NetGalley Addicts Support Group discussion

NetGalley Tips > How to Be Approved for More Books on NetGalley

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message 1: by Lisa of Troy (new)

Lisa of Troy I put together this video with 3 tips to be approved for more books on NetGalley:

Also there is a bonus tip if you do get rejected but still want the book.

message 2: by Jim (new)

Jim (jimsbooksreadingstuff) I found Lisa's video very helpful, I'm a NetGalley noob.

message 3: by Sharon (new)

Sharon (tobookworm) | 2 comments Thanks Lisa this is interesting.

message 4: by Sherri (new)

Sherri Bryant (sherribryant) | 98 comments I seem to be a frequent reject from Bookouture. I don't have hundreds of thousands of followers on Goodreads, Twitter or my blog. I currently have 339 friends and get a decent amount of feedback and likes on the reviews I post here.

My feedback ratio is way under 80% and I'm working ( really hard to get my approved books read and reviewed.

Now, having said that, I'm OK with being turned down as I have so many books waiting to be read, I doubt I will ever be without a book to read in this lifetime. lolol

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