Shakespeare Fans discussion

R.I.P. Antony Sher (14 June 1949 – 2 December 2021)

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message 1: by Marlin (last edited Dec 07, 2021 01:30AM) (new)

Marlin Tyree | 163 comments R.I.P. to a great Shakespeare (as opposed to Shakespearean, for he was excellent in more contemporary roles as well) actor who dies a few days ago.
Short bio:

I was looking for a good copy of The Winter's Tale online when I stumbled into a YouTube copy which featured Sher as Leontes and when I found out about his passing. It's a superlative production which I recommend:

as well as any Shakepeare production on film which features Sher. There are several. His Benjamin Disraeli in Mrs. Brown and Jack in the 1996 film, Indian Summer are also favorites. He was also the author of numerous books, including several on Shakespeare:

He'll be missed.

message 2: by Candy (new)

Candy | 2802 comments Mod
Oh my gosh...the joy and happiness he has provided as Leontes. He was brilliant!

message 3: by Clarissa (new)

Clarissa (clariann) | 20 comments I was sad that he passed, I was lucky enough to see him in a couple of plays and he had such presence. I do not know of any such renowned actors in the younger generations?

message 4: by Natalie (new)

Natalie Tyler (doulton) I saw him as Iago. What a magnificent performance. It was at Trafalgar Studios in 2004. There are probably fewer than 200 seats so the close intensity of the play was stupendous. I feel privileged.

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