Teen Girls Book Club discussion

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Moderators & Management > Moderator Applications

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message 1: by ~ameliaclaire~, Co-President (new)

~ameliaclaire~ (ameliaclaire20) | 353 comments Mod
If you are interested in becoming a moderator on this group, please answer the following questions:

#1 Name?
#2 Age?
#3 What would you contribute to this group?
#4 Are you a mod on other groups, and if so how many and which groups?
#5 On average how often are you on goodreads a week?
#6 What is your reading goal for this year and how many books have you read?

message 2: by ݁⋆๋⊹Amber⊹ ݁ ˖, Games and Challenges Manager (last edited Oct 26, 2021 12:57PM) (new)

݁⋆๋⊹Amber⊹ ݁ ˖ | 1447 comments Mod
Hello! :D

I'm honored to be considered as an option for a mod.
Here are my answers for if I get picked.

1~ Amber C.

2~ 13. (I'll be 14 in March.)

3~ I would contribute my opinions on books, and If necessary I could come up with more ideas for games and topics and things using inspiration from other groups I'm in.

4~ I'm not currently a moderator in any other groups, sadly, so no.

5~ At least 5 days a week, (but usually only in the afternoon.)

6~ I don't have a set goal, but I'd like to read at least probably about 20 more books this year, considering how much time I have, with schoolwork and everything. I'm not sure how many books I've read this year, since I just started actively using GR in like August, but maybe around 50? Probably more. Sometimes I read so much I forget which books I've read, and which ones I haven't. Like, I'm certain I've read more than the 180 on my read list. I tend to read a whole lot more in the summer. During the school year, I can finish more or less 1 book a week, and over the summer I was doing more or less 1 book a day. (Depending on the book and on my mood of course.) But, during the school year, I'm more active on GR because I have to be on my computer for some school stuff. Whereas in the summer I spend all my free time reading. And sleeping.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing the results!

message 3: by Ayathma (last edited Oct 26, 2021 11:58PM) (new)

Ayathma | 133 comments #1 Name?
#2 Age?
11 - 15
#3 What would you contribute to this group?
Challenges, games and polls or anything i can. Anyway I like to hep each another
#4 Are you a mod on other groups, and if so how many and which groups?
I'm a mod in 14 groups ( if I counted without inactive groups its 12)
Let's read, An ambivert's bookclub, The epic readers, Flipping throught pages, Middle bay academ for girls and boys, Fluorescent Readers, Bookish worms, The Booked Teens, Confessions of reading freak, DreamWorks academy, Ever After High, Dork diaries future generation RP, Dumbledore's Army, rainbow magic, Songs Academy ( Fans club )

The most popular group is bookish worms ( have 604 M )
#5 On average how often are you on goodreads a week?
A lot
#6 What is your reading goal for this year and how many books have you read?
Actually I started continued doing the challenge in July, my goal is to passes 108 books. currently I read 64 from 108

message 4: by Ayathma (new)

Ayathma | 133 comments #1 Name?
#2 Age?
11 - 15
#3 What would you contribute to this group?
I'm just filling out an application for the Social media platforms.
#4 Are you a mod on other groups, and if so how many and which groups?
I'm a mod in 14 groups ( if I counted without inactive groups its 12)
Let's read, An ambivert's bookclub, The epic readers, Flipping throught pages, Middle bay academ for girls and boys, Fluorescent Readers, Bookish worms, The Booked Teens, Confessions of reading freak, DreamWorks academy, Ever After High, Dork diaries future generation RP, Dumbledore's Army, rainbow magic, Songs Academy ( Fans club )
#5 On average how often are you on goodreads a week?
A lot
#6 What is your reading goal for this year and how many books have you read?
120 I already completed it now.

But the thing is I can't do Facebook, twitter
I'm not allow to use those
I can old use Pinterest and YouTube
And I have lot of experienced of YouTube channels


message 5: by :D o y i n :D (CURRENTLY OBSESSED WITH AOT iykyk) (last edited Nov 12, 2021 02:06PM) (new)

:D o y i n :D (CURRENTLY OBSESSED WITH AOT iykyk) | 43 comments #1 Name?

Hi Im Oyin

#2 Age?

Just turned 13

#3 What would you contribute to this group?

I am applying for the Social Media mod job but if you take other jobs I would love to be the BOTM or Readathons and Challenges. I can contribute my skills as a tech savvy person and also my people skills because im pretty good with people. Lastly my reading skills and book skills obviously lol

#4 Are you a mod on other groups, and if so how many and which groups?

Yes, I am a mod in about 20+ groups. The groups are A Bookish Adventure, The Bookie Cookies, The Sleep Deprived Bibliophiles, The Garden of books, I got no shelf control, Book Birds, Book Nerds Unite, Book Club Reads, Adventures in bookland, The next chapter, KOTLC, and a lot more.

#5 On average how often are you on goodreads a week?


#6 What is your reading goal for this year and how many books have you read?

My reading goal is 500 books and I have read about 300 books but on Goodreads is says 230 something. I just did not want to put all the books yet.

Thank you so much for this opportunity. I just want to say it is an honor to be here. I know I am a new member but this community is amazing and I feel so welcome here <3
Good Luck to everyone!!

message 6: by ~ameliaclaire~, Co-President (last edited Nov 14, 2021 04:56PM) (new)

~ameliaclaire~ (ameliaclaire20) | 353 comments Mod
And the head of social media is!!!......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Ayathma!!!

message 8: by Kayla (new)

Kayla | 67 comments Will there ever be a new application for more mod opportunities?

message 9: by ~ameliaclaire~, Co-President (new)

~ameliaclaire~ (ameliaclaire20) | 353 comments Mod
Yes, there will be eventually new spots opening up, whenever a mod becomes inactive, there mod spot will be given up and we will open up applications again.

message 10: by EdenB15, General Manager (new)

EdenB15 | 636 comments Mod

message 11: by Emma (new)

Emma #1 Emma
#2 Age 15
#3 I’m hoping to contribute to daily polls! I feel like I could be do pretty well in this position because I love getting to know people and seeing daily polls helps a lot with that!
#4 I am not a mod in other groups, I’m only in this group and one other because I want to be able to give a lot of attention to the groups I am currently in.
#5 I am on Goodreads maybe once or twice a week when I finish a book but if I had something specific to do I would be on here so much more!
#6 My goal for this 2022 is 100 books but I’m hoping to surpass that! I’ve been an avid reader since I was little. So far this year since we’re only 3 days in, I’ve already finished 1 book.

message 12: by Avery (new)

Avery P | 1 comments i’m applying for the weekly announcement manager
1. Avery
2. 13 (turning 14 in march)
3.i would contribute ideas, book recommendations, my opinion (being respectful), and would make sure everything was running smoothly!

4.i’m a mod for 3 discord servers. and this is my first good reads mod application.
5. i’m on here about every 1-2ish days
6.250 books and i’ve read 3 (i need to update this)
thank you for considering me for the position!!

message 13: by EdenB15, General Manager (new)

EdenB15 | 636 comments Mod
3. I would contribute book recs and ideas for new challenges
4. I’ve never been one but would love 2
5. On almost everyday
6. 100 books Altho will probably go over. I’ve already read 1.5 books this year and aiming to have 3/4 done this week

message 14: by EdenB15, General Manager (new)

EdenB15 | 636 comments Mod
I’m also applying for daily polls manager

message 15: by [deleted user] (last edited Jan 03, 2022 03:09PM) (new)

Weekly Announcements Manager
Name? Tay’Landria/ Thalia/Tayte
#2 Age? 14
#3 What would you contribute to this group? Getting members to read more and getting them to be more active in the group
#4 Are you a mod on other groups, and if so how many and which groups? Three groups, books and tears,Between the Lines
#5 On average how often are you on goodreads a week? Everyday from from 6 am to 4 am mainly but to be honest I’m on all day.
#6 What is your reading goal for this year and how many books have you read? 200 books and I’ve read two books so far.

message 16: by ~ameliaclaire~, Co-President (new)

~ameliaclaire~ (ameliaclaire20) | 353 comments Mod
Thalia, what position are you applying for?

message 17: by [deleted user] (last edited Jan 03, 2022 03:08PM) (new)

Weekly Announcements Manager

message 18: by [deleted user] (new)

Oh it’s saddens me to learn that TAFAL has ended

message 19: by :D o y i n :D (CURRENTLY OBSESSED WITH AOT iykyk) (last edited Jan 04, 2022 12:50PM) (new)

:D o y i n :D (CURRENTLY OBSESSED WITH AOT iykyk) | 43 comments I will be applying for the Buddy Reads Manager
#1 Name?
#2 Age?
#3 What would you contribute to this group?
If I am chosen for the position, I would contribute activeness and I would be able to make people read more and even join members in buddy reads if needed. Honestly I think I would be able to invest a lot in this group and i am willing too because I really enjoy this group of amazing young women
#4 Are you a mod on other groups, and if so how many and which groups?
Yes, I am a mod in about 20+ groups. The groups are A Bookish Adventure, The Bookie Cookies, The Sleep Deprived Bibliophiles, The Garden of books, I got no shelf control, Book Birds, Book Nerds Unite, Book Club Reads, Adventures in bookland, The next chapter, KOTLC, and a lot more.
#5 On average how often are you on goodreads a week?
Every single day!! about 10 hours on weekdays and about 20+ hours on weekends
#6 What is your reading goal for this year and how many books have you read?
I'm not really sure but since I surpassed 700 books last year I think I might start there and currently I am reading about 3 books right now

Thank you so much for this opportunity!! If I am chosen I will not let you guys down :)

message 20: by ~ameliaclaire~, Co-President (new)

~ameliaclaire~ (ameliaclaire20) | 353 comments Mod
Yeah, me too Thalia, but nobody is actve on it anymore

message 21: by [deleted user] (new)

I would be interested in the position of Daily Polls Manager.
I have so many ideas for questions that would be simple and fun. It would also help everyone to get to know each other. I am also really dedicated and would make sure to post the poll every day.
I am currently not a mod in any groups. Although I would like to!
I try to be on every day for at least 20 minutes. More on the weekends.
My goal for this year is 50 books. I am currently reading 2 books. My shelves look empty because I can never remember to update them.

message 22: by Sophie (new)

Sophie (yourlocalballerinabookworm) | 1 comments I'm interested in whatever position, I don't mind.
1- Name
2- Age
11-14 (don't necessarily want to say my exact age online)
3-contirbute to the group?
hopefully some new members, and a sense of positivity! I've been looking for ways to spread joy (and the good news of Christ) in a way outside of school, so I'm interested in doing this for that!
4- are you a mod on any other groups?
no, this would be my first time :).
5- On average, how often are you on goodreads?
According to my screen time, probably around 25-30 minutes a day, sometimes more. I can find time every day to do whatever my duties as moderator should I be accepted into the position, although sometimes I won't be as active as others might be on standard group activities.
6- what is your reading goal for this year and how many books have you read?
my reading goal for this year is 40, and while I haven't completed any books yet, I'm working on reading the Book Thief and The Hawthorne Legacy as well as starting a buddy read of Siege and Storm on the fifth.
thank you for reading my application!

message 23: by Emma (new)

Emma Can you apply for more than one spot?

message 24: by Sophie (new)

Sophie (bookblogger20) | 7 comments I'm interested in the Daily Poll manager!
1. My name is Sophie
2. My age is 17
3. I would contribute to discussion of books, I'm going to university later this year to study English so I will never get bored of discussing great literature. I read basically every genre excluding horror unless I'm feeling brave! Anyway I can contribute I will - I just love books and helping others find the right books. There's a book for everyone!
4. I'm not currently a moderator in any other groups :(
5. Hard to say because I go on for short periods of time consistently throughout the day, so I really couldn't make an estimate. But defo for half an hour at least if I'm writing a review
6. 50 books this year. I wanted to aim for 100 but with exam season coming up, I didn't want to turn reading into a chore. Not that I think it would have but it would've been added stress that I didn't need. I read 88 in 2021 so I'm fairly confident I could do 50 again because I've already read 1 book this year. That might be because I've been reading 4 books at the same time but 1 book for the 4th January is an achievement to me!

message 25: by Emma (new)

Emma I applied for Daily Poll Manager but just in case I also wanted to apply for Weekly Announcement Manager! I didn’t know if this was allowed but I decided to go for it anyway, I hope that’s okay.
#1 Emma
#2 Age 15
#3 I feel like I could contribute a lot! I always try to check out all the groups and read the announcements and I would love to help in any way I can.
#4 I am not a mod in any other groups
#5 I used to be on once or twice a week but I’ve been getting on more often and open Goodreads whenever I get a notification. I have lots of free time so if I had something to help with on here I would be on everyday if needed.
#6 My goal is for 100 books this year.

message 26: by ~ameliaclaire~, Co-President (new)

~ameliaclaire~ (ameliaclaire20) | 353 comments Mod
Thanks you for applying! And yes, applying for multiple positions is allowed!

message 27: by [deleted user] (new)

Applying for Buddy Reads Manger

#1 Name - Sav

#2 Age - 15

#3 What would you contribute to this group?

I could help with new ideas and organization, able to work often because I'm on here usually about 5-8 hours (Ik, Ik way too often)

#4 Are you a mod on other groups, and if so how many and which groups?

Readers Book Club
The Booked Teens
Between the Lines
The Superior HP RP

#5 On average how often are you on goodreads a week?

7 days a week, 5-8 hours a day.

#6 What is your reading goal for this year and how many books have you read?

I have a reading goal of 250 and I haven't read any yet. I've been busy :)

message 28: by ikallam (new)

ikallam (bookcatforlife) OOOPS THATS MY DRAFT IGNORE THAT PLZ🥲🥲

message 29: by Emma (new)

Emma RIP 😂😂😂

message 30: by ikallam (new)

ikallam (bookcatforlife) 1. Mallaki

2. Turning 13 August, 4

3. I have great ideas and love having converssations ;)) i can be pretty crative and i like orginizing

4. Nope

5. Im on it daily , but not during school. I honestly try to stay along time bec of hw

6. 400 so far read only 3🤣🤣im that busy lul
Last yr mine was 358 i think and i finshed it 😁😁

message 31: by ikallam (new)

ikallam (bookcatforlife) Lul i delted it i forgot i can do that 🥲🥲🤣🤣

message 32: by ~ameliaclaire~, Co-President (new)

~ameliaclaire~ (ameliaclaire20) | 353 comments Mod
Why position are you applying for?

message 33: by ikallam (new)

ikallam (bookcatforlife) The uuum

message 34: by ikallam (new)

ikallam (bookcatforlife) Daily pole manger

message 35: by ikallam (new)

ikallam (bookcatforlife) Sorry had to go check what it was called XD

message 36: by ~ameliaclaire~, Co-President (new)

~ameliaclaire~ (ameliaclaire20) | 353 comments Mod
It’s fine! Thanks for applying!

message 37: by ikallam (new)

ikallam (bookcatforlife) :))

MidnightButterfly ~ semi hiatus 'til end of august (midnightbutterfly23) | 390 comments Mod
Hi all!

We have four new moderator posts open due to inactivity: content manager (manages what content and gives ideas as to what topics and themes will be in the group), BOTM manager (handles Book of the Months), Member Recruiter (promotes our group to new people - there will soon be a challenge to get as many people to join the group as possible and they will be responsible for running that), and a new post - Organisation Manager (will be in charge of clearing out the group, tidying it up, filing files and deleting old topics etc).

If you are interested in running, please fill in the following form AND put what post you would prefer to stand for. The top 3 in each category (decided by mods) will be voted for by the group.

#1 Name?
#2 Age/Range?
#3 What would you contribute to this group?
#4 Are you a mod on other groups, and if so how many and which groups?
#5 On average how often are you on goodreads a week?
#6 How active are you on the group?
#7 What post are you applying for and why is this?

Thank you!

RoroReads (Free Palestine) | 523 comments 1. RoroReads
2. 12-15
3. Whatever i can
4. No
5. Every day, usually
6. Again, every day or whenever there is a notification
7. BOTM manager, because it seems simple and would still help the group

message 40: by Cienna (new)

Cienna Fossett 1. Cienna
2. 14-16
3. Help to keep this group running and make sure it’s a safe space for others
4. I am mod on three other groups I am BOTM manager for groups Book club/hangout and An online book club I am also president of Fun with books
6. I check pretty much everyday though there are some occasions where I have stuff to do but not to often
7. BOTM manager because I feel I hav experience in that field. As BOTM manager I would see if we could start MOTM and SOTM and make sure people are enjoying BOTM

P.S. if you have any questions feel free to pm me or message me on the group Fun with books

message 41: by Cienna (new)

Cienna Fossett Also I am interested in organization manager

message 42: by Ula (last edited Sep 21, 2023 07:28PM) (new)

Ula | 344 comments Name
What would you contribute to this group?
I love this group and being with girls that are my age so I would love to make this an easy to join and interactive group. 🫶
Are you a mod on other groups, and if so how many and which groups?
I am a mod in the "Cozy Readers' Corner Group". It is the only group I am mod for
On average how often are you on goodreads a week?
On average I am on goodreads every few hours, so about 4-5 times a day. (I know it seems like a lot and it is but the reason is that I work on my computer so during my breaks I enjoy checking in. I also have the goodreads app so I get notifications quite a lot. )
How active are you on the group?
As I said above. I am on goodreads quite a lot so i check the group around 3 times a day. 😅
What post are you applying for and why is this?
I am applying for the organization post; I am applying for the stated post because I want to make sure that this amazing group is easy to figure out for new members and a comfortable place for old members.😍

message 43: by julia :D (new)

julia :D | 34 comments Name - Julia

Age: 13

Contributions to group - I feel like I could help other readers discover some slightly underground indie titles, or maybe less popular, but still really great books :)

Mod in other groups - Nooo, this would be my first time :D

Goodreads activity - I usually log on every day to update my reading progress and look for some books to add to my Want to Read 😜

Group activity - I’m not active per se, but I like to read a lot of the posts. I feel like being a mod would give me chance to actually start talking here, and that’s definitely something I would love to do. I wanna meet some bookish friends 🫶🫶

Post that I’m applying for - I’m applying for BOTM manager because I feel like it’s a great way to get everybody here connected. Also, like I said before, maybe this position could help me and other people discover new favorite books!

So happy I was able to apply! 🫶🫶

message 44: by julia :D (new)

julia :D | 34 comments ahh i just re-read my comment, and I missed a word 💀
could help me and other people discover new favorite books**

message 45: by [deleted user] (new)



What would you contribute to this group?
I could help people with problems, come up with new games, polls, or discussion topics appropriate for teens. I read a lot of YA fiction, so I can give book suggestions, or answer questions about books. I’m pretty good with technology too. I’d try to keep everyone civilized.

Are you a mod on other groups, and if so how many and which groups?
I am not a mod on any group. Yes, that means I’m not as experienced, but I will be more available on this group rather than having to mod other ones.

On average how often are you on goodreads a week?
Every day most weeks, but occasionally I skip a day. If time of day makes a difference, usually from 7-9 pm EST, and sometimes around 2-4 pm EST.
How active are you on the group?

Slightly less than one other group, but I have been here for a little over a month and have 80-90 comments so far.

What post are you applying for and why is this? Content Manager, or secondly Member Recruiter or Organisation Manager. I enjoy thinking up creative ideas for polls and games, but have had very little chance to do so without making my own group, which could potentially only be very small. I’m in enough other groups and have quite a few friends to invite here, but likely too small of an amount for that to be my main task, plus I can’t use most other social media, only Pinterest, Facebook, and YouTube, only the last of which is public. I am good at organisation, but I would probably be too afraid to make someone mad by deleting their topic so I wouldn’t be the best for that job.
I would not like the BoTM manager position, as I don’t always participate in those, preferring to read at my own speed.

Thank you for your time!

message 46: by Clara, BOTM Manager (new)

Clara Van D | 36 comments Mod
#1.My name is Clara

#2. I’m 15-17 years old

#3. I would contribute positivity, joy, great ideas and fun ways to read together and make new friends.

#4. I am a MOD on a group I recently created called Teen gymnasts (gurls only).

#5. I am on good reads multiple times a day. I love to update my book log and buddy read.

#6. I am very active on the group I love buddy reading and helping ppl out with homework.

#7. I am applying for the BOTM position. I believe I could bring fun ideas and I have great book suggestions. I could create a fun book loving community. This book club should be a safe place for teen girls to come together and just talk abt life and books. Being a MOD is such great opportunity for me to grow and learn and I am honored to even be considered for this position. 💗

message 47: by Abi (last edited Nov 30, 2023 03:20PM) (new)

Abi | 105 comments #1. My name is Abi

#2. 1 am 14 years old

#3. I would like to contribute to everyone having a good time in this group and by helping to keep everything clean and organised to help you.

#4. I am not a mod of any other group.

#5. During the school day, I am on goodreads multiple times a day, on weekends , I'll check once or twice and in holidays I'll check 4 or 5 times a week.

#6. I am quite active on the group, I participate in polls and games and comment on some of the threads.

#7. I would like to apply for the organisation manager. I am a very organised person and love things being clean and tidy. I can keep this platform clean and nice for users to look at.

Thank you for your consideration and for giving me the opportunity to apply for this incredible position.

Edit : sorry, don't know if you get notifications for edits, but I was just looking through the chats and saw that I made a spelling mistake

Emma &#x1faf6; barely active | 27 comments 1. Emma
2.12 (on Friday)
3. I would contribute to the group by making things easy to find and keeping it neat and tidy :)
5. every night around 8-9 but I can do earlier
6. Quite active. I answer every poll!
7. Organization manager. I am organized everything has a place in my bedroom and nothing is out of place! If there is ever a mess I cannot sleep and I must move it out of my view or clean it

Thanks for considering me I know there are many people for this spot so thank you y so much!


Emma &#x1faf6; barely active | 27 comments G out a bit confused I like to read about 25-30 books a year!

message 50: by [deleted user] (new)

Oh do you have to do books per year? I'm trying for 75-100.

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