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Book Spots > Samiksha's Book Spot

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message 1: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments Currently reading Queen of Shadows... I just wish I had more time to read!

message 2: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments Queen of Shadows was amazing OMG!

message 3: by Maya (new)

Maya that’s a fantasy book right?

message 4: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments Maya wrote: "that’s a fantasy book right?"


message 5: by Maya (new)

Maya I’ve never actually read a YA fantasy book before, maybe I’ll have to check that one out!

message 6: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments Maya wrote: "I’ve never actually read a YA fantasy book before, maybe I’ll have to check that one out!"

Wow, really? The first book is Throne of Glass.

message 7: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments I'm around halfway through the Throne of Glass series (I'm going to start Empire of Storms soon... still haven't got to it), I've just started The Selection series, I'm 200ish pages into The Gilded Ones... and I've got some other standalones that I'm juggling. I've also started The Cousins... and OMG I'm so clever, aren't I?

message 8: by Taif (new)

Taif | 38 comments WOW!! I don’t really know how you can read so many books at once, it’s kind of confusing
Best of luck at finishing them all :)

message 9: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments Taif wrote: "WOW!! I don’t really know how you can read so many books at once, it’s kind of confusing
Best of luck at finishing them all :)"

Ha ha I know. I'm trying to convince myself not to read so many books at once but I can't help myself! I guess that I'm trying to juggle life being a reader, student... and a teen author (Legal Crime) xD
Thanks though... I know that this is cliché but... I'm going to need all the luck I can get 😂

Samiksha Bhattacharjee xx

message 10: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments Alongside reading (a lot), my blog tour for Legal Crime started yesterday! If you would like to follow the latest updates, you can subscribe to my newsletter by www.legalcrime.co.uk/subscribe and also check out my website www.legalcrime.co.uk.

Also, I'm aiming to finish off The Gilded Ones today, so I can concentrate more on The Cousins! It's really good so far!

message 11: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments I'm holding Empire of Storms in my hand... but I need to finish the other books first... OMG... so many books, so little time 😭

message 12: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments I finished Empire of Storms, this is my review:

The ending was... unexpected. Wow.

But still, this was the best and worst book in the series. I know. I don't make sense. But still.


And Aedion... I feel so sorry for you. You follow Aelin around and she never bothers to tell you her plans. Ever. And Lysandra... I mean... no comments.

But, the storyline is epic. OMG. Mass really put a lot of effort into thinking about plot twists and turns and... that was amazing.

Her writing has improved but still... a bit too dreary at times. Even Mass admitted at times... describing that Manon had a lot of the 'blah blah perfectness' that LITERALLY EVERY CHARACTER HAD.

And on that note... why is practically every character: white, straight and REALLY REALLY REALLY ATTRACTIVE? I mean, Aedion slightly mentioned he was bi, but still.

And also, IS THIS YA FANTASY OR EROTICA? Many of the scenes were characters a) having sex b) thinking about having sex c) ... you get the idea.

But, the fight scenes and plot really made up for all this and I loved the ending... it's really keeping me hooked for the next AND FINAL book!


message 13: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments I finished They Both Die at the End!

When I first heard of this book back in 2018, I thought 'they don't ACTUALLY die at the end... right?'. I WAS WRONG. This isn't a spoiler, trust me. THEY BOTH DIE AT THE END.

Even though I don't get why this book got THIS much hype (it was really really good, but I feel that there are other books which are this good too), I really enjoyed it. For the most part, I read this book in two days (ignore Goodreads on that lol)!

I didn't cry, but it was sad and I could definitely relate to the characters and I felt that everything was... believable. When I found out that this was a one day love story, I was a bit sceptical ('how can you fall in love in one day???') but it genuinely was really realistic and SO CUTE!!! LGBTQ+ PRIDE ALL THE WAY!!!

Definitely recommended :)

message 15: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments Just finished Paper Towns by John Green:

I really liked this book and I really disliked it. So, what do I rate it? I never rate a book lower than 3 stars, but I DID like it at times... so 4 stars it is.

This book made me think. Yes, the storyline was weird. Yes, I didn't really like the characters. Yes, I felt like the book was just giving me overall weird vibes... but it broke a lot of my strings and cracked my vessel and made me wonder... how much are we made of paper?

Margo *insert full name I forgot but Quentin definitely never forgets EVER* is a... weird character. I get her... and I don't. Same with Q, to be honest. And all the other characters.

But this book messed with my mind, broke my strings, and cracked my vessel (and did something with grass... you'll get the references if you read the book).

So, I recommend it... and now I will go back to my cracked darkness.

message 16: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments I reviewed ACOTAR (longest review ever I think lol): https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...

message 17: by Sienna (new)

Sienna | 9 comments Love ACOTAR!

message 18: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments Sienna wrote: "Love ACOTAR!"


message 20: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments Hey everyone!

Legal Crime has been nominated for an award! You can vote for it here: https://peoplesbookprize.com/summer-2...

Please spread the word :)

message 23: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments Hiiii

message 25: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments Hmmmm im ok doing history so thats cool

message 26: by [deleted user] (new)

message 27: by EdenB15, General Manager (new)

EdenB15 | 636 comments Mod

message 28: by [deleted user] (new)


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