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Monthly Reading Challenges > Donut Sledding Party Chat

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message 1: by Ash (last edited Feb 18, 2022 11:19PM) (new)

Ash ~ bookmaniac~ (aakanksha99) | 479 comments the members are:-

Emily( sitting dp with the mask on)
Emily(graphic face dp)
Jenna Marie ~Let it Snow~
Elena Newkirk

Do all the chatting here and not in the review topic please

So if all you guys agree some more people can be a part of this team, but for that, I'm going to need yr help. I'm single-handedly managing the challenges, so if I add too many people to one team it becomes difficult for me to keep track of the score, so if one or two of you volunteer to help me manage the score, it can be done

Let me know what you guys think as soon as possible:)

VOLUNTEER- Alyssa and Avni

message 2: by Avni (new)

Avni Hey!
I would love to volunteer:)

message 3: by Emily (new)

Emily C | 3 comments I’ll volunteer to help with the scores.

message 4: by Farah🌱 (new)

Farah🌱 (khojahfarah) | 24 comments hello everyone :)

☾`ACourtOfKindles~☾ | 2 comments Hi guys!

message 6: by Charlotte (new)

Charlotte | 2 comments hello! :)

message 7: by Emily (new)

Emily | 11 comments Hello! :)

message 8: by Isabella (new)

Isabella (bellavinter) | 55 comments Hello ^^ Does all books read in January count, or only books read from the 15th btw? :)

Jenna Marie ~Scheming Scribbler~ | 229 comments Hey everyone!!

message 10: by juli (new)

juli (thoughtsinmymind) hello!! :)

message 11: by Spookysav666 (new)

Spookysav666 | 1 comments Hiii :)

message 12: by Avni (new)

Avni Isabella wrote: "Hello ^^ Does all books read in January count, or only books read from the 15th btw? :)"

I guess all read in January, but let Ash confirm it.

message 13: by Leanne (new)

Leanne Hi team!

Ash’s message said not to count books before Jan 15th 👍🏼

message 14: by Morgan Leigh (new)

Morgan Leigh | 2 comments So excited!

message 15: by Avni (new)

Avni Leanne wrote: "Hi team!

Ash’s message said not to count books before Jan 15th 👍🏼"

Ok, thanks!

message 16: by Ash (new)

Ash ~ bookmaniac~ (aakanksha99) | 479 comments books read from 15th of the month will be counted

message 17: by Ash (new)

Ash ~ bookmaniac~ (aakanksha99) | 479 comments avni and emily I'm couning you both in as volunteer, I'll message u guys the details once all volunteers are decided

thanks so much for volunteering

message 18: by Ash (new)

Ash ~ bookmaniac~ (aakanksha99) | 479 comments if anyone else is also willing to volunteer, please let me know, because one of the other groups doesn't have one

message 19: by Ash (new)

Ash ~ bookmaniac~ (aakanksha99) | 479 comments for now the 2 volunteers are Avni and Emily, the other groups also have 2 volunteers for now, but just like Alyssa and I have one more person who is willing to be a volunteer so if in other teams I can find one more volunteer then I'll add Alyssa to the list

message 20: by Erika (new)

Erika O'Brien (erychan86) | 60 comments Hi this is my fist challenge in this group and I followed all the links to the rules but I still have a couple of questions.

- I already finished 2 books. One started after the 15th and finished today, and one I started on the 12th and finished yesterday. Does the one started on the 12th count/a certain percentage of the pages count?
- do we count the points in the review page by writing the title and the page count every time we finish a book?

If all this is written somewhere already I apologize, if someone could drop me a link… I don’t want to do anything wrong…

message 21: by Ash (new)

Ash ~ bookmaniac~ (aakanksha99) | 479 comments Only those books will be counted which whichhave been read in the month of Feb and march

message 22: by Jill (new)

Jill | 1 comments Hi everyone :)

Can someone explain how this works? I’ve never done this before :)

message 23: by Farah🌱 (new)

Farah🌱 (khojahfarah) | 24 comments Jill wrote: "Hi everyone :)

Can someone explain how this works? I’ve never done this before :)"

hi jill
its pretty easy, you read the book and add the dates you read the book in, and write your review, after that you to group listed for reviews and search for add book/author then add the book and write a comment about the pages, dates and add the link to the review of the book the points are counted by the pages
we may have bonus points like specific words or colors you must add the to the comment
thats it

message 24: by Ash (new)

Ash ~ bookmaniac~ (aakanksha99) | 479 comments The new volunteers are Alyssa and Avni

Jenna Marie ~Scheming Scribbler~ | 229 comments Hey everyone, this thread is dead lol, but we're doing pretty good!!

Jenna Marie ~Scheming Scribbler~ | 229 comments Also, Erika, how do you read this insanely fast?!? Lol

message 27: by Erika (new)

Erika O'Brien (erychan86) | 60 comments Jenna Marie ~Spring Has Sprung~ wrote: "Also, Erika, how do you read this insanely fast?!? Lol"

AHAHAH I was on a mission this month! I was tracking the numbers in the other groups as well and I wanted to win LOL!

But I do read fast. It also helps I am a stay at home mom of a toddler who volunteer for a literary group and the library... and I don't sleep much lol!
Also, some of these were audiobooks and I like to listen to books while I exercise, drive or clean the house.

message 28: by Erika (new)

Erika O'Brien (erychan86) | 60 comments Alyssa wrote: "Y'all, reading all of your reviews while tallying scores has been great! The number of books I have put on my TBR list is insane."
AHAH! Yes it was great!

I can't wait to see how we did!

Jenna Marie ~Scheming Scribbler~ | 229 comments This challenge was so amazing!! I just almost doubled my work hours, along with school, so I really didn't expect to read much this month. This challenge kept pushing me to read, which I loved!! You guys are the best, can't wait for the results!!

message 30: by Ash (new)

Ash ~ bookmaniac~ (aakanksha99) | 479 comments hey guys

Congratulations guys your hard work paid off.
Now for all your effort, you guys deserve a reward, so
you guys will get an ebook (epub version)

Now how you will get it is what we will discuss later first as a group you guys have to decide which ebook you want.
Discuss it among yourself and let me know by the 17th or 18th of the month.( the volunteer of this party can msg me one's decided)

Also the Volunteers of all the grps deserve something for their hard work because it would not have been possible for me to do this all alone, so thank you guys.

message 31: by Erika (new)

Erika O'Brien (erychan86) | 60 comments Yay! We won!!! High fives all around!

message 32: by Emily (new)

Emily | 11 comments Yay! Great job, team!

message 33: by Leanne (new)

Leanne This is awesome, go team!!

message 34: by Leanne (new)

Leanne Maybe we can all submit suggestions for the ebook and then have a vote to decide?

Jenna Marie ~Scheming Scribbler~ | 229 comments We did it!!!!! Everyone did so well!!!

Jenna Marie ~Scheming Scribbler~ | 229 comments Leanne wrote: "Maybe we can all submit suggestions for the ebook and then have a vote to decide?"

Sounds good to me

message 37: by Avni (new)

Avni Congratulations!! We all did a great job..!

message 38: by Caitlin (new)

Caitlin | 203 comments Good job guys we did it!

message 39: by Leanne (new)

Leanne I would be down with a Colleen Hoover book! Heard good things about her stuff. I've also been wanting to read Riley Sager, not sure where to start with their work either though.

A specific one I'd nominate would be this one though:

Reputation by Lex Croucher

Jenna Marie ~Scheming Scribbler~ | 229 comments If any of you are historical fiction fans too, I haven't gotten my hands on the new Ruta Septeys book, I Must Betray You?!?

message 41: by Caitlin (new)

Caitlin | 203 comments I’m okay with Colleen Hoover too.

Jenna Marie ~Scheming Scribbler~ | 229 comments What book won?

message 43: by Erika (new)

Erika O'Brien (erychan86) | 60 comments Yay

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