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Archive - General > April 18th - May 2, 2021

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˜”*°•.˜”*°• Sheri  •°*”˜.•°*”˜ | 1827 comments Mod
Sorry about being late with our question but my husband died March 30th and my brain has been all over the place.

Is it important for you or do you try to remember authors names of the books you read?

message 2: by David (new)

David Freas (quillracer) | 2356 comments Sorry for the loss of your husband. Everyone understands why you're running behind here.

Not really.

I record every book I read in a file in my computer, so I don't really need to remember authors.

However, authors I really like - like Michael Connelly, Will Thomas, Jonathan Kellerman, and several others - I have no trouble remembering.

message 3: by Karen (new)

Karen (karen94066) | 349 comments Sorry for your loss.

I try to put up a review on Goodreads as soon as I finish. Then I let the title and author information go, unless I want to suggest it for either of my two book groups to read. I also make note if I want to read the sequel/s. I have added links for read next, library copy, own a copy etc.

message 4: by Donna (new)

Donna Schmidt | 141 comments My physical bookshelves contain my favorite authors and books for rereads!

message 5: by Icewineanne, Moderator (new)

Icewineanne | 724 comments Mod
Sheri, that’s so very sad. My heart goes out to you at this difficult time. I’m very surprised that you were able to post any question at all!! Peace be with you 🙏🏼

As for your question, I always remember authors, but not necessarily the titles of their books.

message 6: by Barbara K. (new)

Barbara K. Sheri, I will join the others in offering my condolences at a time when your mind and heart must be consumed with all manner of things other than books and authors. ❤️

I'm pretty good about remembering authors, although I must confess that as the years pass it may take me a bit longer to pull up a name than it did in the past. Regarding book titles, I can't always remember the names of books in a long series - but if I come across the name of a book I've read I can usually associate it with an author and/or a series.

message 7: by Pam (new)

Pam (pammykn) | 31 comments So sorry for your loss.

˜”*°•.˜”*°• Sheri  •°*”˜.•°*”˜ | 1827 comments Mod
Thank you all for the condolences.

I asked this question because I have a friend who is always asking me if I've read something by so and so and I just don't remember authors names. Once she names a few books I can say "oh yes I did" but most time I can't do it by just the authors name.

message 9: by Gem , Moderator & Admin (new)

Gem  | 1602 comments Mod
Condolences Sheri, you are in my prayers.

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