The Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi) discussion

Help Requests > Add a Series

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message 1: by Val (new)

Val Neil (valneil) | 3 comments My first book is out and I'm told only librarians can create a series. Can a librarian please create a new series called Fall of Magic and add Dark Apprentice to it? Thank you.

message 2: by Jessica (new)

Jessica Bell (jessica_bell) | 53 comments Mod
Done! :)

message 3: by Val (new)

Val Neil (valneil) | 3 comments Thanks!

message 4: by Jessica (new)

Jessica Bell (jessica_bell) | 53 comments Mod

message 5: by K.B. (new)

K.B. Alan | 3 comments Jessica, for more series requests, would you prefer we start a new thread, individually, or add to this one?

message 6: by Jessica (new)

Jessica Bell (jessica_bell) | 53 comments Mod
KB wrote: "Jessica, for more series requests, would you prefer we start a new thread, individually, or add to this one?"

Add to this one please, thanks!

message 7: by K.B. (new)

K.B. Alan | 3 comments Jessica wrote: "KB wrote: "Jessica, for more series requests, would you prefer we start a new thread, individually, or add to this one?"

Add to this one please, thanks!"

Thanks, Jessica!

Can you please add Perfect Temptation to the Perfect Fit series (Book 4)? And Coming Home (Book 1), Breaking Free (Book 2) and Finding Forever (Book 3) to the Fully Invested series (which does not exist yet)?

message 8: by Jessica (new)

Jessica Bell (jessica_bell) | 53 comments Mod
KB wrote: "Can you please add Perfect Temptation to the Perfect Fit series (Book 4)? And Coming Home (Book 1), Breaking Free (Book 2) and Finding Forever (Book 3) to the Fully Invested series (which does not exist yet)?"

Done. :)

message 9: by K.B. (new)

K.B. Alan | 3 comments Jessica wrote: "KB wrote: "Can you please add Perfect Temptation to the Perfect Fit series (Book 4)? And Coming Home (Book 1), Breaking Free (Book 2) and Finding Forever (Book 3) to the Fully Invested series (whic..."
Thank you so much!

message 10: by Eleanor (new)

Eleanor Dixon | 6 comments Hi, I would like to add a series too please. My books The Graceful Ghost and Ballet School Boys are books one and two of The Amberwood Hall Series. thank you!

message 11: by Jessica (new)

Jessica Bell (jessica_bell) | 53 comments Mod
All fixed.

Eleanor wrote: "Hi, I would like to add a series too please. My books The Graceful Ghost and Ballet School Boys are books one and two of The Amberwood Hall Series. thank you!"

message 12: by Eleanor (new)

Eleanor Dixon | 6 comments Wow! How superduper quick! thank you so much. Please can you tell me how to delete the extra editions of both these books? There should only be one of each - I tried to change The Graceful Ghost when I changed the cover (to tie in with Ballet School Boys) and now I seem to have four editions of that and two of Ballet School Boys. I'm not sure what I've done!

message 13: by Jessica (new)

Jessica Bell (jessica_bell) | 53 comments Mod
Hi Eleanor,

I'm afraid I can't remove editions. They are there for good. But you can change the default edition. The author has to do this I'm afraid. Instructions here:

Eleanor wrote: "Wow! How superduper quick! thank you so much. Please can you tell me how to delete the extra editions of both these books? There should only be one of each - I tried to change The Graceful Ghost wh..."

message 14: by Eleanor (new)

Eleanor Dixon | 6 comments Found it! Brilliant. Thank you, yet again! I'm very grateful.

message 15: by Jessica (new)

Jessica Bell (jessica_bell) | 53 comments Mod
A pleasure.

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