Teen Girls Book Club discussion

Books & Writing > Book Character Crushes

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message 1: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments The topic is pretty self-explanatory... fangirl away!

message 2: by Yasmin (new)

Yasmin aaaaaa...I have a lot of book crushes!!
some of mine:
Gale Hawthorne
Dorian Havilliard
Finnick Odair
Leo Valdez
Percy Jackson
Hort of BloodBrook

message 3: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments DORIAN OMG YASSS DORIAN DORIAN DORIAN DORIANNNN

message 4: by Taif (new)

Taif | 38 comments Also Jest from Heartless

message 5: by Charlotte (new)

Charlotte Ash | 45 comments I want to read Heartless so badly! I own it, I just have to finish the book I started first

message 6: by Taif (new)

Taif | 38 comments It is SO good but I believe you’ll cry so be prepared

message 7: by Charlotte (new)

Charlotte Ash | 45 comments Good to know... I cry over everything so I was kind of expecting to even if it wasn't sad lol

message 8: by lia (new)

lia c Has anyone read lovely war

message 9: by Charlotte (new)

Charlotte Ash | 45 comments Yes yes yes yes yes!!!

message 10: by Charlotte (new)

Charlotte Ash | 45 comments It's one of my favorite books!

message 11: by lia (new)

lia c Can you tell me about it

message 12: by Charlotte (new)

Charlotte Ash | 45 comments I love James

message 13: by lia (new)

lia c I haven’t read it but I am going to after I finish the tog series

message 14: by Charlotte (new)

Charlotte Ash | 45 comments hmmmm... I'm honestly the worst at explaining things... the more I like them the less sense I make

message 15: by lia (new)

lia c 💀💀💀Im dead

message 16: by lia (new)

lia c No,but same

message 17: by Ivy (new)

Ivy (100covers) Oh I adore Lovely War!!! It’s amazing

message 18: by Charlotte (new)

Charlotte Ash | 45 comments Am I the only one here with a slight obsession with Percy Jackson? Is it crazy that I'd probably marry him on the spot if he somehow came to life? (Although Annabeth would probably murder me...)

message 19: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments Charlotte wrote: "Am I the only one here with a slight obsession with Percy Jackson? Is it crazy that I'd probably marry him on the spot if he somehow came to life? (Although Annabeth would probably murder me...)"

Yeah, you'd better watch out for Annabeth!

message 20: by rye (new)

rye (sassypantsryefrye) | 12 comments omg newt from the maze runner!!!! ahh the movie is good too, thomas-brodie sangster is to d1e for

message 21: by Madison (new)

Madison | 1224 comments I’m reading the TID and I’m in love with Jen!!!

message 22: by Nabiha (new)

Nabiha | 5 comments ✨R y e✨ wrote: "omg newt from the maze runner!!!! ahh the movie is good too, thomas-brodie sangster is to d1e for"

Ahhahaha I was also like thattt when I first read maze runner :p

message 23: by Charlotte (new)

Charlotte Ash | 45 comments I really want to read Maze Runner but I'm kinda worried it will scare me. I get scared of zombies or really any monsters that can "infect" you... if that makes sense. Is there anything like that in the book?

message 24: by Nabiha (new)

Nabiha | 5 comments Charlotte wrote: "I really want to read Maze Runner but I'm kinda worried it will scare me. I get scared of zombies or really any monsters that can "infect" you... if that makes sense. Is there anything like that in..."
No no don’t get scared that book won’t scare you it has something related to a virus and infections (trying not to spill out the ending hahahhh) and yea it’s very suspenseful so I guess you’ll enjoy it but like if it really really scares you then we got a hundred thousand more books to read :)

message 25: by Charlotte (new)

Charlotte Ash | 45 comments Ok. Good to know! Thank you!

message 26: by Yasmin (new)

Yasmin Charlotte wrote: "Am I the only one here with a slight obsession with Percy Jackson? Is it crazy that I'd probably marry him on the spot if he somehow came to life? (Although Annabeth would probably murder me...)"

you are not alone, he and Leo stole my heart

message 27: by Yasmin (last edited May 21, 2021 04:43AM) (new)

Yasmin Charlotte wrote: "I really want to read Maze Runner but I'm kinda worried it will scare me. I get scared of zombies or really any monsters that can "infect" you... if that makes sense. Is there anything like that in..."

I also want to read !! And I admit that I haven't read until today for almost the same reason as you, when I was a kid I watched the movies and I was a little disturbed by the infections and such, and when I went to see the other films I didn't like it so much, that in the the day I watched the second one, I had a nightmare with the story, so I kind of grew up and I got rancid of Maze Runner , but last year I watched the movies again and I really liked it, and I saw that it was not so disturbing, impressed the first time I think, now the book is on my list I really want to read

message 28: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments I think that I have a thing for black hair and green eyes. Well, except for Harry Potter xD

message 29: by Emary (new)

Emary Gale Hawthorne
Tobias Eaton
David Eastman/King
Jacob Black

Those are my main ones:)

message 30: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments Emary wrote: "Gale Hawthorne
Tobias Eaton
David Eastman/King
Jacob Black

Those are my main ones:)"

JACOBBBB! Please tell me your #teamjacob

message 31: by [deleted user] (new)

Will Herondale

message 32: by [deleted user] (new)

Jem Carstairs

message 33: by [deleted user] (new)

no better bromance

message 34: by Yasmin (new)

Yasmin I have a new one ;))

message 35: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments Yasmin C.S. wrote: "I have a new one ;))

From which book?

message 36: by Yasmin (new)

Yasmin Scarlet, from Lunar Chronicles, Is perfect!!

message 37: by Charlotte (new)

Charlotte Ash | 45 comments Wolf is AMAZING!! I'm currently rereading the Lunar Chronicles for the third time... mainly because I love Wolf (and Thorne)

message 38: by Yasmin (new)

Yasmin YES! I just bought the third book and can't wait to start reading! I loved Cinder and I loved Scarlet, Wolf became my favorite character right away!

message 39: by Prior Eaton (new)

Prior Eaton  | 271 comments Tobias Eaton

message 40: by bungisngis (new)

bungisngis | 456 comments Elias Veturius (ember series) and Kalen (bone witch series)

message 41: by Lola (new)

Lola (lola_marisol) It's hard too choose just one. My mind immediately goes to Kaz from six of crows, but I like Adrian from the bloodlines series, and Christian from vampire academy as well. Also the main love interest from the gallagher girl series. Theres other miniscule characters but I fear they won't be as well known.

message 42: by Lola (new)

Lola (lola_marisol) Samiksha wrote: "Yasmin C.S. wrote: "I have a new one ;))

From which book?"

I loved the Lunar chronicles. My favorite guy the first time I read the series was Thorne, but now its Jacin. Though I still really liked Wolf.

message 43: by Samiksha (last edited Jul 16, 2021 11:46AM) (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments Lola wrote: "It's hard too choose just one. My mind immediately goes to Kaz from six of crows, but I like Adrian from the bloodlines series, and Christian from vampire academy as well. Also the main love intere..."

Omg, Adrian from VA/Bloodlines is amazing!!!

message 44: by Lola (new)

Lola (lola_marisol) I know I love him. So happy he got more time to develop in bloodlines. Side note, I also prefer bloodlines to va.

message 45: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments Lola wrote: "I know I love him. So happy he got more time to develop in bloodlines. Side note, I also prefer bloodlines to va."

Same here, Sydney is an amazing character too!

message 46: by ~ameliaclaire~, Co-President (new)

~ameliaclaire~ (ameliaclaire20) | 353 comments Mod
Micheal from “The Naturals” Series.

message 47: by Susanna (new)

Susanna (lulu1524) I'm about to read Winter from the Lunar Chronicles. I have to say I just ADORE Kai. Thorne is just wonderful as well :)

message 48: by Bean (new)

Bean | 67 comments Jameson and Grayson Hawthorne from the Inheritance Games

message 49: by Balbina (new)

Balbina | 16 comments omg yesss Nina is the bestt she’s such a queen. Also Zoya and Nikolai stole my heart!!!

message 50: by Balbina (new)

Balbina | 16 comments Someone mentioned Adrian from Bloodlines series and yesss I also love himm I don’t know people who have read that series so I’m excited that others share my obsession with him😂

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