The Ultimate Wings of Fire Discussion and Roleplaying Group discussion


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message 1: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
The sinkhole is an odd drop, located nearby Vinegaroon Hive. It drops down from a sheer cliff into a large system of caves and underground ecosystems. Many of the animals have evolved to live entirely in the dark, and lakes and rivers are not uncommon here (though they can be very dangerous)

message 2: by -Isabella- (new)

-Isabella- | 865 comments Mod
Sage and Flicker land at the edge of it

message 3: by イアン (new)

イアン スコット (26scoianmanisteeorg) | 819 comments viceroy stumbled as he landed

message 4: by Nicoletta, When you finally figure out titles :) (new)

Nicoletta | 1620 comments Mod
Bastet looked wearily around.

"really close to the hives," she muttered.

message 5: by イアン (new)

イアン スコット (26scoianmanisteeorg) | 819 comments "kinda dark" mahogny said, "how are we gonna see?"

message 6: by イアン (new)

イアン スコット (26scoianmanisteeorg) | 819 comments viceroy fidgeted with his wrists

message 7: by Nicoletta, When you finally figure out titles :) (new)

Nicoletta | 1620 comments Mod
" I may have some flint and steel with me." Bastet said as she felt around, "And this feels like something flammable."
She found Viceroy's foot."

message 8: by イアン (new)

イアン スコット (26scoianmanisteeorg) | 819 comments "you are not setting my foot on fire, i'm very attached to it" viceroy said

message 9: by イアン (new)

イアン スコット (26scoianmanisteeorg) | 819 comments "I should probably tell you all something" viceroy said, "I've tried to keep it a secret."

message 10: by Nicoletta, When you finally figure out titles :) (new)

Nicoletta | 1620 comments Mod
((Rather attached to the foot, sorry but LOL XD))

"If it is something like, personal," Bastet said, thinking she was looking at Viceroy, "That you will regret telling us later, then keep it to yourself."

message 11: by -Isabella- (new)

-Isabella- | 865 comments Mod
“Follow me” Flicker said as he headed deeper into the caves

message 12: by Nicoletta, When you finally figure out titles :) (new)

Nicoletta | 1620 comments Mod
Bastet felt around again. This time she found an actual stick and struck her flint and steel. Sparks flew and the stick started to burn.

message 13: by -Isabella- (new)

-Isabella- | 865 comments Mod
Flicker shushed them then stepped forward lightly as Sage backed away from the fire

message 14: by Nicoletta, When you finally figure out titles :) (new)

Nicoletta | 1620 comments Mod
“That is much better,” she said, holding up the burning stick, then looked at Sage. ”Hey, it is as dark as a pouch in here.”

message 15: by -Isabella- (new)

-Isabella- | 865 comments Mod
“I just don’t like Fire” she said.

Flicker looked down sadly

message 16: by イアン (new)

イアン スコット (26scoianmanisteeorg) | 819 comments Nicoletta wrote: "((Rather attached to the foot, sorry but LOL XD))

"If it is something like, personal," Bastet said, thinking she was looking at Viceroy, "That you will regret telling us later, then keep it to you..."

"but it would be helpful for you to know" viceroy looked down at the flames

"does it have to to with why you have black scales, or why you have a weird thing on your neck that looks almost invisible," mahogany asked

message 17: by Nicoletta, When you finally figure out titles :) (last edited May 10, 2021 07:36PM) (new)

Nicoletta | 1620 comments Mod
“Ok..” Bastet said slowly, “As in, how helpful? Like we will not be on some HiveWing’s to-ki....”

Bastet tripped over a rock, but her martial arts skills kicked in and she landed on her feet.

message 18: by -Isabella- (new)

-Isabella- | 865 comments Mod
“Wait! I hear something!” Sage yelped

message 19: by イアン (new)

イアン スコット (26scoianmanisteeorg) | 819 comments viceroy stopped talking

message 20: by Nicoletta, When you finally figure out titles :) (new)

Nicoletta | 1620 comments Mod
Bastet stopped walking forward and listened. It was hard with the branch crackling by her side.

message 21: by イアン (new)

イアン スコット (26scoianmanisteeorg) | 819 comments "i'm a rainwing/silkwing, i can spit venom, and i'm a flamesilk" viceroy said, he made a face letting them know he was still keeping one secret.

Mahogany gasped

message 22: by Nicoletta, When you finally figure out titles :) (new)

Nicoletta | 1620 comments Mod
Bastet used her free talon to slap herself in the forehead. It all made sense now, rubbing his hands, the strange appearance...

message 23: by -Isabella- (new)

-Isabella- | 865 comments Mod
Sage strained to hear but didn’t know what it was

message 24: by Nicoletta, When you finally figure out titles :) (new)

Nicoletta | 1620 comments Mod
"Wait," Bastet said, "If you are a flamesilk, does that mean that you are one of the SilkWings that trio of HiveWings were after?"

message 25: by イアン (new)

イアン スコット (26scoianmanisteeorg) | 819 comments "does anyone else hear breathing" Mahogany asked

message 26: by Nicoletta, When you finally figure out titles :) (last edited May 18, 2021 03:44PM) (new)

Nicoletta | 1620 comments Mod
“No Way!” Bastet called out, “Us 5 perfectly alive dragons hear BREATHING.”

((Glory should-have-been quote alert! XD)

message 27: by -Isabella- (new)

-Isabella- | 865 comments Mod
“Run.” Sage said. “Run! RUN YOU SLUG BRAINS!”

message 28: by イアン (new)

イアン スコット (26scoianmanisteeorg) | 819 comments "i see scales" viceroy said, "and i'm not one of the flamesilks they are looking for"

message 29: by イアン (new)

イアン スコット (26scoianmanisteeorg) | 819 comments "should i light this place up" viceroy asked
"yes" mahogany and coffeebean said

message 30: by Nicoletta, When you finally figure out titles :) (new)

Nicoletta | 1620 comments Mod
Bastet got her talons ready for a fight. Her torch now in her dominant hand, she backed up with the rest of the gang.

message 31: by イアン (new)

イアン スコット (26scoianmanisteeorg) | 819 comments Viceroy's talons began to glow

message 32: by Nicoletta, When you finally figure out titles :) (new)

Nicoletta | 1620 comments Mod
“I think this is a good time to use it,” Bastet said, “Unless whatever is in there is fireproof. Then it is not and we will have to snuff out our flames.”

message 33: by イアン (new)

イアン スコット (26scoianmanisteeorg) | 819 comments (is it okay if viceroy has a crush on bastet)
His flamesilk started to light up the room right in front of them was a dragon, staring

message 34: by Nicoletta, When you finally figure out titles :) (last edited May 21, 2021 06:43AM) (new)

Nicoletta | 1620 comments Mod

Bastet looked at the other dragon, ready for the smallest movement of attack.

“RUUUN!” Bastet called to the others, “And hold on to Viceroy. I’ll hold him off as long as I can.”

message 35: by イアン (new)

イアン スコット (26scoianmanisteeorg) | 819 comments "three moons you are creepy" mahogany said
"he is just staring at us" viceroy said "what is your name" looking into his huge eyes was unbearable
"i'm nigh thorn i haven't had any visitors in many moons" Night thorn smiled

message 36: by Nicoletta, When you finally figure out titles :) (new)

Nicoletta | 1620 comments Mod
“Why do you live here?” Bastet asked stepping protectively towards Viceroy. She held her torch towards the dragon, lighting up his face. “And for the record, it would not be a good idea to even think about attacking us.” She barred her teeth and got ready for a fight.

message 37: by イアン (new)

イアン スコット (26scoianmanisteeorg) | 819 comments "I was born here, and i would never harm friends" Nighthorn said
((he can read minds see the future but doesn't know it yet and has leafspeak))

message 38: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
((I don't think Nighthorn was approved))

message 39: by イアン (new)

イアン スコット (26scoianmanisteeorg) | 819 comments ((okay um can you approve him))

message 40: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
((I'll look at his template.))

message 41: by -Isabella- (new)

-Isabella- | 865 comments Mod
Sage glanced at the others as Flicker slightly nodded to her to use her ants

message 42: by イアン (new)

イアン スコット (26scoianmanisteeorg) | 819 comments mugs wrote: "((I'll look at his template.))"


message 43: by イアン (new)

イアン スコット (26scoianmanisteeorg) | 819 comments Coffee bean bit the head of of a scavenger and then sit it in Bastet's face, then bounced over to sage's talons

message 44: by イアン (new)

イアン スコット (26scoianmanisteeorg) | 819 comments Viceroy looked horrified

message 45: by Nicoletta, When you finally figure out titles :) (new)

Nicoletta | 1620 comments Mod
Bastet saw the thing coming at her and had a flashback from the last time she ate a scavenger, which ended in her caretakers disowning her. She tried her best to hold in the contents of her stomach this time around.
“Ummmm.” She said, putting a talon over her mouth just in case she couldn’t, ”No thanks.”
She shifted over to viceroy and whispered through her still-covered mouth, ”Same.”

message 46: by イアン (new)

イアン スコット (26scoianmanisteeorg) | 819 comments Viceroy nodded then looked away
as coffee bean tore the scavenger apart and ate it, she tossed some to flicker and sage

message 47: by Nicoletta, When you finally figure out titles :) (last edited May 27, 2021 03:00PM) (new)

Nicoletta | 1620 comments Mod
"I'll settle for this piece of food over here." she said, picking up a beetle and eating it without showing the contents, to prevent Viceroy from losing it.

message 48: by -Isabella- (new)

-Isabella- | 865 comments Mod
“Nope! Not eating that!” Sage said

“Sorry but no” Flicker replied

message 49: by イアン (last edited May 28, 2021 08:17AM) (new)

イアン スコット (26scoianmanisteeorg) | 819 comments "Okay" she grabbed the limb and ate them

"bastet, can i show you some thing" Viceroy asked

message 50: by Nicoletta, When you finally figure out titles :) (new)

Nicoletta | 1620 comments Mod
“Umm,” Bastet replied, “Sure.” She wondered if what Viceroy wanted to show her was related to his flamesilk ability. She looked away from him for a second to secretly eat another beetle.

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