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In a Town Called Paradox
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message 1: by Miriam (new)

Miriam Murcutt | 26 comments New Year, new book trailer:

‘In A Town Called Paradox’ by Miriam Murcutt and Richard Starks.
We hope this trailer tempts you to read and review this novel, set in 1950s Utah when Hollywood arrived to film its blockbuster movies.

Recent reviewers on Amazon. NetGalley and Goodreads say of ‘In A Town Called Paradox’:
“A beautifully written novel... full of fantastic characters.”
“It's different from anything I've read in a while. I loved the characters... the authors brought them to life.”
“Excellent, compelling, full of hope and dilemma, love, nature, movie glam and small-town Utah.”
"The story will make you laugh, cry and cheer."

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