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Our Writing > Have you written a book?

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message 1: by Ken (new)

Ken Deeprose | 7 comments Hello Jennifer,

If you want to avoid the intense and heavy, perhaps you should look to a book aimed at younger readers. I wrote a middle-grade book with giant robots, an intergalactic war and a couple of kids just trying to save their world. I think the story should appeal to all fans of sci-fi, regardless of age. I don't think of it as being childish - just innocent. When I started the book, I set out to write a real science fiction story - not just a book with robots in it. If you give it a try, I would love to hear your thoughts about whether or not I accomplished that goal.



message 2: by Stephen (new)

Stephen Goldin (stephengoldin) | 114 comments Hi Jennifer. In my 50+ year writing career I've written numerous space opera works, including my 10-book series "Agents of the Imperial Special Investigation Service," plus individual titles like Scavenger Hunt, Assault on the Gods, and the YA book Crossroads of the Galaxy. You can learn more about them at my Parsina Press website, All are available in ebook editions. Pleasant reading!

message 3: by [deleted user] (last edited Nov 22, 2021 04:37AM) (new)

Hello, Jennifer. I've been writing for many years, published a half-dozen short stories in the 1980s with the magazines of the time. More recently I've written two novels, and am currently working on a third. All are character based, with innovative speculative science to make it all as real as possible. All are available in ebook or paperback format at Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, and other bookstores. You can find a more complete profile, plus my website, here on Goodreads at

message 4: by Leonie (new)

Leonie (leonierogers) | 342 comments Hi jennifer, I'm also a writer. You can find my sci fi (YA) stuff as both e-book and print.

Frontier Incursion is the first book in my first trilogy. The series was completed a few years ago.

I'm in the middle of another trilogy, but it's fantasy. Book 2 will be out shortly.

message 5: by Jemima (new)

Jemima Pett | 164 comments Hi Jennifer

Another offering for you! My Viridian Series features asteroid miners and tourism at the far reaches of the galaxy... when they aren't getting kidnapped and chased around the place to find a valuable relic, or falling through wormholes when they're supposed to be rescuing people. That's a very quick summary of The Perihelix and Curved Space to Corsair. The final one of the series comes out in February Zanzibar's Rings.

message 6: by Rock (new)

Rock Whitehouse Hi Jennifer -

You might take a look at my ISC Fleet series. I'm a late-comer to writing, having self-published book #1 only after retirement. But I think they match your interest in SF stories with a positive outlook and rich characters.

But don't just take my word for it - read the reviews!


message 7: by Ray (new)

Ray Tabler | 4 comments Jennifer wrote: "I'm looking for like-minded authors in this Space Opera group with a passion for space, science, positive intelligent stories, humour, and rich characters.
Have you written a book? Is it available..."

Jennifer, please consider reading my novel, A Grand Imperial War, published by Ring Of Fire Press. There is a war involved, but romantic entanglements as well.

message 8: by M. (new)

M. Garnet | 63 comments Jennifer

I am a prolific writer of SciFi, mostly Space Opera. See my listings at I just wanted to let you know that if you find one of interest, I will gift it to you to your email out of Amazon.

Also I belong to several organizations that welcome like readers and writers. We have a group in Florida that meets monthly with Zoom that has members from all over the country Florida West Coast Writers that has a lot of SciFi authors in it. I also belong to SFWA and FFP and Sorcia Magic and yes a group that meets weekly by zoom. I know it seems like I am I joiner but it helps to keep on touch with other authors and it helps in sales.

Stay safe Muriel (M. Garget – Author)

message 9: by Ray (new)

Ray Tabler | 4 comments Ray wrote: "Jennifer wrote: "I'm looking for like-minded authors in this Space Opera group with a passion for space, science, positive intelligent stories, humour, and rich characters.
Have you written a book..."

Thank you very much for the rating, Jennifer. I felt there had to be a bit of hanky panky in the book. It's based loosely on the obscure Anglo-Persian war of 1857. A scandal ensued from an illicit affair between the British ambassador to Persia and a Persian princess. Several parties tried to use the matter to their own advantage, and before long they had a silly little war on their hands. The historical war didn't last long and is barely remembered, but it was chock full of Victorian era nonsense (providing a rich vein for me to mine). I was lucky enough for a publisher ( to offer to take me on (which is why there are 2 editions now). I'm currently working on a sequel to Grand Imperial War, and a somewhat unrelated second SF novel. This was my first novel, but (if interested) you can find links to my short fiction here ( Some of the links may be broken, those magazines having gone on to that big news stand in the sky. :(

message 10: by M. (new)

M. Garnet | 63 comments My SciFi Space Opera ADAMANT'S REVENGE is coming out at the end of the year. My next one the SPATIAL JUSTICE will be out after the first of the year. I am especially pleased with it as the female detective saves the day. You can find my books at New Concepts Publishing and at Amazon under my pen name of M. Garnet.

message 11: by Abby (last edited Jan 04, 2024 06:19PM) (new)

Abby Goldsmith (abby_goldsmith) | 46 comments I'm late to this party, but I have a fully completed six book series forthcoming from Podium in September 2023, with the rest of the series coming out in 2024 and 2025. I'd love to give y'all a sneak peek!

In a galaxy where the ruling class listens to everyone's thoughts, the only way Thomas can rescue his enslaved friends is to trick his crowd-pleasing mentor–plus her audience of thirty trillion fans.

And so Thomas’s galactic conquest begins.

The Torth series is dark space opera in the vein of Scott Sigler, Vernor Vinge, or Red Rising. It's also labeled sci-fi progression fantasy, with more than 750,000 reads as a web serial on Royal Road. A few quotes from reader reviews:

“The plot is crazy, hitting you with twists and turns that make perfect sense in hindsight. Great story beats, powerful character development, and a lot of set up that pays off in unexpected ways. If I could give this series more than five stars I totally would.”

“I've read a lot of stories on this site, and I can say this is probably the first of its kind. The first of its merits is how unique it is–while I've seen the themes used elsewhere, they mesh together into an epic sci-fi thriller that I was certainly not expecting at the beginning.”

“This is not a mindless power fantasy slog. What makes this story shine is the world building and characters.”

If you read it, let me know what you think! I have a Discord and I'm happy to talk to readers.

Abby Goldsmith, aka AbbyBabble

message 12: by Scott (new)

Scott Rhine (rhine) I'd be willing to beta an electronic copy. scottrhinebooks at gmail dot com

message 13: by David (new)

David Foresi | 5 comments Jennifer wrote: "I'm looking for like-minded authors in this Space Opera group with a passion for space, science, positive intelligent stories, humour, and rich characters.
Have you written a book? Is it available..."

I wrote:
The eom Expression: Beautiful Chaos - A Satirical Science Fiction Adventure
The eom Expression Beautiful Chaos - A Satirical Science Fiction Adventure by David Foresi

It is philosophical and often satirical but not terribly heavy. Enjoy.

message 14: by Rachel (new)

Rachel Cherie | 11 comments Jennifer wrote: "I'm looking for like-minded authors in this Space Opera group with a passion for space, science, positive intelligent stories, humour, and rich characters.
Have you written a book? Is it available..."

Are you still in the market for space opera??? I am halfway done with a series, and I think it meets your criteria wonderfully.

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