Nothing But Reading Challenges discussion

Wheel-a-Thon 6 - Wheel of Wheels > Team Cinderella's Fairy Godmother

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message 1: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (last edited Nov 09, 2021 02:40AM) (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod
Team Cinderella's Fairy Godmother

Challenge Status Sheet:
Team Sheet:

Paula (Captain)
Andrea (Co-Captain)
Christina (Co-Captain)

(view spoiler)

message 2: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

message 3: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

message 4: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

message 5: by Paula (last edited Oct 04, 2021 12:19PM) (new)

Paula Reyes Wagner (paurw) | 1054 comments Tracking Spreadsheet

All About Wheelaton VI

About this Challenge
◈ Starts on 9 October and runs for 10 weeks (ending 16 December)
◈ The start / end time for each round will be 9pm UK time
◈ The team with the highest points at the end of the game wins!
◈ Each fortnight the mods will “spin the wheel" and assign each team a word
◈ The team's task is to read books to spell out the word, gaining points per letter tiered by the book length (see below)
◈ Once teams have read their word for the week they can "re-read" the word to gain more letter points.
◈ Only one incomplete spell-out is allowed.
◈ Only books STARTED after the challenge begins can count
◈ Books must be at least 160 pages in length.

Point System
◈ Books less than 160 pages = 0 points
◈ Books between 160 and 1000 pages = 0.1 points/page
◈ Books over 1000 pages = 100 points
(points will be rounded up/down from 0.5 as per standard maths)

Over Reading Penalties
If, as a team, you over-read compared to your sign-ups then a penalty will be applied to your page points
over-read Penalty
0-109% 1 * page points
110-124% 0.9 * page points
125-149% 0.8 * page points
150+% 0.75 *page points

message 6: by Paula (last edited Oct 08, 2021 06:39AM) (new)

message 7: by Paula (new)

Paula Reyes Wagner (paurw) | 1054 comments R

message 8: by Christina (last edited Nov 07, 2021 03:08PM) (new)

Christina (chrissy__) | 2754 comments


» House of Hollow by Krystal Sutherland | Discussion | Oct 16-Nov 16

» The Only Good Indians by Stephen Graham Jones | Discussion | Nov 2-Dec 2
» The Lost Girls by J.R. Hogan | Discussion | Nov 9-Dec 9
» The Left-Handed Booksellers of London by Garth Nix | Discussion | Nov 16-Dec 16

» The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid | Discussion | Dec 2-Dec 16

BOM Points
◈ 40 points for writing a discussion question set
◈ 20 points for participating in the discussion

message 9: by Christina (last edited Nov 07, 2021 03:13PM) (new)

Christina (chrissy__) | 2754 comments Wheel Spins:

Round 1 (Oct 9-Oct 23) - SCARLET - Bonus Points: wheel on the cover (need 5)
Round 2 (Oct 23-Nov 6) - GRIM REAPER - Bonus Points: Urban Fantasy tag (10)
Round 3 (Nov 6-Nov 20) - ROCKY MOUNTAINS - Bonus Points: LGBT tag (10) + white covers (5)
Round 4 -
Round 5 -


message 10: by Andrea (new)

Andrea (pilaryk2) | 182 comments Res

message 11: by Andrea (new)

Andrea (pilaryk2) | 182 comments Res

message 12: by Paula (new)

Paula Reyes Wagner (paurw) | 1054 comments Hello everyone and welcome to Wheel-a-ton!!

I'm Paula, from Chile, I'm 31 y-o and I'm a chemical engineer working on mining and environmental consultancy 😬 the end of a month is always crazy at work, so I'm sorry I couldn't post earlier.

With Andrea and Christina we'll be captains of our team for this challenge. Tell us about yourself, have you played before?

message 13: by CB (new)

CB (cb33) | 311 comments Hi Team! I’m CB, and I live in Northeast Ohio. I’m in the financial industry, and am into activities like yoga and biking.

This will be my first Wheel-A-Thon challenge and I am excited for this to begin. 😁

message 14: by Dawn (last edited Oct 03, 2021 12:41PM) (new)

Dawn | 302 comments Hi team- love the team name!

This is my first Wheel-a-Thon challenge but I think I am starting to get the reading challenge bug, after completing UNO and Towers challenge earlier in the year.

I work in electrical manufacturing industry and love to read a wide array of genres, from YA to fantasy and Historical romance. Every so often I'll break it up with a good thriller read :)

My bookshelf for this challenge is Wheel-a-thon6-21

message 15: by Tory (new)

Tory Hendershot (nghtstlkr64) | 240 comments Hi all. I'm Tory from Michigan. I work at a greenhouse, so this time of year is pretty slow.

I've participated in Wheel-a-thon before, though I don't remember exactly which ones. They were fun! I always enjoy the team challenges even though I'm a pretty slow reader and always feel like I'm slacking :P Looking forward to this one.

message 16: by Lulu (last edited Oct 04, 2021 03:16PM) (new)

Lulu (lulufritz) | 285 comments Hi everyone!!
I am Lulu and I am in Florida. I have participated in Wheel before but it has been a while. I did Uno and Towers earlier this year also. I am excited to read with you all. I read a lot of romance and fantasy but will try most anything

my shelf

message 17: by Andrea (new)

Andrea (pilaryk2) | 182 comments Hello everyone!

My name is Andrea, I am from Colombia and I will be helping out Paula and Christina as a co-captain. I am also a Chemical Engineer and I work in an engineering design company.
I haven't participated in Wheel before but I participated in UNO and Towers earlier this year.
I mostly read Fantasy, Sci-fi and fiction but I am open to try different genres.

I am looking forward to playing alongside all of you!

message 18: by Christina (new)

Christina (chrissy__) | 2754 comments Hey everyone, welcome to team CFG ✨

I'm Christina (she/her) , one of the co-captains, and I live in Austria (GMT+2/1). I've been doing lots of team challenges over the last couple of years and I'm kind of obsessed; once you start there's no way out. So @ the newbies, I hope you know what you're getting yourself into :D

My favourite genres are mystery/thriller and contemporary but I do throw some other stuff in there as well, especially to fill specific prompts or to join in BOM discussions for extra points :)

All important information will be posted above (in the reserved messages) in the next couple of days so it'll be easier to find and to have a better overview.

Here's my wheel shelf:

message 19: by Bookworm_gem (new)

Bookworm_gem  (gembear) | 298 comments Hi everyone,

I'm Gemma, from the UK.
Favourite genre is mainly thrillers but I'm open to most things :)

I have played wheel a couple of times previously and looking forward to starting soon!


message 20: by Bookworm_gem (new)

Bookworm_gem  (gembear) | 298 comments Tory wrote: "Hi all. I'm Tory from Michigan. I work at a greenhouse, so this time of year is pretty slow.

I've participated in Wheel-a-thon before, though I don't remember exactly which ones. They were fun! I ..."

Hi Tory...I always feel like that too....for every 1 book i read everyone else seems to manage 5 LOL

message 21: by Christina (new)

Christina (chrissy__) | 2754 comments Gemma wrote: "Tory wrote: "Hi all. I'm Tory from Michigan. I work at a greenhouse, so this time of year is pretty slow."

Hi Tory...I always feel like that too....for every 1 book i read everyone else seems to manage 5 LOL"

haha don't worry about that y'all, there's quite a bunch of us who "only" signed up for 4-5 books a month, me included. Small numbers do add up quite nicely too :) and of course we have some bigger readers as well so I don't think we should have any problems getting to our 66 pledged books each round /fortnight as a team :)

message 22: by Renata (new)

Renata Silveira | 87 comments Hello!

I'm Renata, I am from Brazil (GMT -3) and this will be my second team challenge. I joined TT8, it was fun and I've read a loooot, so I was anxiously expecting a new challenge.
The days before TT8 had started I felt conflicted, didn't want to start a book and then realise it would've been perfect for a task, so for Wheel, I've been enjoying this period reading some stuff that doesn't fit the requirements, like graphic novels and short books. I'm also trying to clean my currently reading shelf, there are books there that I started reading in may!!😱
Anyway, I'll be eager to read new books when the time comes!
My shelf

message 23: by Christina (new)

Christina (chrissy__) | 2754 comments Hi Renata!

Good idea to be cleaning /finishing up your currently reading shelves, that's generally a good tip.
Don't forget that books to count for wheel have to be started on October 9 or later, everyone! (will post a countdown for the exact time when I'm back on my laptop later)

message 24: by Michelle (new)

Michelle | 3330 comments Hi Everyone..I'm Michelle and I'm from the Central New York area or upstate as some people call it. I work part time in the accounting office of a major grocery store chain. I work nights and sometimes weekends. I've done several of the wheel a thon challenges in the past. I read most anything except for memoirs and biographies...or anything about clowns...

message 25: by Shan ~A~ (new)

Shan ~A~ (thebookglutton) | 822 comments Hi all. Shan here (I changed it to Shan~A~ on my profile when someone else was bopping around with the same name).

Work full time in Human Resources. I commute so it makes for longer days, which is one of the reasons I'm just logging on to say check in..

As for reading preferences, it's mostly romance, but I will read almost any other genre, except for true westerns (this does not include romance set in the west).

Anyway, I'm excited and can't wait to get started.

I'll come back before we start to read through all of the messages before mine.

message 26: by Colleen (new)

Colleen  | 238 comments Hi everyone! I love the team name as well.

This is my third Wheel - also do Uno & Tower Teams. I'll read pretty much anything (put down 5 books/month so can hopefully keep to that and not get slow as I tend to do sometimes - and I never quit a book either, haven't allowed myself to do so yet.

I live in Lakeville, MN, USA (CST) and hoping for some good titles over the next few months - and can't to see what you all are up to reading. I do one audiobook and one print at the same time so that ups my reading numbers - audio is a fairly new thing for me but glad I was able to get into it. I do have to concentrate on the narrator however.

I'll be finishing up my print book shortly and will start another one on 10/9. I also need to finish my current audio so will focus on that one and possibly getting another one going also after the start date.

So looking forward to reading with you all! :)

message 27: by Dawn (new)

Dawn | 302 comments Do we have mood readers or strategic book planners in the team? :) I tend to over plan but try to select different genres to keep it fresh!

message 28: by CB (last edited Oct 05, 2021 04:14PM) (new)

CB (cb33) | 311 comments Dawn wrote: "Do we have mood readers or strategic book planners in the team? :) I tend to over plan but try to select different genres to keep it fresh!"

That’s an interesting question - I think I’m more of a “mood” reader 😁 - although as part of a challenge I’ll generally have a few books earmarked to plan to read.

message 29: by Christina (last edited Oct 05, 2021 06:43PM) (new)

Christina (chrissy__) | 2754 comments Woohoo, we're all checked in and accounted for 🎉 proud of you, team!

We do have a planning spreadsheet which is also linked above where everyone can claim letters and add their planned or finished books (I already added the BOM, my first planned book, as an example)

If you don't like using spreadsheets and prefer to share your finished books in a completion post, please do so in this format and we'll find the perfect spot for your book:
‣ Book Title
‣ Read Date
‣ Pages
‣ How it fits (please list all letters it works for in this round)
‣ (BOM links or other bonus points?)

Please remember that when you shelf your book it has to be the edition you read.

And in case you haven't seen it yet, our first word is SCARLET :)

Happy planning y'all!

message 30: by Christina (new)

Christina (chrissy__) | 2754 comments As promised the countdown to the start of the challenge

And for an easier overview:

October 9
9pm London
10pm Paris
4pm New York
3pm Dallas
1pm San Francisco

message 31: by Michelle (new)

Michelle | 3330 comments Dawn wrote: "Do we have mood readers or strategic book planners in the team? :) I tend to over plan but try to select different genres to keep it fresh!"

Because I do so many challenges, I'm a book planner.

message 32: by Bookworm_gem (new)

Bookworm_gem  (gembear) | 298 comments I've added my first planned book :)

message 33: by Christina (last edited Oct 06, 2021 04:30AM) (new)

Christina (chrissy__) | 2754 comments Dawn wrote: "Do we have mood readers or strategic book planners in the team? :) I tend to over plan but try to select different genres to keep it fresh!"

I do slightly plan what to read, but I am generally more of a mood reader. At the moment I'm just trying to save some books that'd work for I's and Q's as we don't have a need for them this round, but hopefully soon lol.

message 34: by Christina (new)

Christina (chrissy__) | 2754 comments Has anybody come across books with a wheel on the cover that they plan to read in the next two weeks? 👀

I can really recommend The House in the Cerulean Sea which has a tiny bus with even tinier wheels on the cover :D

message 35: by Andrea (new)

Andrea (pilaryk2) | 182 comments Dawn wrote: "Do we have mood readers or strategic book planners in the team? :) I tend to over plan but try to select different genres to keep it fresh!"

I am usually a mood reader but when I am in participating in challenges I like planning a little bit ahead. I am usually looking for books that fit more than one challenge at once.

message 36: by Andrea (new)

Andrea (pilaryk2) | 182 comments Christina wrote: "Has anybody come across books with a wheel on the cover that they plan to read in the next two weeks? 👀

I can really recommend The House in the Cerulean Sea which has a tiny bus wi..."

I have added my first book for the challenge: The City Beautiful. It has a Ferris wheel on the cover, so we can start taking those bonus points.

I second Christina's recommendation for The House in the Cerulean Sea, it is a sweet book, it leaves you off with a smile on your face =)

message 37: by Michelle (new)

Michelle | 3330 comments I can take a wheel on the cover as well.

message 38: by Dawn (new)

Dawn | 302 comments Christina wrote: "Has anybody come across books with a wheel on the cover that they plan to read in the next two weeks? 👀

I can really recommend The House in the Cerulean Sea which has a tiny bus wi..."

Managed to get the audio version with a cheeky 2credits for 1 offer so can use that for L!

Thanks for the recommendation both :)

message 39: by Dawn (new)

Dawn | 302 comments I've added 2 books to the tracker, the recommended House on the Cerulean Sea and the BOM participation :)

I am also a mood reader but to tend to hoard books that would work well for certain challenges, such as the obscure bright yellow covers or odd letters like Q or Z !

message 40: by Christina (new)

Christina (chrissy__) | 2754 comments Oh my gosh, color covers! I tend to save those as well, even ones that are barely asked for like the orange version of The Stepford Wives I got a couple of years ago lol! Still haven't read it!

message 41: by CB (new)

CB (cb33) | 311 comments I have a book with a bicycle wheel on it that I was planning to read as part of this round as well.

message 42: by Colleen (new)

Colleen  | 238 comments I LOVED House in the Cerulean Sea - great book on audio. *Chauncy* was sooooo cute!

I've signed up for an S - and we're almost a go!

message 43: by Paula (new)

Paula Reyes Wagner (paurw) | 1054 comments Hello! I was away from my house for work the last 3 days, but now I'm back, thanks Christina for setting things up. In my first post is the link to our planning spreadsheet, I'll start planning for myself tonight 🤩

message 44: by Lulu (new)

Lulu (lulufritz) | 285 comments Dawn wrote: "Do we have mood readers or strategic book planners in the team? :) I tend to over plan but try to select different genres to keep it fresh!"

I plan and usually start of pretty well but end up mood reading every time.

message 46: by Christina (new)

Christina (chrissy__) | 2754 comments Only one more day to go!!!

Has everybody finished their last reads already and is (almost) ready to start with wheel? What's your first book gonna be?! :) (I still haven't decided lol)

message 47: by CB (new)

CB (cb33) | 311 comments I think I’m going to read Mercenary by Jennifer Blackstream first. There also happens to be a military Jeep on the cover, with a tire showing, so that will also work for wheel

message 48: by Michelle (new)

Michelle | 3330 comments I'm going with Secrets of the Amish Diary first because there is a wheel on the cover. If we need another wheel I will go with Deadland.

After that I will adjust my reads to what we will need.

message 49: by Shan ~A~ (new)

Shan ~A~ (thebookglutton) | 822 comments Each team has been broadly balanced for reading levels based on your sign-ups. If, as a team, you over-read compared to your sign-ups then a penalty will be applied to your page points

What is the number that will have at the penalty phase?

message 50: by Andrea (last edited Oct 09, 2021 06:30AM) (new)

Andrea (pilaryk2) | 182 comments I'm pretty sure it is the number specified on the cell "# of books target" located on the summary tab in the Team sheet:

In this case is: 66

I will double check just in case.

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