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Heart of the Talisaar
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message 1: by Joe (new) - rated it 5 stars

Joe Shephard | 8 comments

If you’re looking for an exciting, action-packed read this summer, then look no further! HEART OF THE TALISAAR is a tale full of complex characters, religious and political intrigue, epic battles, and fascinating civilisations. This debut sci-fi novel is available for FREE in Amazon Kindle format worldwide, from July 27th – 31st. Download now, and please leave a review.


The human colonies of the Talisaar are on their knees against the overwhelming might of the Qai’dinium. Kal’atora Kyrenapur—a disenfranchised war veteran seeking justice for his late father—is called back into action along with his allies when a plot’s uncovered, which could spell the end of us all.

Light-years away on Earth, Elspeth Tanner—a gifted young UN interpreter in New York—is devastated on learning of the murder of her best friend, Susan. However, Susan wasn’t who she claimed to be, and in a shocking revelation, the secrets she harboured will change Elspeth’s life forever.

Now, in a desperate move, Kyrenapur leads a covert team to reach Tanner before the Qai’dinium threat closes in. Worlds collide as they discover she may not only hold the key to Earth’s salvation but to that of the entire human race!

message 2: by Joe (new) - rated it 5 stars

Joe Shephard | 8 comments Hey everyone, Heart of the Talisaar was shortlisted by the panel at AllAuthor to be entered into the “Cover of the Month” competition. Please vote for mine here…AllAuthor

message 3: by Ryan (new)

Ryan Why did you go with 'Qai'dinium' and 'Kal'atora Kyrenapur'? Elspeth Tanner and Susan?

Your answer will determine whether I read, rate and review this. No pressure or anything :)

Nice cover!

message 4: by Joe (new) - rated it 5 stars

Joe Shephard | 8 comments Ryan wrote: "Why did you go with 'Qai'dinium' and 'Kal'atora Kyrenapur'? Elspeth Tanner and Susan?

Your answer will determine whether I read, rate and review this. No pressure or anything :)

Nice cover!"

Hi Ryan, thanks for the comment. Creating the names of the characters and the places in the story was one of the most fun and challenging parts of writing it. The majority of the proper nouns are derived from the names of people I've met or places I've been to. Kal'atora Kyrenapur was fairly tricky; his first name is shortened to Kal throughout most of the novel, but I tried to make the names readable, interesting, and alien in equal measure. In Oman, I met a doctor called Dr Kapour from India. Again, the same principle, I altered his name and created Kyrenapur, whose family originated from Northern India, in the story. The Qai’dinium represent the story's antagonists. I thought of Empire (which is very common) or Dominium. My friend came up with Qai'Shah as a title, like King, so Qai'Shah Varek Shokhan was born. Qai’dinium was an amalgamation of Dominion and Qai'Shah. Elspeth Tanner is an American from Nebraska with European ancestry who's a significant character in the grand scheme of things. In the story, I've tried to follow in the footsteps of the greats like Herbert and Tolkien by creating new religions and languages (at least in some small part) to make the tale seem more genuine. I hope I've done enough to convince you to read my book, and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Kind regards, Joe.

message 5: by Joe (new) - rated it 5 stars

Joe Shephard | 8 comments Hey everyone, Heart of the Talisaar is through to the second round of voting in the All Author “Cover of the Month” competition. Please vote for mine here…AllAuthor

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