Addicted to YA discussion

Character Romances > Magnus Chase and Alex Fierro

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message 1: by Imxlda (new)

Imxlda | 110 comments I'm just scrolling in this new group and found near to nothing on Uncle Rick's other here's another ship for the Character Romances folder!

message 2: by maddie✩ (new)

maddie✩ | 11 comments nobody's posted on this, but their so underrated and i love them sm

message 3: by Imxlda (new)

Imxlda | 110 comments Maddie wrote: "nobody's posted on this, but their so underrated and i love them sm"


Kat(Taylor’s Version) | 11 comments Ship.Ship. Ship. Ship. Ship. SHIPPPPPP!!!!!!!

message 5: by kitcantspell (new)

kitcantspell | 55 comments ok i havent gotten to the book where alex js introduced but aboslutely ship them

rashmi(semi-hiatus) | 23 comments YES!!!!!

message 7: by kitcantspell (new)

kitcantspell | 55 comments i just finished the ship of the dead AND BOTH THEYE KISSES ARE ADORABLE

message 8: by Annette (new)

Annette Hernandez | 202 comments Adorable

message 9: by Aru (new)

Aru | 34 comments Magnus and Alex are so cuteee! 😍🥰

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