Stranger Things Role-Play discussion

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s.s howler {birds of a feather} (howlerplayz) | 141 comments


Okay, so! First suggestion:
I made a thing called “Games With Characters”. In a few of my groups you'll find it's like, the main place. Basically, it's like a whole....
Where you can talk.
With your characters.
So, like-
The home place is Random Convo's With Characters. How it works, is like a big 'ol simulation chat. For example, I'll use Eleven, Dustin, and myself. :)
Here's what it'd look like!

Eleven11 has joined the chat.
Dustin_Henderson has joined the chat.
HowlerPlayz has joined the chat.

Eleven: Hi. :)
Dustin: Yoooo!
Howler: See? It'd look like this. Just a massive conversation between characters that's outside of roleplay!


Now, of course, I'd have to request if I could make this, seeing as I came up with it in the first place and all credit goes to me. But it's up to you.
Another example is...Truth or Dare! Your characters and yourself could play T or D outside of roleplay! :D

If you go to group settings, you can change how many topics people can see. I noticed on the Hawkins area there are 18+ topics, but you can only see 5 unless you click on discussions. If you don't know how to do that, I can do it for you if needed! :3

s.s howler {birds of a feather} (howlerplayz) | 141 comments

Yeahhhh! It's super fun with a bunch of people! Trust me, on my main group there are over 800+ pages of the weirdest and funniest but also most dramatic conversations ever. XD
It's a very lively place, let me tell you! It's also the reason that group is still active-

Of course! If you want to you can temporarily mod me and once I get that done you can unmod me. Or I can look through one of my other groups I'm a mod in and guide you through with instructions on how to do that?

s.s howler {birds of a feather} (howlerplayz) | 141 comments

Did it! Go ahead and unmod me now.

s.s howler {birds of a feather} (howlerplayz) | 141 comments

Of course, no problem. :)

Oh! Almost forgot my other idea!
Could there be a place, for, like-
I don't know, somewhere we could post artworks we found, fanart we made, and a place to post ST memes, perhaps? I can help make the topics if you'd like me to, if you make the folder for it.

s.s howler {birds of a feather} (howlerplayz) | 141 comments

Alright, just let me know if you want any help with things! :D

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