Warriors & Survivors: Roleplay Universe (2.0) discussion


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message 1: by Lizzy, Head Moderator, Creator (new)

Lizzy (lizzy100) | 758 comments Mod

Derek Stilinski-Hale | 82 comments Flashstar padded around camp stretching out her muscles as she did so. She looked around for trouble, knowing that occasionally there was some. Though it was sometimes an argument and not always a threat from outside.

Derek Stilinski-Hale | 82 comments "How about we share it?" She said smiling a little having heard the she-cat she couldn't really see her since she was on her blind side. "How was the hunt Sightwhisker?" She asked conversationally.

Derek Stilinski-Hale | 82 comments "We always have new apprentices." Flashstar said with a shrug looking at Sightwisker.

message 5: by Lizzy, Head Moderator, Creator (new)

Lizzy (lizzy100) | 758 comments Mod
Goldenpaw was doing her apprentice duties.

Sorrelpelt was helping some other warriors to make sure the dens were secure.

message 6: by Lizzy, Head Moderator, Creator (new)

Lizzy (lizzy100) | 758 comments Mod
(Swiftfire is her mentor. I've actually been thinking for warriors and deputies to add in who their apprentices are so we don't have to keep looking around. It can get annoying. I can copy and paste more of my Thunderclan so we can really have an rp, but at the time, I only created two in this group to allow other people to do the important roles.)

Derek Stilinski-Hale | 82 comments ((Sorry about the wait.))

Flashstar smiled. "I really do like my role as your leader." She said honestly to the other She-Cat.

message 8: by [deleted user] (new)

Redclaw yawned, and padded out of his den.

Derek Stilinski-Hale | 82 comments "Of course" Flashstar said with a nod and stepped back to give the mostly blind She-Cat room to move. Her ears flicked to the sound of yawning and spotted Redclaw and smiled and wandered over.

message 10: by [deleted user] (new)

Redclaw took out a vole from the prey-pile and ate.

message 11: by Lizzy, Head Moderator, Creator (new)

Lizzy (lizzy100) | 758 comments Mod
Goldenpaw went in search of Swiftfire now that she'd done her apprentice duties in camp.

✨ Just the bookworm ✨ -VertigoSnap was padding into camp, he dropped a plump squirrel onto the fresh kill pile, with a satisfactory flick of his tail he saw the medicine cat apprentice, SteelPaw, struggling to remove some moss from a thorn bush-

“Need a paw?” -The warrior asked calmly-

“Oh- please!” -He smiled up to the tom and moved over so the warrior could help him dislodge the soiled bedding-

“The no good moss kept snagging on the thistles!” -SteelPaw huffed when they got it free-

message 13: by Lizzy, Head Moderator, Creator (new)

Lizzy (lizzy100) | 758 comments Mod
Sorrelpelt was in camp, having a piece of fresh-kill.

Derek Stilinski-Hale | 82 comments Flashstar wandered around camp and checked on the cats in her clan, She was planning on stepping down as leader and was looking around for her replacement.

message 15: by Lizzy, Head Moderator, Creator (new)

Lizzy (lizzy100) | 758 comments Mod
Sorrelpelt finished her fresh-kill, and then got to her paws. She then headed for the exit to go do some hunting.

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