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message 1: by Nicole (new)

Nicole Pelcher | 9 comments Hello everyone!

My name is Nicole and I have recently started my bookstagram at and actively reviewing here on Goodreads. I would really love to start making connections and having some mutuals on both of these sites.

I primarily read and review Romance and Fantasy but I plan on expanding my horizons in books the farther I go with this.

If you follow or friend me please let me know you saw this post! I'd love to follow back.

message 2: by Alan (new)

Alan Meredith | 31 comments Hi Nicole,

To help you expand your horizons I thought you may be interested in my debut novel below.

Shimmer was inspired when my cat 'White Nose' died in 2017. More accurately the novel was inspired by a poem I wrote (incorporated into the book) called 'The Cat in the Moon' written the day 'White Nose' died.

Shimmer is about a cat and a girl who both lose their way but, when they meet, help each other to find their way back home.

My actor daughter Emily (aged 12) has started an audiobook version of 'Shimmer' which can be found on YouTube:

If the audiobook whets your appetite then please message me on goodreads and I would be more than happy to send you a free copy to read & review.

I will also follow and friend you in a sec.

Warm Regards
Alan Meredith

message 3: by Michael (new)

Michael Haddad | 2 comments Hi there,

I'm an author that mostly tackles in YA Fantasy. I have a bookstagram too ( or @mhaddad_author if the link doesn't work. I follow back all bookish accounts! If you enjoy fantasy, you'd love my novel Frostborn. It's full of all those loveable tropes, set in an almost viking world, mixed with modern day relationships and character dynamics.

I'd be happy to collaborate in the future with all who would be interested! Just give me a shout

message 4: by Misha (new)

Misha Quinn (misha_quinn) Hi Nicole,

Now I follow you on Instagram. Welcome to connect there - I am a romance novels author and my account is htpps://www.instagram/mishaquinn_author/ or @mishaquinn_author.

As well, welcome to be connected on Goodreads and Instagram with other authors and readers!

With BR, Misha Quinn

message 5: by Nicole (new)

Nicole Pelcher | 9 comments Michael wrote: "Hi there,

I'm an author that mostly tackles in YA Fantasy. I have a bookstagram too ( or @mhaddad_author if the link doesn't work. I follow back all booki..."

Hi Michael!

Thank you so much! I just followed you over on my instagram. I look forward to checking out your content! And I love vikings so I will definitely ad your book to my tbr!

message 6: by Nicole (new)

Nicole Pelcher | 9 comments Misha wrote: "Hi Nicole,

Now I follow you on Instagram. Welcome to connect there - I am a romance novels author and my account is htpps://www.instagram/mishaquinn_author/ or @mishaquinn_author.

As well, welco..."

Thanks Misha!

I just followed you back over on my instagram and followed you on here. I absolutely love romance so I am super excited to interact with your content!

message 7: by Nicole (new)

Nicole Pelcher | 9 comments Alan wrote: "Hi Nicole,

To help you expand your horizons I thought you may be interested in my debut novel below.

Shimmer was inspired when my cat 'White Nose' died in 2017. More accurately th..."

HI Alan!

Sounds like a very interesting read! I will definitely look into it.

Thank you for the friend request! I have friend you back.

Take care!

message 8: by Yawmin (new)

Yawmin Jie | 9 comments Hi everyone,
Im Mj and I love to read and review books! My reviews have been well recieved so far and do hit me up if you would like me to review your books- I read all genres !

message 9: by A.V.S (last edited Sep 19, 2021 08:56AM) (new)

A.V.S Pranavi (avs_pranavi) | 4 comments Hi! I am a poet. find below my instagram link

message 10: by Lisa (new)

Lisa Perskie | 18 comments Hi Nicole,
I would greatly appreciate a review of my recently published debut YA fantasy novel: Laela and the Moonline published on Amazon:
My author website is:
Let me know how you would like to receive the book if interested!
A summary follows:
Laela and the Moonline- Overview
“Surprises unfold in the predictable. . . . You can never fully foresee the foreseen.”
Long ago, the four tribes of Aerizon lived as one people, but the time of unity has passed. Now, three of the tribes collectively called the Treedles inhabit the forest canopy. The fourth tribe, the Mergons, live on the ground and pose a constant threat to the Treedles. Laela is a young Treedle girl coming of age in the treetop realm of Aerizon. Her destiny, as yet unrevealed, will cast her in the role of catalyst for epic change.
Laela grows increasingly restless with the cultural limits and expectations for young Treedle women. In her quest to understand and express her authentic self, she faces soul-transforming psychological and physical tests. Unlike Treedle women before her, she pushes back against traditional gender and cultural boundaries. Propelled by mysterious forces, she ventures into the forest and onto the lands below, breaking ground for a new era.
As she evolves spiritually, Laela faces mental challenges, redefining her perception of the impact one person can have on the world. Finally, she gains the courage to raise her voice in defense of herself and her people. Seekers of truth and justice will relate to how Laela grapples with the challenge of finding her guiding values.
#fantasy #metaphysical #teen #YA #comingofage,#spiritual #transcendence
Thanks for any assistance! Lisa

message 11: by Kali (new)

Kali Bell (kali_bell) | 6 comments Nicole wrote: "Hello everyone!

My name is Nicole and I have recently started my bookstagram at and actively reviewing here on Goodreads. I would really love to start making ..."

Hi Nicole, I know it's been a while since your post. I am about to launch my debut poetry/memoir book and wondering if this genre is in your field these days :) If so, please reach out to me here or on my IG

message 12: by marcymariereads (new)

marcymariereads Hi! Just joined Good reads! Let’s be friends:)

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