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Need Help? [Ask the Group] > LCP Error can't finish book

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message 1: by Rachel (new)

Rachel (rachelkisley) | 7 comments Argh! I've got 3 hours left on a title I'd been reading on the Netgalley Shelf app, and I was 89% finished. I've just opened the app to finish the book and it says "unexpected LCP error" and won't open the file. I've tried closing the app, restarting my phone etc, but no joy. My final 3 hours are ticking and it doesn't look like I'll get to finish the book!! Any ideas?

message 2: by Rosh (new)

Rosh (roshreviews) | 245 comments Tried downloading the file and then playing it instead of streaming it?
If you were listening to a downloaded version, try deleting and downloading once again (as long as the book isn't archived yet. Archived books can't be downloaded.)

message 3: by Rachel (new)

Rachel (rachelkisley) | 7 comments It's already archived, so it won't let me refresh the download, if I remove download it will disappear fully. It wasn't an audio version, not sure if that makes a difference.

message 4: by Diana (new)

Diana Brown If you downloaded it to Kindle, it will still be there. That is why I download to Kindle at the beginning even if I want to read it on Netgalley app

message 5: by Rosh (new)

Rosh (roshreviews) | 245 comments Oh sorry. I assumed you meant audio when you said Three hours left. I don't read ebooks on the Netgalley Shelf app as it strains my eyes.
If it's already archived, I can't think of anything other than emailing Netgalley support. They usually respond promptly, though I'm not sure how much they'll be able to help out for an archived book. You can try your luck and see... I hope you get the rectified version. It's a bummer to lose a book so close to the end.

message 6: by Rachel (new)

Rachel (rachelkisley) | 7 comments No sorry I meant 3 hours until is disappeared off my shelf. I've emailed so will see what they say. I was enjoying it soo much too and had just settled down with a cuppa to enjoy the end of it.

message 7: by Rachel (new)

Rachel (rachelkisley) | 7 comments @diana yesss thank you! I don't normally send to kindle but I jusy went and checked and it turns out I did! Phew I can finish it!

message 8: by Lisa (new)

Lisa Denton (ldldenton) | 4 comments Similar issue: I had an audiobook downloaded on the NetGalley app. The audiobook was archived April 6, and now it's gone from the app. I didn't realize it had an "expiration date"; there was not a date listed in the app for this audiobook like I have seen on some books. Do audiobooks automatically disappear from the app on the archive date? :(

message 9: by Rosh (new)

Rosh (roshreviews) | 245 comments Yes, both audiobooks and ebooks disappear from the app unless you've downloaded them. The first thing I do for my audiobooks is download them to my phone and the first thing I do for ebooks is send them to my Kindle. Streaming doesn't keep them, only downloading does. They should be visible in your "My Books" section once properly downloaded.

message 10: by Lisa (new)

Lisa Denton (ldldenton) | 4 comments RoshReviews wrote: "Yes, both audiobooks and ebooks disappear from the app unless you've downloaded them. The first thing I do for my audiobooks is download them to my phone and the first thing I do for ebooks is send..."
Thank you for the tips, Rosh! I would have sworn I downloaded this audiobook on the app, but maybe I forgot on this one, as it is gone now.

message 11: by Brian (new)

Brian Stabler (midnighteruk) | 4 comments Thanks. I've just encountered the same problem with all the unread books (Two of 'em!) on my Shelf app, and found everyone's suggestions really helpful.

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