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Upcoming Conventions & Events > Orson Scott Card, Guest Author

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message 1: by Ray (new)

Ray Litt | 2 comments Hi, everyone. Just stopping by to tell you that Mr. Card will be a Guest Author at Dirty Little Bookers' Speculative Fiction convention in Orlando, SF:SE ( If you're in the area, or have some extra air miles at hand, come check us out.

Hope to see you there!

message 2: by Anna (new)

Anna Erishkigal (annaerishkigal) Thanks!

message 3: by Ray (new)

Ray Litt | 2 comments No problem!

message 4: by Buzz H. (new)

Buzz H. | 34 comments For those who do not know, Mr. Card is not only an anti-gay bigot, but a dedicated anti-LGBT activist. And he has been for decades. He served on the board of directors of the most prominent national Christian Right group that opposed same-sex marriage.

This is not to say that he isn't a very good writer. He is. I just want to make sure that people are aware of his other priorities in life, and how awful those are.

message 5: by V.W. (new)

V.W. Singer | 76 comments Buzz H. wrote: "For those who do not know, Mr. Card is not only an anti-gay bigot, but a dedicated anti-LGBT activist. And he has been for decades. He served on the board of directors of the most prominent nationa..."

The OED defines bigot as "A person who is intolerant towards those holding different opinions".

message 6: by Buzz H. (new)

Buzz H. | 34 comments V.W. wrote: "The OED defines bigot as "A person who is intolerant towards those holding different opinions"."

Your point being?

message 7: by V.W. (new)

V.W. Singer | 76 comments Buzz H. wrote: "V.W. wrote: "The OED defines bigot as "A person who is intolerant towards those holding different opinions"."

Your point being?"

You really need to ask?

message 8: by Buzz H. (last edited Dec 18, 2015 12:17PM) (new)

Buzz H. | 34 comments V.W. wrote: "You really need to ask?"

Indeed. That is why I asked if you would spell it out.

My response could be out of ignorance and/or because I am not very bright. It could also be that I am checking to see if your thinking is what I imagine it to be.

message 9: by Marjo (new)

Marjo Loyens (marjo56) | 1 comments Buzz H. wrote: "V.W. wrote: "You really need to ask?"

Indeed. That is why I asked if you would spell it out.

My response could be out of ignorance and/or because I am not very bright. It could also be that I am..."

Mr. Card is not only a bigot, he's also very narrow minded. All people are human beings, and thus equal:).

message 10: by Buzz H. (new)

Buzz H. | 34 comments V.W. wrote: "You really need to ask?"

Given the relatively hostile tone of our exchange it is not surprising that you would choose not to respond. Sorry for my part in creating that tone.

Based on what you included in your initial reply from the Oxford English Dictionary you view my criticism of Mr. Card as a dispute between parties with equal power, which makes me something like an angry blowhard to be written off. If I am misunderstanding please let me know.

My view of things is based on feminist intersectionality, which can be reduced here to something like prejudice + power = oppression. Mr. Card has for many years been an active part of political groups seeking to stop same-sex relationships from being legally recognized; prevent passage of laws to protect us from discrimination in housing, employment, public accommodations, etc.; opposed the repeal of sodomy laws that meant we were automatically felons in many states just for making love; and, on top of that, has long advocated publicly and in writing for our imprisonment.

He and his allies have been and are engaged in an oppressive political project against LGBT people that I am criticizing and asking people not to support by not giving him a larger public presence. But this is not a dispute between equals anymore than one based on sexism or racism would be.

That is our disagreement as far as what we've said here tells me. Anyone interested in what I'm talking about could take a look at Privilege, Power, and Difference by Allan G. Johnson as a place to start. bell hooks is also and excellent author on the topic.

message 11: by Jessica (new)

Jessica  (jessical1961) I could not care less about his politics or social opinions. OSC is a hell of an author and I love his books. That is all that matters to me personally.

message 12: by Buzz H. (new)

Buzz H. | 34 comments Jeffrey wrote: "I could not care less about his politics or social opinions. OSC is a hell of an author and I love his books. That is all that matters to me personally."

Sure. A number of folks feel that way, which I understand.

Some people do not have that luxury.

Powder River Rose (powderriverrose) Anna wrote: "Thanks!"

Anna, since this event is over it might be wise to delete this thread. Thank you.

message 14: by Monica (new)

Monica (hearmonicaroar) Thank you, Buzz. Just want you to know someone here appreciates your intersectional approach to appreciating media.

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