Warriors & Survivors: Roleplay Universe (2.0) discussion

RiverClan Roleplay > Territory

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message 1: by Lizzy, Head Moderator, Creator (new)

Lizzy (lizzy100) | 758 comments Mod

message 2: by Lizzy, Head Moderator, Creator (new)

Lizzy (lizzy100) | 758 comments Mod
It was stormy, as a blue-gray kit (River) curled up under a tree, trying to stay sheltered from the weather. She didn't have enough fur yet though, to keep warm. She didn't know where her parents had gone, but she was all alone it seemed, now.

message 3: by Lizzy, Head Moderator, Creator (new)

Lizzy (lizzy100) | 758 comments Mod
Frostheart led the patrol through the territory, marking as they went. All was well it seemed, other than the weather.
Patchfur suddenly saw something under a tree by the river after a while.
"Is that what I think it is?" Patchfur meowed to them all.
Frostheart followed what Patchfur saw.
"Looks like an abandoned kit," she meowed. "Let's bring the kit to camp. This isn't the weather for any cat to be out in, let alone a kit."

Derek Stilinski-Hale | 82 comments Lynxleap walked through the Territory with the Patrol group, she didn't mind her pelt getting wet from the rain, and she looked around with her purple eyes.

message 5: by Lizzy, Head Moderator, Creator (new)

Lizzy (lizzy100) | 758 comments Mod
Frostheart, still leading the patrol, headed over to the kit.
River saw cats approaching, and even though the rain was cold, she sat up, looking at them.
"Where are your parents, young one?" Frostheart questioned.
"I don't know. They left me here. They told me to stay here, so I did," she replied.
"Sounds like they abandoned this kit," Patchfur replied.

Derek Stilinski-Hale | 82 comments "Poor thing, what's your name?" Lynxleap asked, able to read lips even though she could hear a little.

message 7: by Lizzy, Head Moderator, Creator (new)

Lizzy (lizzy100) | 758 comments Mod
Jane Isles-Rizzoli wrote: ""Poor thing, what's your name?" Lynxleap asked, able to read lips even though she could hear a little."

River was always smart and always a kit to do as she was told, even when she didn't want to, so she was smart enough to know that the cat that spoke to her next was different.
"River," she replied so that she could hear her.

Derek Stilinski-Hale | 82 comments "It is very nice to meet you River, Would you come with us? We won't hurt you, We wish to help you." Lynxleap said to River, "My name is Lynxleap." She told the kit with a smile.

message 9: by Lizzy, Head Moderator, Creator (new)

Lizzy (lizzy100) | 758 comments Mod
"I'd love to," she replied. If the one cat was right and her parents weren't coming back, she was smart enough to know that these cats could or would keep her safe.

message 10: by [deleted user] (new)

Ripplepaw sniffed at the kit.
"How many moons are you? Where'd you come from? Where are your parents? I'm asking too many questions aren't I? I think we'll be friends!"

message 11: by Derek Stilinski-Hale (last edited Feb 06, 2022 02:27PM) (new)

Derek Stilinski-Hale | 82 comments "Would you like me to carry you back to camp River?" Lynxleap asked the soaked kit. She wished to help the young one back to camp and hoped she allowed her to do so.

message 12: by Lizzy, Head Moderator, Creator (new)

Lizzy (lizzy100) | 758 comments Mod
(If I get moons wrong, apologies. I haven't lived with cats since I was in middle school and beginning of high school in Nebraska. Lol.)

"I just opened my eyes a few moons ago," she replied. "I come from a long way. We were never in one place. It would be nice not to have to travel so much anymore. They left me here and told me to stay, so I assume they just left. I know they were having trouble finding prey for all of us, but I didn't know it was that bad," River replied. Then she told Lynxleap loud enough to hear, "I'd love that."
Stonepaw was by Ripplepaw.
"I can't believe parents would abandon their kit," she stated.
"Let's get this kit back to camp," Frostheart said.

message 13: by [deleted user] (new)

Ripplepaw nodded, before asking Frostheart.
"Is she going to stay with us?!?!"

Derek Stilinski-Hale | 82 comments Lynxleap nodded and gently picked River up by the scruff of her neck and headed back to the camp with the patrol.

message 15: by Lizzy, Head Moderator, Creator (new)

Lizzy (lizzy100) | 758 comments Mod
Frostheart told Ripplepaw, as they headed for camp, "Yes. She will. Breezestar wouldn't turn away a kit."

message 16: by [deleted user] (new)

"Yay!!" She mewed excitedly.

message 17: by Lizzy, Head Moderator, Creator (new)

Lizzy (lizzy100) | 758 comments Mod
Kara wrote: ""Yay!!" She mewed excitedly."

(I started in camp if you guys wanna come along. Lol.)

message 18: by [deleted user] (new)

Sagepaw walks around and notices a large hare that could feed two people. She gets ready to pounce. If she caught that, then maybe people wouldn't judge her for her breathing condition.

message 19: by Kyleigh (new)

Kyleigh  | 239 comments Wintershade looked around for some prey. She spotted a squirrel, and crouched down. Walking slowly so she wouldn't scare it, she pounced on it, caught it, and delivered the killing blow. She put it in a pile she started once she killed it.

message 20: by [deleted user] (new)

Sagepaw pounced and killed the hare.

message 21: by Kyleigh (new)

Kyleigh  | 239 comments Wintershade saw Sagepaw catch the hare. "Good job!" she said. She spotted more prey, this time catching and killing a mouse. She put it in her pile and continued to hunt.

message 22: by [deleted user] (new)

"Thanks." Sagepaw looked for more prey, spotting a bird.

message 23: by Kyleigh (new)

Kyleigh  | 239 comments Wintershade spotted a bird as well, flying in the air. She crouched down and ran, waiting to get closer to it before jumping in the air. She caught it, but landed wrong, falling on the ground.

message 24: by [deleted user] (new)

Sagepaw caught a few mice.

message 25: by Kyleigh (new)

Kyleigh  | 239 comments Wintershade stood up and continued hunting, not feeling any pain in her body. She caught another squirrel and two mice before putting them in her pile.

message 26: by [deleted user] (new)

((Can we continue tommorow? I have to go to bed.))

message 27: by Kyleigh (new)

Kyleigh  | 239 comments ((Yeah, no problem! Goodnight!))

message 28: by [deleted user] (new)

((Good morning!))
Sagepaw agilely climbed a tree and noticed a piece of two-leg scrap there. While the other kits had been playing, she taught herself to read. The paper said:
Belize is located south of Mexico...

message 29: by Kyleigh (new)

Kyleigh  | 239 comments ((I'm so sorry for the late reply!))

Wintershade saw another mouse. She chased after it, caught it, and killed it. She put it in her pile and climbed a nearby tree to look out for more prey.

message 30: by [deleted user] (new)

((it's okay, I can't respond since I'm going to dinner))

message 31: by [deleted user] (new)

((I'm back! for a bit))
Sagepaw saw a bird on a branch. She stalked toward it, only to be too heavy and fall off.

message 32: by [deleted user] (new)

((Gn. Continue tommorow?))

message 33: by Kyleigh (new)

Kyleigh  | 239 comments ((Yep! Goodnight!))

Wintershade saw Sagepaw fall out of the tree. "Sagepaw! Are you okay?" she asked.

message 34: by [deleted user] (new)

((Good morning!))
Sagepaw sighed. "Just a small scratch. I shouldn't have done that." She gets up and shows Wintershade the small line of blood on her paw.

message 35: by Kyleigh (new)

Kyleigh  | 239 comments ((Hello!))

Wintershade examined Sagepaw's paw, looking at the small bit of blood. "Well, it doesn't look bad. Are you hurt anywhere else?" she asked.

message 36: by [deleted user] (new)

"Nope, just that and my ego." Sagepaw licks her paw. "Let's take the prey back to the camp."

message 37: by Kyleigh (new)

Kyleigh  | 239 comments Wintershade nodded. She grabbed all of the prey she caught, carrying them in her mouth and headed towards camp.

((Continue to camp?))

message 38: by [deleted user] (new)

Sagepaw copied Wintershade and walked beside her.

message 39: by Kyleigh (new)

Kyleigh  | 239 comments ((Okay))

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