021 01:24PM) (new)

Anna (vegfic) | 10316 comments Mod
Notifications often have lots of problems, and right now it's been going on for so long, and getting so bad, that I actually bothered to check GR Help.

Based on this I'm not hopeful they're doing anything about it, but maybe if we all contact them with reports? Contact form is here.

Feel free to use this thread for any notif related questions/comments!

message 2: by Eva (new)

Eva | 964 comments Thanks, Anna! I've been wondering why nobody is posting, only to realize people have been posting I just wasn't notified! Going to use the discussions button more now, and will try if reporting it helps.

Shera (Book Whispers) (sherabookwhispers) | 18 comments Yeah. The website is so glitchy right now.

message 4: by Ryan, Murderer of tapirs, Father of Krakens, Believer of Women (new)

Ryan | 1699 comments Mod
Happy New Year everybody! Can't wait to see what 2020 has in store for us all!

message 5: by Anna, Circadian heretic (new)

Anna (vegfic) | 10316 comments Mod
lol Ryan XD

message 6: by DivaDiane (new)

DivaDiane SM | 3411 comments Complaint lodged. Happy New Year.

message 7: by Anna, Circadian heretic (last edited Apr 16, 2021 02:02AM) (new)

Anna (vegfic) | 10316 comments Mod
Ooooooh, I just got a notif that was only 30min late! :o

edit: And another one, only 13min!!!

Another weird thing is that, unlike ever before, the notifs on my phone and on the desktop are coming at wildly different times. And they even state different times for the posts. I'm getting stuff on my phone now that I got on the desktop about an hour ago. And the "new" notifs are only on the desktop.

As always, I have to wonder what kind of Frankenstein's monster this thing is?! Most bugs don't make any sense XD

message 8: by Ryan, Murderer of tapirs, Father of Krakens, Believer of Women (new)

Ryan | 1699 comments Mod
I reported the bug and asked if they are going to fix it or if I should seek out a different platform to discuss books on.

message 9: by Gabi (new)

Gabi | 3441 comments Yeah, it is really strange. For some threads I get the notifications nearly timely, for others there is a delay of up to a day. I started browsing the groups indivudially for the topics I'm interested in.

message 10: by Anna, Circadian heretic (new)

Anna (vegfic) | 10316 comments Mod
I just got almost on time notifs, so I'm a little bit hopeful they're actually fixing it! Still not on my phone tho, just desktop.

message 11: by DivaDiane (new)

DivaDiane SM | 3411 comments I’m getting a rush of notifications for threads whose posts I’ve already read (due to an initial post being so delayed). They are all coming in now.

message 12: by Nicol (new)

Nicol | 493 comments Me too. I kept thinking of something is new but no is just the backlog I guess

message 13: by Michel (new)

Michel Poulin | 741 comments I got zero notifications showing for over a day, then just ended up with 47 posts this morning. Amazon, who owns GR, doesn't seem to care much about it.

message 14: by Anna, Circadian heretic (new)

Anna (vegfic) | 10316 comments Mod
I'd settle for GR staff caring!

message 15: by Kristenelle (new)

Kristenelle | 107 comments I was wondering!!

message 16: by Anna, Circadian heretic (new)

Anna (vegfic) | 10316 comments Mod
Wow, GR support stepping it up, I already got a reply! :o A couple of hours ago in fact.

"Our developers are aware of this issue and are working on fixing it. While there’s no confirmed fix date yet to share, this bug is prioritized in our development team’s backlog – we hope to fix this soon. Your report has been added to the developer ticket."

message 17: by Tomas (new)

Tomas Grizzly | 448 comments What bugs me more is that if I visit a notification on my PC, let's say on Friday, and then turn on WiFi/data on my phone during my Monday commute, it gives me all the weekend notifications even though I already visited them on my PC.

message 18: by Gabi (new)

Gabi | 3441 comments ... aaand back to not getting the notifications ... ^^' Fun time!

message 19: by Silvana (new)

Silvana (silvaubrey) | 2698 comments Glad I am not alone, this is so confusing

Shera (Book Whispers) (sherabookwhispers) | 18 comments That's interesting they responded so fast.

message 21: by Bonnie (new)

Bonnie | 1207 comments Silvana wrote: "Glad I am not alone, this is so confusing"
Well, I also am glad if I'm not alone.

I'd feel better if it were on the Known Issues page, which it is not.

I get a Notification, get all excited, then come to find out it's something that a) I already saw and b) happened 3-4 hours earlier

message 22: by Jemppu (last edited Apr 24, 2021 06:47PM) (new)

Jemppu | 1735 comments Yup. Getting some repeat notification here, too 🤷‍♂️ Not the biggest trouble as far as complications go, I find.

(Not getting notifications at all for days definitely was).

Shera (Book Whispers) (sherabookwhispers) | 18 comments I'm starting to get endless email notifications. The email digest doesn't work, and now I'm getting it for topics I've never posted in. I turned off all email except for notifications in goodreads. But I still get all those emails and then notifications is pinging me for groups I normally do not care to get any notifications for.

It's exhausting. Not to mention I get over 200 emails from goodreads every morning. If I'm lucky, otherwise it's more.*sighs*

message 24: by DivaDiane (new)

DivaDiane SM | 3411 comments Oh my. I’m glad I turned off email except for a daily digest in another group a long time ago.

I never could cope with so many emails. I have way too many as it is!

Shera (Book Whispers) (sherabookwhispers) | 18 comments Yeah, apparently turning off the notices doesn't matter right now. They just keep pouring in. *sighs*

message 26: by Meredith (new)

Meredith | 1676 comments This makes me realize I haven’t been getting my daily digests for a while. Huh.

message 27: by CBRetriever (new)

CBRetriever | 5564 comments Mr CBR would "kill me" if I turned on notifications because his is the main Amazon account. He's not too happy about the ereaderiq price drop notifications...

message 28: by Rachel (new)

Rachel | 1377 comments Anyone else lost all notifications again?

message 29: by Anna, Circadian heretic (new)

Anna (vegfic) | 10316 comments Mod

message 30: by Allison, Fairy Mod-mother (new)

Allison Hurd | 14010 comments Mod
This is almost completely unusable as is.

message 31: by Jemppu (new)

Jemppu | 1735 comments Yup. Seems quiet...

message 32: by DivaDiane (new)

DivaDiane SM | 3411 comments Yes, and those I’ve gotten this morning, I saw yesterday already.

message 33: by Nicol (new)

Nicol | 493 comments and i keep getting the same couple of notifications over and over and over and over and over again - and it seems to be doing that the last week. maybe i should turn them off and on again 😂

message 34: by Raucous (last edited Apr 28, 2021 02:15AM) (new)

Raucous | 872 comments Allison wrote: "This is almost completely unusable as is."

Yes - especially when combined with "Goodreads request took too long" page load failures.

message 35: by Jemppu (new)

Jemppu | 1735 comments Nicol wrote: "and i keep getting the same couple of notifications over and over and over and over and over again..."

Like an echo in the quiet ^^'

message 36: by Bonnie (last edited Apr 28, 2021 05:24AM) (new)

Bonnie | 1207 comments Two days ago I went into

Account Settings > Emails > "See all discussions I’m following"
and clicked through every page to check the settings. Some topics were set to "Individual" or "All" instead "Notification only" as I would like. I changed all radio buttons to "Notification only" then went "back to account settings" and hit "Save email settings" button.

That seemed to cut down on some of the emails.

message 37: by Anna, Circadian heretic (new)

Anna (vegfic) | 10316 comments Mod
I've been such a whiny b*tch about GR stuff so I just wanted to say that I am very happy to have working notifications!

(I hope I didn't jinx it.)

message 38: by Michelle (new)

Michelle (michellehartline) | 2829 comments Stay tuned!

message 39: by DivaDiane (new)

DivaDiane SM | 3411 comments I started getting emails again for the one group I have set for email digest. Dating back to April 21st! I think I’m up to April 27th now all in one day. 🧐

message 40: by Nicol (new)

Nicol | 493 comments I just got an email notification, when I followed the link it took me to advertisement on wayfair then amazon. Has that happened to anyone else? I checked the sender before I did and it was definitely from goodreads - even stranger the notification was about a comment on a review, and there is no comment, the user does not exist - 🤷🏻‍♀️

message 41: by YouKneeK (new)

YouKneeK | 1412 comments Nicol wrote: "I just got an email notification, when I followed the link it took me to advertisement on wayfair then amazon. Has that happened to anyone else?"

Yes. It’s a spam/scam tactic. They’re adding a comment with a “…more” hyperlink at the end that they’ve added themselves. That hyperlink goes to whatever they really want you to see such as a product on Amazon. They’re hoping people will click on their own embedded “more” link instead of the legitimate “See more on Goodreads” link that Goodreads always includes with the comment e-mails.

Then I guess either they’re deleting their own account, or somebody else who received the scam reported them and Goodreads deleted them. In any case, by the time you see it, the comment and user may no longer exist, but you already have the e-mail with the link so they’ve managed to get their message through regardless of what happens to their account.

I fell for one too this past Tuesday, reading through e-mails quickly and not paying enough attention to what I was clicking on. Now I’m paying more attention!

message 42: by Feliciana (new)

Feliciana (sswstar) | 108 comments Is anyone having problems receiving notifications on the homepage? The few notifications I have received today are from postings in discussion groups from yesterday. If I go to my Groups page, then I can see that there are new postings.

message 43: by Meredith (new)

Meredith | 1676 comments Yes, I was just noticing this myself.

message 44: by Anna, Circadian heretic (new)

Anna (vegfic) | 10316 comments Mod
Yep, it started yesterday.

message 45: by Suman (new)

Suman Saha (suman_saha) | 38 comments Yep it's totally annoying...

message 46: by Meredith (new)

Meredith | 1676 comments Anna wrote: "Yep, it started yesterday."

I am getting email notifications though. Last time I think those failed too.

message 47: by Michelle (new)

Michelle (michellehartline) | 2829 comments I'm not getting notifications at all. I had to go into our group and search our discussions in order to find this. Goodreads is certainly unreliable. Anna, I know this surprises you 😉

message 48: by Anna, Circadian heretic (new)

Anna (vegfic) | 10316 comments Mod
Haha 😂

message 49: by YouKneeK (new)

YouKneeK | 1412 comments Goodreads is totally reliable, I don’t know what you two are talking about! You can rely on one or more key parts breaking periodically. You can rely on some functions lacking a rational design. And I’m told you can rely on the app being horrible no matter which platform you prefer. ;)

Like Meredith, I’m getting e-mail notifications for everything (as far as I can tell) this time. I don’t usually look at the online notifications but, now that I have, I see I’m missing everything I’ve been notified about via e-mail today except for the like and review comment notifications.

message 50: by Ryan, Murderer of tapirs, Father of Krakens, Believer of Women (new)

Ryan | 1699 comments Mod
No star ratings. No notifications. Just relying on wandering individuals. It's like my restauranteur days all over again.

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