Middle East/North African Lit discussion

requests and questions > Book recommendations childrens book in Arabic

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message 1: by siriusedward (new)

siriusedward (elenaraphael) | 16 comments Hi,
For a person who is trying to learn Arabic ,what books fiction like Famous five, Heidi, Charlotte's web ( i.e books intended for children , elementary to middle grade.ish) etc and books of poetry and rhymes in Arabic , would you recommed?
Thanks in advance for your recs.

message 2: by Melanie, Marhaba Language Expertise (new)

Melanie (magidow) | 732 comments Mod
Hi, I don't know your language level, but عائد إلى حيفا is nice and short and compelling enough I think. You could also look into short stories by Salwa Bakr, novels and short stories by Bahaa Taher, and Ghada Samman's short story collection called The Square Moon: Supernatural Tales (available in English too).

message 3: by siriusedward (new)

siriusedward (elenaraphael) | 16 comments Thank you.

message 4: by Inji (new)

Inji | 52 comments Helmi El Touni has a beautiful illustrated rhymes series, published by Al Shorouk

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