The Country Of Katos- A Role-playing Group discussion

West Katos Buildings > West Katos Highschool

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message 1: by -✿ [reese in pieces] ✿- , Co-Owner <3(I'm back y'all) (new)

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 3733 comments Mod
Windsor Castle description and photos - Great Britain: Windsor |

message 2: by River, Owner <3 (new)

River | 4828 comments Mod
Ayra walked into the school and put her books into her locker

Kagehina_Lover (〃^▽^〃) | 137 comments Darren was walking down the hallway, hands in his pockets.

"Do you need any help with that?", Darren asks, when he sees Ayra.

message 4: by River, Owner <3 (new)

River | 4828 comments Mod
Ayra turned around dropping down of her books, she swore under her breath “Hey Darren.” She said smilin

Kagehina_Lover (〃^▽^〃) | 137 comments "Hi, Ayra! I'll help you.", Darren says, crouching down and picking up her book and handing them back to her.

message 6: by River, Owner <3 (new)

River | 4828 comments Mod
Ayra smiles at him, “Thanks” she put it back I her locker and turned to face him leaning against it

Kagehina_Lover (〃^▽^〃) | 137 comments "So, it's been a while.".

message 8: by River, Owner <3 (new)

River | 4828 comments Mod
She nodded “Ya siblings have been busy lately Ansleys working late into the night, and my brother has been busy at the cafe”

Kagehina_Lover (〃^▽^〃) | 137 comments Darren nods.

"Yeah, my half-brother's been in East Katos for the past few weeks, and he found a job there, so he's working too. So, understandable.".

message 10: by River, Owner <3 (new)

River | 4828 comments Mod
“What’d he find over there?” Ayra didn’t mind eats Katos I like her britherb

message 11: by River, Owner <3 (new)

River | 4828 comments Mod
Unlike her brother

Kagehina_Lover (〃^▽^〃) | 137 comments "He hunts and found a job at a bakery. He comes back and forth a lot, made a few friends, all that stuff.".

message 13: by River, Owner <3 (new)

River | 4828 comments Mod

Ayra nodded not having met him before she leaned in “I doubt he’ll be over anytime soon.”

Kagehina_Lover (〃^▽^〃) | 137 comments "Because of the lockdown? You heard about that? I was wondering if it was really happening.".

(( Yeah ))

message 15: by River, Owner <3 (new)

River | 4828 comments Mod
“Ya my parents are talking about at night, sounds like Karema is buckling down in personal guards two new ones left an hour later to go over there.”

Kagehina_Lover (〃^▽^〃) | 137 comments "I heard it was because someone from East Katos stole a couple million dollars from one of us.".

(( That's why the lockdown is happening, right? ))

message 17: by River, Owner <3 (new)

River | 4828 comments Mod
((Yes 4 million from Karemas bf))

“Do you wonder if it was Karema and that’s why she’s buckling down on guards?”

Kagehina_Lover (〃^▽^〃) | 137 comments "It's either that or someone who's very close to her.".

message 19: by River, Owner <3 (new)

River | 4828 comments Mod
Ayra shrugged

“Stop kissing in the halls you two!” Someone shouted at Ayra and Darren

Ayra blushes when that was said

Kagehina_Lover (〃^▽^〃) | 137 comments Darren rolled his eyes.

"I'm laughing so hard, I'm dying.", he says sarcastically.

message 21: by River, Owner <3 (new)

River | 4828 comments Mod
Ayra cracked a smile at him

Kagehina_Lover (〃^▽^〃) | 137 comments "Just ignore them. What're you doing after school?".

message 23: by River, Owner <3 (new)

River | 4828 comments Mod
Ayra shrugged “probally go home and play with my cat why?” She checked the time noticing it was almost turn to go

Kagehina_Lover (〃^▽^〃) | 137 comments "I was wondering if we could go to the cafe.".

message 25: by River, Owner <3 (new)

River | 4828 comments Mod
Ayra smiled “Sure! I cousl prit sweet talk Elias into getting us something for free

Kagehina_Lover (〃^▽^〃) | 137 comments "That sounds good. Want to head there right now?".

message 27: by River, Owner <3 (new)

River | 4828 comments Mod

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