Teen Girls Book Club discussion

Entertainment & Games > Make A Story

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message 1: by ݁⋆๋⊹Amber⊹ ݁ ˖, Games and Challenges Manager (new)

݁⋆๋⊹Amber⊹ ݁ ˖ | 1447 comments Mod
This game was suggested by Book Nerd!

Basically how it works is that one person starts out a story with one sentence, then the next person would write the next sentence however they want, and eventually we would have a story!


Person 1: "I collapsed, breaths coming in heavy pants."

Person 2: "My limbs burned fiercely, tiny fires bursting to life inside each one."

Now that you know how it works, I'll start:

One sunny afternoon, my brother and I were at the park feeding the ducks, since my mother had insisted we get some fresh air.

message 2: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments I stepped backwards, taking a break, before seeing a unicorn floating at the corner of my peripheral vision (I found that this game works best with a hell lotta humour xD)

message 3: by ݁⋆๋⊹Amber⊹ ݁ ˖, Games and Challenges Manager (new)

݁⋆๋⊹Amber⊹ ݁ ˖ | 1447 comments Mod
I swiveled my head in the direction I had thought I'd seen it, but it seemed to have vanished, Was that a unicorn? I thought in disbelief, No, it must have been my imagination.

message 4: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments I shook my head and continued feeding the ducks, when my six year old brother tugged at my sleeve, pointing in the general direction of the rainbow unicorn. What the hell... No way is this real...

message 5: by ݁⋆๋⊹Amber⊹ ݁ ˖, Games and Challenges Manager (new)

݁⋆๋⊹Amber⊹ ݁ ˖ | 1447 comments Mod
He continued to tug at my sleeve, so I gently pulled off his hand and asked him, "What is it, what do you see," still not believing that the unicorn I thought I saw could possibly have been real.

message 6: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments "Sis! It's a unicorn! A big, fluffy rainbow unicorn!" he yelled, attracting the attention of the nearby people, hindering their peaceful strolls of the park.

message 7: by ݁⋆๋⊹Amber⊹ ݁ ˖, Games and Challenges Manager (new)

݁⋆๋⊹Amber⊹ ݁ ˖ | 1447 comments Mod
I laughed, "That's ridiculous," and I almost said, 'you know that they aren't real,' but caught myself and instead said, "Why would it come here of all places? Besides, we're attracting the attention of everyone at the park now that you're yelling about some unicorn," I shook my head again, smirking.

message 8: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments My train of thought was interrupted when I found a unicorn standing next to me. I can't deny it, can I?

message 9: by ݁⋆๋⊹Amber⊹ ݁ ˖, Games and Challenges Manager (new)

݁⋆๋⊹Amber⊹ ݁ ˖ | 1447 comments Mod
My brother squealed and started tugging on my sleeve again when he saw the unicorn, so I said "Shush Thomas, people are staring," then added quietly, "I see it, but we don't want the bad guys to see it, okay?"

message 10: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments I internally slapped my brain. What was I thinking? Bad guys???! Am I going to become a superhero now or something as well? Is there dramatic music playing in the backgro- I don't know how funny the universe was trying to be, but dramatic music started playing at that current moment.

message 11: by ݁⋆๋⊹Amber⊹ ݁ ˖, Games and Challenges Manager (new)

݁⋆๋⊹Amber⊹ ݁ ˖ | 1447 comments Mod
I looked back at my brother, and it seemed like he heard the music too, since he had a huge grin on his face, "Does this mean we get to go on an adventure now?" he asked.

message 12: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments I sighed. 'I guess. I mean, there's proably going to be something that will suck is into some wei-' my voice was interrupted by my scream.

message 13: by ݁⋆๋⊹Amber⊹ ݁ ˖, Games and Challenges Manager (new)

݁⋆๋⊹Amber⊹ ݁ ˖ | 1447 comments Mod
Thomas and I were floating in the air above some shimmery-looking portal and he was still clutching my sleeve, "This can't be real!!--" I shouted again as we were sucked inside of it.

message 14: by *^~Book Nerd~^* (new)

*^~Book Nerd~^* | 89 comments I came to slowly, blearily blinking up at the inky sky.

message 15: by *^~Book Nerd~^* (new)

*^~Book Nerd~^* | 89 comments The black liquid dripped into my eyes, and I quickly moved to rub it out as I took in my peculiar surroundings.

message 16: by ݁⋆๋⊹Amber⊹ ݁ ˖, Games and Challenges Manager (new)

݁⋆๋⊹Amber⊹ ݁ ˖ | 1447 comments Mod
I realized that Thomas was not beside me and frantically began looking around for him.

message 17: by *^~Book Nerd~^* (new)

*^~Book Nerd~^* | 89 comments My eyes grew wide as I took in the scene. Thomas floated above me on the back of the unicorn I had seen earlier, eyes glowing a deep red as he stared down at me unseeingly.

message 18: by Samiksha (new)

Samiksha Bhattacharjee (samiksha23) | 713 comments So now the unicorn is evil??? What was happening?

message 19: by *^~Book Nerd~^* (new)

*^~Book Nerd~^* | 89 comments I shook off my confusion at the floating unicorn and brother, panic settling in as my brain began to properly comprehend what was going on. I had to get to Thomas!

message 20: by *^~Book Nerd~^* (new)

*^~Book Nerd~^* | 89 comments …thick vines slithered up my legs and arms, restraining me and pulling back down to the hard ground.

message 21: by *^~Book Nerd~^* (new)

*^~Book Nerd~^* | 89 comments When the bright beam of light roamed over the vines, they shriveled up like the discarded skin of a snake. I can’t believe that worked!

message 22: by Kenzie (new)

Kenzie | 41 comments Looking around my surroundings it was mostly cracked, dry Earth spattered with ink, but in the distance I could see a huge maze.

message 23: by *^~Book Nerd~^* (new)

*^~Book Nerd~^* | 89 comments My brow furrowed. What was a maze doing here? Suddenly my confusion mixed with surprise when I saw what was at the entrance of the maze.

message 24: by ݁⋆๋⊹Amber⊹ ݁ ˖, Games and Challenges Manager (new)

݁⋆๋⊹Amber⊹ ݁ ˖ | 1447 comments Mod
The unicorn -that had been enlarged since before!! witchcraft- sat right in front of the entrance of the maze, it's eyes glowing an even deeper red than before. It seemed to be guarding something, so I looked around for Thomas, until I saw...

message 25: by *^~Book Nerd~^* (new)

*^~Book Nerd~^* | 89 comments … what lay beyond the outer wall of the maze. Thomas, hanging above the center in a huge, rusty bird cage and clutching desperately at the bars!

message 26: by Gabby (new)

Gabby | 3 comments He fell down. Lucking landing on something soft.

message 27: by ݁⋆๋⊹Amber⊹ ݁ ˖, Games and Challenges Manager (new)

݁⋆๋⊹Amber⊹ ݁ ˖ | 1447 comments Mod
Which just so happened to be the back of the unicorn?! The unicorn had just leaped underneath him to catch his fall. So was it really evil at all?

message 28: by Nasrikhné (new)

Nasrikhné AK | 8 comments But how could I possibly know its intention? Had the universe given me the power of telepathy?

message 29: by Sunnyflower (new)

Sunnyflower | 12 comments As my train of thought chugged across the rails of my mind, I heard screaming. It was Thomas, clutching frantically to the neck of the unicorn and struggling to stay on. I stood helpless as I watched the unicorn’s silhouette shrink in the mist of the black rain. In the distance, I saw a small figure being dropped into the maze.

message 30: by bungisngis (new)

bungisngis | 456 comments The small figure got up and started to charge. After saying a short goodbye to the unicorn I started running as fast as my legs could go. I looked behind me to see the figure coming closer. I didn't realize what it was at first, but then I saw it...

message 31: by Sunnyflower (new)

Sunnyflower | 12 comments It was Thomas! My brother ran to me, gasping for breath. I saw fear and anxiety in his eyes.
“Sissy! I saw… I saw…” He sniffled, and the tears that rolled down his face mixed with the inky rain to create puddles of black tears on the charcoal ground.
“What did you see, Thomas?” I asked
“I saw a puff of dark clouds and then I saw a sign in the maze that had a word that looked like ‘Home’“ on it and the sign was pointing to a purple portal and…”
Before he could finish…

message 32: by ݁⋆๋⊹Amber⊹ ݁ ˖, Games and Challenges Manager (new)

݁⋆๋⊹Amber⊹ ݁ ˖ | 1447 comments Mod
The unicorn ambushed us from behind!! It pushed both of us over and knocked the wind out of me. I sat there trying to breathe for a second, then I looked around and Thomas and the unicorn were missing again! When I glanced towards the purple portal I saw...

message 33: by [deleted user] (new)

The unicorn was taking Thomas through the portal!..

message 34: by anita (new)

anita | 1 comments I don’t think. I run. Run faster than vines crawling. Faster than the sound of Thomas’s shrieks of fear. I will get to the bottom of this. Whatever is in this purple portal, whatever this unicorn’s intentions are..every last moment. But the first step is obvious: get my little brother back.

message 35: by Ellie (new)

Ellie | 284 comments Just as I’m about to grab my brother the unicorns speed gets faster and I have to grab onto it’s tail before I loose them both, just as I do this it drags us through the ports and it closes faster than I can blink, the shock makes me let go of the unicorns tail and I am left watching my brother being taken away…

message 36: by Ula (new)

Ula | 344 comments Where I am now I'm not sure but it looks sort of like candy land; this worries me because if Thomas likes anything it's candy which means he's bound to fall in love with this place!

message 37: by Abi (new)

Abi | 105 comments The clouds are made of fairy floss, the mushrooms of marshmallows, the vines of sour straps and the fruits of rock candy.

RoroReads (Free Palestine) | 523 comments I didnt notice it right away, but there something darker lurking beneath the disguise of a happy, joyous place. Something was watching me. I was sure of it. But none of that mattered. I needed to get to Thomas. Whatever it took.
"_Run_", something said.
I looked left and right to try and find the owner of such a mysterious voice before i realized it was coming from me. More so, it was from inside my head.
"_What? Why?_" I questioned, hoping to find answers about where i was, how to get out?
My thoughts spiraled as i imagined thousands of things that could have happened to him. I was so worried. Would i ever get to see him again?
Just then the voice in my head started to talk again, preventing me from thinking anything too horrible. It almost felt as if the flowers were warning me of something big, something i didnt know about.....

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