Nothing But Reading Challenges discussion


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message 1: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (last edited Oct 01, 2021 04:17AM) (new)

message 2: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

message 3: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

message 4: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

message 5: by Eni (last edited Nov 17, 2021 07:58AM) (new)

Eni | 2349 comments                               

Duration: 10 weeks. Beginning October 9th, 9pm UK time and ending December 16th, 9pm UK time.

Timezone check for the start of the challenge -

Important Links:
All About Wheel of Wheels (rules and announcements)
Spinning the Wheels - General Chat

Team Cher Official Spreadsheet -
Planning Spreadsheet -

Ranking Spreadsheet -

List of Books tagged as Spirituality.
List of Books tagged as Coming of Age.
List of Books tagged as Family.

Timezone Converter -

Start of the Challenge -
End of Round 1/Start Round 2 (9pm UK 23 October): -
End of Round 2/Start Round 3 (9pm UK 6 November): -
End of Round 3/Start Round 4 (9pm UK 20 November): -
End of Round 4/Start Round 5 (9pm UK 4 December): -
End of Round 5/End of the Challenge (9pm UK 18 December): -

message 6: by Eni (last edited Oct 09, 2021 10:42AM) (new)

Eni | 2349 comments


         October BOM
      House of Hollow, by Krystal Sutherland (YA BOM) - 16 Oct, 2021

         November BOM
      The Only Good Indians, by Stephen Graham Jones (Adult BOM) - 2 Nov, 2021
      The Left-Handed Booksellers of London, by Garth Nix (YA BOM) - 16 Nov, 2021

message 7: by Eni (last edited Nov 17, 2021 07:59AM) (new)

Eni | 2349 comments

Wheel Spins and Bonus
Each round lasts for two weeks.

          Round 1 - GOLDENROD - Bonus Points: wheel on the cover
          Round 2 - GHOST - Bonus Points: read books marked as Spirituality
          Round 3 - BACKPACKING - Bonus Points: read books marked as Coming of Age AND read books with a pink cover
          Round 4 - FAMILY - Bonus Points: read books marked as family AND read books with pink text on the cover
          Round 5 -

Point System
Books less than 160 pages = 0 points
Books between 160 and 1000 pages = 0.1 points/page
Books over 1000 pages = 100 points

Participating in BOM = 20 points
Writing a DQ set in BOM = 40 points

Bonus Points for Round 1: wheel on the cover = 5 points. Max of 5 diferent covers (only 1 wheel per cover counts) = 25 points

Bonus Points for Round 2: books marked as spirituality = 5 points. Max of 10 books = 50 points

Bonus Points for Round 3:
      books marked as Coming of Age = 5 points. Max of 10 books = 50 points
      books with a pink cover = 5 points. Max of 5 books = 25 points

Over-reading Penalty
If, as a team, you over-read compared to your sign-ups then a penalty will be applied to your page points

over-read Penalty

0-109% 1 * page points
110-124% 0.9 * page points
125-149% 0.8 * page points
150+% 0.75 * page points

message 8: by Eni (last edited Oct 01, 2021 10:42AM) (new)

Eni | 2349 comments

Helpful Hints:

      ⚑For Word Count
          160 pages or 40,000 words or 4 hours (as verified by Audible or Overdrive) is the minimum
          You can check word count on

     ⚑ Posting a link
          Option 1 - type < a href="insert link here"> my link text< /a> without the space before the first a, without the space before "my" and without the space before /a
          Option 2 - when you are writing a post, there's a small button over your comment box that says (some html is ok). Click there, select and copy the option that says link, paste it on your comment box and alter it.

     ⚑ Posting a picture on GR
          First you will need an image uploader. There are tons of them online. At this moment i use imgur. You register for an account and then find the button that says images or add images and start adding stuff :)
          After having the image uploader set up and an image uploaded you will have a screen similar to this:
(view spoiler)
          copy the direct link and paste it in your comments with the code
          < img src="insert link here" width="40" height="100" alt="description"/>
          without the space before the first i. The width and height, you can use it and tweak with the pic's size or you can just remove it all together. Same for the description. So a simpler version would look like:
          < img src="insert link here"/>
          without the space before the first i.

     ⚑ Finding a Book Genre
          Go to (GENRE should be the desired genre you are looking for: classics, horror, fantasy, etc) and then choose more popular GENRE books.
After selecting a book, just make sure that your desired genre is on the first page of genres

message 9: by Eni (last edited Oct 01, 2021 10:43AM) (new)

Eni | 2349 comments                               

Hello Team Cher and Welcome to the 6th edition of Wheel-a-Thon!

This section is going to have useful information regarding the challenge we are about to endure. If you have played Wheel-a-thon before, you can probably skip ahead. If you haven't played before please read on :)

WaT is a team challenge where every two weeks the mods spin a wheel and assign a word to each team. Then, for that round, you need to read as much as you can and spell-it-out the word you were given. We can spell as many words as we want.
It will start on the 9th of October so

**NO books may be STARTED for WaT until October 9th, 9pm UK time**


Captain/Co-Captain's Availability:
      Captain - Eni Timezone GMT+1 (same as London, UK). Available almost everyday from 10am to 5pm and after 10pm.
      Co-captain - Sammy Timezone GMT+1 (same as London, UK).

We are also always available through pm, so feel free to message us with any concerns/doubts/requests you have.

**Before posting any questions, please read the RULES**

If after reading the rules you still have questions, please follow the communication chain:

**Member --> Team Captain/Co-captains --> Mods**

This means that you can´t go over the captains/co-captains directly to the mods. The mods will be busy running and organizing the game and they can't answer every participating member's question.

If your profile is set to private, make sure you are friends with Moderators of NBRC and your captain/co-captains so that your books can be properly tracked on the spreadsheet.


Reporting Books Read
When posting a complete book, please let us know the following:
     Book Title
     Date read
     Number of pages
     if it is a BOM, did you write questions or just participated, and link to comments
     Characters Names


Last recomendation - HAVE FUN and let's kick some ass ;D

message 10: by Sammy (new)

Sammy (sammystarbuck) | 11107 comments r

message 11: by Sammy (new)

Sammy (sammystarbuck) | 11107 comments r

message 12: by Sammy (new)

Sammy (sammystarbuck) | 11107 comments r

message 13: by Sammy (last edited Oct 01, 2021 10:47AM) (new)

Sammy (sammystarbuck) | 11107 comments Hi team, I'm Sammy and I am your co-captain for this challenge. I see some familiar faces here, and have done a challenge or two with some of you (hey Kaley, long time no see, lol!), and look forward to getting to know the rest of you during the challenge.

A bit about me: I was born in Scotland to a Dutch father and a mother who was from a Scottish family but born in New Zealand. I now live in Leeds, england with my Yorkshire husband and our two not-so-little- kids (almost 19 and 22!). Basically, I'm a mongrel ;)

I read pretty much anything that isn't nailed down, though I'm not a huge fan of (contemporary) romance and YA, so those tend to feature less often than other genres.

Here on GR I'm known for posting "inspirational" images during challenges (I didn't during the last challenge for reasons, but am feeling back on form, lol). Naturally I don't want anyone to feel uncomfortable, so if anyone prefers not to see them (there will be nothing too OTT - everything within GR guidelines, and certainly nothing that you wouldn't find on a book cover), drop me a message and I'll put images behind a spoiler tag. By the same token, if you have favourites (or would like to see some ladies) that I seem to miss, sing out and I'll be very happy to provide.

So on that note, I thought that this challenge really called out for some pictures of wheels. so I found some ;)

message 14: by Alison (new)

Alison (a1ison74) | 2826 comments Hi all, I'm Alison.

I've taken part in a few team challenges but other than Wobble I don't think I've done Wheel before so I'm really looking forward to it.

I live in central Scotland and work from home as an accountant which is pretty much as dull as it sounds. I have a small evil cat called Harley and an idiot horse/money pit called Charlie.

I usually read a bit of anything but over the last 18 months it's been mostly contemporary/romcom and crime / thriller books as I haven't had the focus for much else. I'm probably less keen on historical and espionage genre wise although must admit I am currently listening to James Bond book On Her Majesty's Secret Service (which I absolutely did not choose due to David Tennant narrating).

I have no objection to the "inspirational" images Sammy. I'm feeling more motivated already

message 15: by Eni (new)

Eni | 2349 comments *waves*

Hi everyone! I'm Eni and I'm going to be your captain for this challenge!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me or Sammy either through a post or by a message.

If you like BOMs, be sure to vote for the November ones. The voting will end on October 5th. The link is on message 6.

A little bit about me: I'm 37, from Portugal. I usually go by Eni, but my real name is Catarina. I live with my beautiful little minion (who turned 9 about a month and a half ago), my sister Sonia and our 3 adorable furbabies (2 male cats and a female cat).

My favourite genres to read are usually Horror and Urban Fantasy. I can read other stuff, but my comfort reads are those two.

The last couple of years have not been easy, but I guess it's the same for everyone due to the world events. This however caused me to not read at all and miss out on NBRC team challenges (and UNO!) which made me very sad :( So i'm really excited to get back on the horse and start this Wheel-a-Thon with all of you!

message 16: by Eni (new)

Eni | 2349 comments Hi Alison. Welcome =)

message 17: by Preeti (last edited Oct 01, 2021 11:50AM) (new)

Preeti (preetisunaina) | 808 comments Hi, all. My name is Preeti and I am from India. I have lived all around India and in London but have now pretty much settled down in the city of Bangalore. I stopped counting the houses I have lived in after 40 (houses and age 😜)
I have taken part in a lot of team challenges but this is my first time with Wheels. I got to know about this challenge from Audrey who is also on this team.
I read pretty much everything and am willing to try any genre at least once.
Sammy, I love the images. I particularly love that you managed to add all my favourites.

message 18: by Kaley (new)

Kaley (kaleyamo) | 1860 comments So. Many. Marvel. Men.*chef's kiss*

Hi everyone! I'm Kaley. I've been in challenges before with a few of you (yes hi Sammy!!) and there are some new-to-me names too, so I'm excited to be doing this challenge with you all!

I live in the US in the state of Indiana with my husband, our two dogs Norm and Charlie (featured in my profile picture. Alison I love that we both have a Charlie!), and our cat Pippa (short for Pipsqueak not because of her size but because she is the mouthiest cat I've ever known).

I love a good romance and that's the majority of what I've read over the last year and a half or so. I occasionally mix in a mystery/thriller as well. I'm going to be reading some paranormal/supernatural type books in October but will be back to my regularly scheduled programming after that. What can I say, I'm a sucker for a book with a happy ending :)

message 19: by Eni (last edited Oct 01, 2021 11:39AM) (new)

Eni | 2349 comments Hi Preeti and Kaley. Welcome =)

If you have any questions about the game feel free to ask. We're here to help. Both me and Sammy are wheel veterans so we are very familiar with the game =) although this time it has a twist... we can't over read =p

message 20: by Sammy (new)

Sammy (sammystarbuck) | 11107 comments Hi everyone, and welcome aboard the fabulousness that is team Cher!

Glad I managed to get all your favourites Preeti, though there may be one or two from your part of the world making an appearance in the not-so-distant future... I have my favourites too! ;)

message 21: by Sammy (new)

Sammy (sammystarbuck) | 11107 comments Kaley wrote: "So. Many. Marvel. Men.*chef's kiss*"

And people still wonder why comic book movies are suddenly popular with so many females too, lol.

message 22: by Melindam (new)

Melindam | 6533 comments description

Hello Everyone,

I am Melinda and so excited to be on the most glamorous Wheel Team! :)
This will be my 3rd Wheel challenge, but I think I have met most of you at UNO/Tower Teams challenges as well.

I am from Hungary (GMT+2), living in a small lake town not far from Budapest with my husband and my 7-year-old son.

My preferred genres are the classics/fantasy/women's fiction/history, but I just as gladly grab a sci-fi or romance book when I'm in the mood or get a good recommendation.
Lately, I got hooked on audiobooks and try to listen to as many as possible.
Currently I am a stay-at-home mum, so during weekdays I can get quite a lot of reading/listening done while doing the household chores (aren't audiobooks a blessing!!). Weekends are a different matter. :)

message 23: by Melindam (last edited Oct 01, 2021 12:15PM) (new)

Melindam | 6533 comments Sammy wrote: "Hi team, I'm Sammy and I am your co-captain for this challenge. I see some familiar faces here, and have done a challenge or two with some of you (hey Kaley, long time no see, lol!), and look forwa..."

Bless you Sammy!

I so much appreaciate you including Tom H. on the wheels even though he's rather overdressed. :D

Oh, and talking about wheels, I got 2 books with wheels on the cover that also work for the spell-it-out in Round 1:

Harvest Moon (Virgin River, #13) by Robyn Carr and Nine Coaches Waiting by Mary Stewart

message 24: by Sammy (new)

Sammy (sammystarbuck) | 11107 comments Melindam wrote: "Sammy wrote: "Hi team, I'm Sammy and I am your co-captain for this challenge. I see some familiar faces here, and have done a challenge or two with some of you (hey Kaley, long time no see, lol!), ..."

He is a bit, though the man can wear a suit... ;)

message 25: by Melindam (new)

Melindam | 6533 comments Sammy wrote: He is a bit, though the man can wear a suit... ;)

Indeed he can! ;)

message 26: by Melindam (new)

Melindam | 6533 comments Here is the link to my shelf wheelathon_6

message 27: by Sammy (new)

Sammy (sammystarbuck) | 11107 comments Melindam wrote: "Here is the link to my shelf wheelathon_6"

Thank you :)

Could everybody else post their shelves too please?

message 28: by Audrey Jane (last edited Oct 01, 2021 01:17PM) (new)

Audrey Jane | 1713 comments Hello team! My name is Audrey (my mother was a Audrey Hepburn fan). I'm living in France though I'm Belgian from Flanders (Dutch speaking region). I have two cats, Mowgli and Tara, and work for a law firm as administrative assistant.

As I love history, my favourite genres are historical fiction/mystery but also enjoy thriller/crime/paranormal. That being said you might catch me reading a good old-fashioned trashy bodice ripper now and then though I will deny it...
When I'm not reading I'm probably watching Kdramas or British sitcoms/quiz shows.

I've participated to Wheel 2014 & 2015 and then RL happened so unfortunately had to skip the other wheels.
Nice to meet you all and looking forward to this team challenge :) ! As well as the free eye candy *wink wink*

My shelf: Wheelathon 2021

message 29: by Audrey Jane (new)

Audrey Jane | 1713 comments Preeti wrote: "Hi, all. My name is Preeti and I am from India. I have lived all around India and in London but have now pretty much settled down in the city of Bangalore. I stopped counting the houses I have live..."

Preeti, what are the odds :) Is the universe telling us something haha. Glad to be on the same team again.

message 30: by Sammy (new)

Sammy (sammystarbuck) | 11107 comments There are certainly worse people to be named after Audrey! I for one adore her too :)

Welcome aboard :)

message 31: by Audrey Jane (new)

Audrey Jane | 1713 comments Indeed :D Thanks, Sammy !

My Fair Lady is one of my favourite movies. I recently wachted an interview with her from 1988. She exudes pure class & elegance & kindness, she's absolutely mesmerizing.

message 32: by Elen (new)

Elen | 1220 comments Hello Teammates!! So excited to be on the BEST team!! And see quite a lot of familiar faces :)

A little bit about me: I'm Elen and I live in Estonia (GMT +3) with my old cat named Kити.
My preferred genres to read are Thriller/Mystery, Horror, and Fantasy. But I won't say no to sci-fi.

My shelf: wheel-vi-2021‎

message 33: by Sammy (new)

Sammy (sammystarbuck) | 11107 comments Hi Elen, great to be on a team with you again! :D

message 34: by Sammy (new)

Sammy (sammystarbuck) | 11107 comments Audrey Jane wrote: "Indeed :D Thanks, Sammy !

My Fair Lady is one of my favourite movies. I recently wachted an interview with her from 1988. She exudes pure class & elegance & kindness, she's absolutely mesmerizing."

I totally agree! The first person I think of when someone says the word elegance (the second being the original Eliza Doolittle, Julie Andrews!).

message 35: by Joanne (last edited Oct 01, 2021 04:20PM) (new)

Joanne Hi all, I'm Joanne from Canada (GMT-5) and glad to be back playing a reading challenge. I've done Wheel multiple times, as well as all the other hits from this group in the past (Tower Teams, Wobble, etc) but I've been in a major reading slump for... oh I dunno, about a year and a half now. I'm hoping for some motivation to get back into reading.

I've been mostly spending my free time watching TV (I've become a huge kdrama fan this past year) and playing video games (Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing, Zelda).

message 36: by Joanne (new)

Joanne Audrey Jane wrote: "Hello team! My name is Audrey (my mother was a Audrey Hepburn fan). I'm living in France though I'm Belgian from Flanders (Dutch speaking region). I have two cats, Mowgli and Tara, and work for a l..."

A fellow Kdrama fan! What are some of your favourites? My first ever was Crash Landing on You and it's still probably my fave, but I'm currently obsessed with Hometown Cha Cha Cha. I'm in love with Kim Seon-ho.

Laura..devouring books like crumpets (lauzacookie) | 502 comments hey all

looking forward to this challenge... Melinda recommended it (hi)

I'm 33 I'm from the isle of wight in the UK but after getting sweeped off my feet 14 years ago in kefalonia Greece by my now husband.... I decided to relocate been married 8 years now with two boys 6 and 4... currently trying to convince hubby we need a dog.... I just moved house yesterday so waiting for internet to be plugged in will get on my laptop and post shelf....

I mainly read paranormal/fantasy dark and contemporary romances

can't stand regency...

look for forward to playing!

message 39: by Melindam (new)

Melindam | 6533 comments Hi Laura!

So nice to be teamies again! :)

message 40: by Melindam (new)

Melindam | 6533 comments @Audrey - my favourite A.H. film is Breakfast at Tiffany's

@Joanne & Audrey - am very ignorant when it comes to TV and need to check what KDrama is.

message 41: by Preeti (new)

Preeti (preetisunaina) | 808 comments Hi, Audrey👋🏻 Thanks for letting me know about this challenge. I kind of asked the mods to "please pretty please" put me on the same team as at least one of the two people I know who is taking part in this challenge. 😊
My favourite Audrey Hepburn movies are Charade and How to Steal a Million, though there is not a single one of her other movies that I don't like. I watch these two at least once every year.

I have been meaning to watch KDramas particularly since a lot of the apps have started showing them here in India but have no clue where to start. Maybe Melindam and I need to get some advice from you.

message 42: by Sammy (new)

Sammy (sammystarbuck) | 11107 comments Welcome aboard ladies!

message 43: by Kaley (new)

Kaley (kaleyamo) | 1860 comments Here's my shelf: nbrc-wheel6

My time zone is GMT -4, but I think that will change temporarily here with the time change coming up, since it looks like most of Europe changes their clocks about a week before I will here in North America.

I don't think I've ever seen an Audrey Hepbern movie . . . but I have of course heard of her. What a great person to be named after! My mom told me once that my grandpa used to have a dog named Kaley . . . (although she swears I wasn't named after the dog haha)

message 44: by Sammy (new)

Sammy (sammystarbuck) | 11107 comments I adore Audrey in 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' too, though I wasn't at all fond of the book. Holly is such a horrible person in that!

I'm also very fond of 'Roman Holiday' and 'Sabrina'.

Laura..devouring books like crumpets (lauzacookie) | 502 comments sorry Melindam predictive text re Named you Melinda sodding phone...

I love the moon River song... from BAT

Laura..devouring books like crumpets (lauzacookie) | 502 comments Sabrina has to be my all time fave with Audrey Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart

message 47: by Melindam (new)

Melindam | 6533 comments Melinda's just fine! :) The 2nd M is actually from my last name

Laura..devouring books like crumpets (lauzacookie) | 502 comments lol that's ok then x

strike Sabrina I totally forgot my fair lady.... I love that film

message 49: by Preeti (new)

Preeti (preetisunaina) | 808 comments Before I forget yet again... my shelf - wheel-a-thon-6-nbrc‎

message 50: by Audrey Jane (new)

Audrey Jane | 1713 comments @Preeti: those are good ones as well. They recently broadcasted 'How to Steal a Million' on french tv. I never watched it before that and really enjoyed it :)

In 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' the cat scene always gets me. But love the Moon river song too.

I concur with 'Sabrina'. Watched the remake with Harrison Ford as well but prefer the original.

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