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⚝ Major Greek God Cabins > Children of Zeus

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message 2: by Emrys. (new)

Emrys. | -35 comments Hey, so to create your characters go to this thread

You can use this template, just make sure to write three sentences for appearance, personality, and history.

Godly Parent:
Years at Camp:
Preferred Weapon:
Family (Outside the gods):
Strongest Skill:
Weakest Skill:

message 3: by જ⁀➴ ᥴꪮꪗ ˎˊ˗ ғₐₗₗ ᵥₑᵣ₎₎ (last edited Sep 25, 2023 03:28PM) (new)

જ⁀➴ ᥴꪮꪗ ˎˊ˗ ғₐₗₗ ᵥₑᵣ₎₎ | 1367 comments Cori had walked into the cabin he would be staying in. As he pulled his luggage through the door he had wondered what bed he would take as he walk through he chose the smallest bed. He didn’t need a lot of room for sleeping he stayed in the same place when ever he slept. He had settled his luggage underneath his bed.he placed a separate backpack on the small office table that was in front of his bed. He opened the drawer to the desk and put in a chess board and a couple of books and pencils and pens. Once he closed the drawer he placed a photo of his mortal family on the desk. He also pulled out from his backpack a small folded up drawing his younger brothers sent with him. He had always known that they weren’t his full brothers but he always made them feel like they were his real family. Cori brought out a special book his mother and stepfather got for him when he left. It was one of his favorite books. He had heard people talking around what sounded like a camp fire so he walked outside to see the new people he would meet.

જ⁀➴ ᥴꪮꪗ ˎˊ˗ ғₐₗₗ ᵥₑᵣ₎₎ | 1367 comments “Cori walks back in to the cabin looking around.” “He Sighs in relief.” “Finally I can rest.” “He turns off the lights in the room and walks to his bed.” “He lyes in his bed.” “Drifting off to sleep slowly.”

જ⁀➴ ᥴꪮꪗ ˎˊ˗ ғₐₗₗ ᵥₑᵣ₎₎ | 1367 comments “Cori wakes up in a could sweat after a nightmare.” “Sighs in relief.” “Huh just a dream.”

message 6: by [deleted user] (new)

Jericho comes to a halt at the door to the Zues house, he is terrified to see the boy from last night in full light. He is overthinking all his choices in life while waiting on his courage. Holding Cori's flannel he goes to knock on the door but Cori opens the door at the exact same time

જ⁀➴ ᥴꪮꪗ ˎˊ˗ ғₐₗₗ ᵥₑᵣ₎₎ | 1367 comments Cori go’s to sleep blushing feeling so nice. He wakes up the next day feeling happy and relaxed. The shower feeling so good he loves showers they always make him feel so good. After showering he puts on clothes and starts using a new towel to drying his hair. He walks to the door nervous to open it.

message 8: by [deleted user] (new)

"Ummmm, are you Cori?" Asks Jer, standing outside the door. He did not realize how cute this boy actually is

message 9: by જ⁀➴ ᥴꪮꪗ ˎˊ˗ ғₐₗₗ ᵥₑᵣ₎₎ (last edited Sep 29, 2023 07:30PM) (new)

જ⁀➴ ᥴꪮꪗ ˎˊ˗ ғₐₗₗ ᵥₑᵣ₎₎ | 1367 comments “Yeah, I am is it you Jericho?”

જ⁀➴ ᥴꪮꪗ ˎˊ˗ ғₐₗₗ ᵥₑᵣ₎₎ | 1367 comments ( I might go to sleep see you tomorrow!”

message 11: by [deleted user] (new)

(yeah, let's do more tomorrow!)

message 12: by [deleted user] (new)

(ok, I'm ready to go!)

message 13: by [deleted user] (new)

Jer is stunned that the boy actually remembered his name. "Yeah, I'm Jericho," he says in his sweet and gentle voice

message 14: by [deleted user] (new)

"I ummm, wanted to let you know that I think you look amazing too and I like you as well, and ummm, maybe you would like to go to the beach with me again sometime soon?" Jericho said shyly to his crush

જ⁀➴ ᥴꪮꪗ ˎˊ˗ ғₐₗₗ ᵥₑᵣ₎₎ | 1367 comments “Sure!” He said happy to see his crush. He smile happily and give’s Jericho a little kiss on the cheek and winks . “I will see you later moonlight!” He said before closing the door to get ready for the beach.

message 16: by [deleted user] (last edited Sep 30, 2023 07:39AM) (new)

Jericho, once again is stunned. "What the literal HELL!!!!" he yells in excitement. He takes off towards his cabin, planning out the whole night in his head

message 17: by [deleted user] (last edited Sep 30, 2023 07:39AM) (new)

(do you want to skip time to that night and they can meet on the beach again?)

message 19: by [deleted user] (new)

Early in the morning, with his camera around his neck and his best clothes on, Jer walks up to the door of the Zues cabin and knocks. "You up Beach Boy?" he shouts in as he cracks the door open "You better be, we have places to be, so get your lazy ass up!"

જ⁀➴ ᥴꪮꪗ ˎˊ˗ ғₐₗₗ ᵥₑᵣ₎₎ | 1367 comments He gets up immediately jumping out of his little bed he gets ready and puts on a a tuxedo he had brought because he had worn it on his first day of camp. “I’m coming!” They yell to them. Cori comes to the door and opens it to see jer.

message 21: by [deleted user] (new)

Jer's jaw drops, and he looks down at his simple black pants, green sweater tucked in, and layered necklaces. He looks back up at Cori and says "Well, now I feel underdressed." He closes the distance between them, runs his hands through his boyfriend's hair, and kisses Cori with more passion than he has ever kissed anyone with

message 22: by [deleted user] (new)

(I know we literally just started, but it is really late here, I'm heading to bed)

message 23: by જ⁀➴ ᥴꪮꪗ ˎˊ˗ ғₐₗₗ ᵥₑᵣ₎₎ (last edited Oct 02, 2023 03:17PM) (new)

જ⁀➴ ᥴꪮꪗ ˎˊ˗ ғₐₗₗ ᵥₑᵣ₎₎ | 1367 comments He love’s the abrupt kiss it makes him happy. He gets in the words go…to…strawberry. He holds jers hands rubbing their hands with his thumbs and so happy.

message 24: by [deleted user] (new)

Jer leads Cori towards the strawberry fields, still holding his hand

જ⁀➴ ᥴꪮꪗ ˎˊ˗ ғₐₗₗ ᵥₑᵣ₎₎ | 1367 comments Cori keeps hold there hands a little flustered and happy he walk’s with them his head on jer’s shoulder.

message 26: by [deleted user] (new)

Jer and Cori eventually get back to the Zeus cabin, after walking from the fields. They had held hands the whole time, and Jer was so ready to be alone with his love

જ⁀➴ ᥴꪮꪗ ˎˊ˗ ғₐₗₗ ᵥₑᵣ₎₎ | 1367 comments Cori opens up the doors to the cabin “welcome in to cabin of the guy who couldn’t keep it in his pants.” They open there arms to the rooms after turning on the lights.

message 28: by [deleted user] (last edited Oct 10, 2023 06:01PM) (new)

"Wow. This is the exact opposite of my cabin." he says looking at the spacious bunks and marble walls. "This is ummmm, really nice. And big. And kinda obnoxious.

જ⁀➴ ᥴꪮꪗ ˎˊ˗ ғₐₗₗ ᵥₑᵣ₎₎ | 1367 comments “Mhm if Zeus had to have to give his kids a cabin it had to be big and lavish.” He says mad that this is his father

message 30: by [deleted user] (new)

"I really don't think its for you, I think its to show off." Jer tell Cori "What are we going to do now?"

જ⁀➴ ᥴꪮꪗ ˎˊ˗ ғₐₗₗ ᵥₑᵣ₎₎ | 1367 comments “Hmm when I’m here I usually just read or clean , what do you want to do?”

message 32: by [deleted user] (new)

Jer turn to Cori and kisses him with so much passion that even he is surprised. He starts to run his hands through Cori's hair as he is kissing his lips "How about this?" Jer asks

જ⁀➴ ᥴꪮꪗ ˎˊ˗ ғₐₗₗ ᵥₑᵣ₎₎ | 1367 comments “Sure.” They smiled kissing them back

message 34: by [deleted user] (new)

"You don't sound too sure, you sound hesitant. Are you sure that you don't want to do something else." Jer says, overthinking everything as usual

જ⁀➴ ᥴꪮꪗ ˎˊ˗ ғₐₗₗ ᵥₑᵣ₎₎ | 1367 comments “It’s ok I don’t mind it’s ok.”

message 36: by [deleted user] (new)

"Cori, if I want anything in the world, it is to have an open and honest relationship with you. Tell me what you're thinking love" Jer says, slightly concerned that this was too much for Cori

જ⁀➴ ᥴꪮꪗ ˎˊ˗ ғₐₗₗ ᵥₑᵣ₎₎ | 1367 comments (Oh hi sorry but we’re doing a one on one rp.)

message 38: by Cameron (new)


message 39: by [deleted user] (new)

(Thanks, maybe we could rp later)

message 40: by [deleted user] (new)

(ok, Coy, can Cori go next?)

message 41: by Cameron (new)


જ⁀➴ ᥴꪮꪗ ˎˊ˗ ғₐₗₗ ᵥₑᵣ₎₎ | 1367 comments (Yeah sorry I’m just in class.)

message 43: by [deleted user] (new)

(well, have fun with that, now learn some good stuff ig)

જ⁀➴ ᥴꪮꪗ ˎˊ˗ ғₐₗₗ ᵥₑᵣ₎₎ | 1367 comments (Thanks ig.) (also class just ended so I have like six minutes.)

જ⁀➴ ᥴꪮꪗ ˎˊ˗ ғₐₗₗ ᵥₑᵣ₎₎ | 1367 comments “I know and I’m ok with it’s just sometimes I feel like I can see someone in the room when I’m here.” They say looking around closely at everything.

message 46: by [deleted user] (new)

"Huh. That's strange. Tell me more about what you think you see Cori." Jer says, ready to protect Cori from his own mind, or from an actual person

જ⁀➴ ᥴꪮꪗ ˎˊ˗ ғₐₗₗ ᵥₑᵣ₎₎ | 1367 comments “It’s a tall slim figure who I feel like is always watching me when ever I’m in the cabin.” They say still looking around the cabin kinda shivering from the weirdness of the silence

message 48: by [deleted user] (last edited Oct 11, 2023 01:19PM) (new)

"Well, you better not be replacing me with this guy, I'd rather you not sleep with other people." Jer says with a smile, trying to cheer up Cori with bad humor. There were many nights where he felt scared and his mom didn't care enough to help him, so he wanted to make his boyfriend feel as comfortable as possible. He was honestly also a little worried that Cori was making this up as a reason not to keep kissing Jer, but he knew that that was probably only him overthinking. Jericho would defend Cori through anything, and he honestly wanted to get back to kissing, but he doesn't want to make Cori feel uncomfortable.

જ⁀➴ ᥴꪮꪗ ˎˊ˗ ғₐₗₗ ᵥₑᵣ₎₎ | 1367 comments “I don’t want you to think I don’t want to kiss you it’s just I saw him when we entered the room so I just feel a little iffy.” He says trying to reassure his partner that he doesn’t want to kiss him. “So ever since I was young I have seen thinks that others haven’t so I think one of the monsters is back.” He thinks they probably wouldn’t believe him but he just wants them to know.

message 50: by [deleted user] (new)

"That would make sense." says Jer. He believes Cori and trust that Cori will never lie to him

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