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Quotes > Throne of glass qoutes

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Sid (Taylor's version) ⭐ ~semi-hiatus~ (youdontwannaknow) Your favorite qoutes?

message 2: by Manon (new)

Manon (manoncb) —What is it like? To Love.
—It was like dying a little every day. It was like being alive, too. It was joy so complete it was pain. It destroyed me, and unmade me and forged me. I hated it, because I knew I couldn't escape it. And I knew it would forever change me.

message 3: by Eleanor (new)

Eleanor | 71 comments My favourite quotes from the Throne of Glass series --

Throne of Glass

“Libraries were full of ideas—perhaps the most dangerous and powerful of all weapons.”
"Names are not important. It's what lies inside of you that matters"

Heir of Fire

"And then I'm going to rattle the stars."
"her dearest friends are characters in books."

Empire of Storms

""The world," Aelin said, "will be saved and remade by the dreamers, Rolfe""

message 4: by Dee (new)

Dee  ;) | 39 comments “If you can learn to endure pain, you can survive anything. Some people learn to embrace it—to love it. Some endure it through drowning it in sorrow, or by making themselves forget. Others turn it into anger. But Ansel let her pain become hate, and let it consume her until she became something else entirely—a person I don’t think she ever wished to be”

ok but i love ansel

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