Oprah's Book Club (Official) discussion

Becoming > New Teaser trailer

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message 1: by JCM (new)

JCM SEDNA | 52 comments Dare to look ? The Princess Warrior, Ascension Into the 5th Dimension


message 2: by JCM (new)

JCM SEDNA | 52 comments The Princess Warrior brings, magic, adventure, eastern philosophy and romance !! YA Genre

message 3: by K.D. (new)

K.D. Williams | 24 comments Great book trailer. I wish you great book sales to come.

message 4: by Derickate (new)

Derickate Oyesigye | 1 comments Hi everyone, am Derickate.
am new on this platform.

Thank you!

message 5: by Dr (new)

Dr Jasmine | 9 comments Yes, good luck, JCM!

Its a cool idea to make a visual trailer for your book :o))

Dr Jasmine

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