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Graveyard > Riv x Sam

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message 1: by River (new)

River | 720 comments Hey Sammie!!

message 2: by River (new)

River | 720 comments Wanna do realistic?? Maybe childhood Friedan one moved away come back in Highschool and rekindle their live??

message 3: by River (new)

River | 720 comments Alright we’ll start in the morning!!

message 4: by River (new)

River | 720 comments Night!! I’ll post a template at some point just a small one sor we know what they look like

message 5: by River (new)

River | 720 comments Name:

message 6: by River (new)

River | 720 comments Imma make a girl too that ok??

message 7: by River (new)

River | 720 comments Name: Soph
Age: 17
Sexuality: Omni and ace
Appearance: long butt length curly brown hair, light dusting of freckles and dimples
Personality: very kind but also very shy, easy to talk to and gets flustered easily
History: She grew up with Lux until one day her parents found a new job away from her old home, she moved away for many years until she found a college near her old home, she decided to go back to her old school, old friends and old crush

message 8: by River (new)

River | 720 comments Wanna start as in class and she comes in as the new student?? Mayeb she also looks different cause she grew her hair out?

message 9: by River (new)

River | 720 comments Highschool is fine, cause that’s why she transferred back over to the school

message 10: by River (new)

River | 720 comments You can!!

message 11: by River (new)

River | 720 comments Soph walked into class and stood at the front awkwardly as she waited for the teacher to say somethign

message 12: by River (new)

River | 720 comments Soph stood up awkwardly as the teacher introduced her for her she noticed someone waving pout of the corner of her eye, she almost ignored it thinking it was some petty boy trying to get her attention but soemthing told her to look. When she looked over she saw Lux, a wide grin where no her face, the teacher told her to sit beside him and she made her way over

message 13: by River (new)

River | 720 comments She smiled ‘for real how have you been?’

message 14: by River (new)

River | 720 comments ‘I’ve been good, life’s been hectic’

message 15: by River (new)

River | 720 comments She smiled at him and before she knew it the day had already ended, considering she showed up a hit late and had to do the enrollment process

message 16: by River (new)

River | 720 comments Soph walked beside him bag across her body ((satchel type bag) “It’s been so long since we talked! We should have. A sleepover at yours tonight! Our house is still a mess!” She said laughing

message 17: by River (new)

River | 720 comments She smiled brigh at him as they started to walk home

message 18: by River (new)

River | 720 comments She blushed lightly and squeezes his back, when they reached the houses she dragged Lux towards hers “You shoudk see my parents again! I’ve got to grab some stuff anyway!”

message 19: by River (new)

River | 720 comments She opens the door to chaos her younger sister and brother we’re running around while her mother and father were unpacking

message 20: by River (new)

River | 720 comments The twins ran over and hugged Sophia legs before they saw Lux and wcms lied their excitment

message 21: by River (new)

River | 720 comments “What is all the commotion about Soph just got home not soem miracle-“ Sophia dad said coming into the room “Lux! What a pleasure to see you!”

message 22: by River (new)

River | 720 comments “It has been, how have you been?”

message 23: by River (new)

River | 720 comments “Hectic with those two running around” he said pointing to the twins who have began running sorin again “I better get back to in packing.” He said returning to the kitchen

message 24: by River (new)

River | 720 comments Soph smiled at him “I’m gonna go tell my mom what I’m doing real quick , my room is still where it was if you want to go on up I’ll be up in a minute, just watch the boxes” she said walking towards the kitchen

message 25: by River (new)

River | 720 comments Soph came up a minute or two later and plopped down beside him

message 26: by River (new)

River | 720 comments Soph blushed a little but smiled

message 27: by River (new)

River | 720 comments Soph blushed more “i need to get some clothes if I’m gonna stay at yours”

message 28: by River (new)

River | 720 comments Soph smiled and packed for one day with some
Card and stuff just a small carry bag nothing big once she was done she set it on the bed

message 29: by River (new)

River | 720 comments “Yep!” She said smiling and walking down the stairs “Were leaving!” She shouted to her parents in the other room

message 30: by River (new)

River | 720 comments She walked over next door to his house and waited for him

message 31: by River (new)

River | 720 comments She smiled and walked with him feet guiding her towards the room she knew

message 32: by River (new)

River | 720 comments Soph smiled and sat on the bed, just like he did in her room

message 33: by River (new)

River | 720 comments Soph blushed but let him, she was used to being affectionate with him, but that’s didn’t stop her hidden feelings for him from growing

message 34: by River (new)

River | 720 comments Soph blushed further but let him ((they aren’t dating yet but they did this as kids and stuff but she’s grown feelings for him and stuff))

message 35: by River (new)

River | 720 comments Soph’s blush deepened but she Lena’s back into his arms

message 36: by River (new)

River | 720 comments Soph let out a giggle but continued to blush

message 37: by River (new)

River | 720 comments “For what?” She asked looking at him

message 38: by River (new)

River | 720 comments “No why? We’ve done this as kids.”

message 39: by River (new)

River | 720 comments “No it’s fine” she said smiling and leaning back again “Yo ye comfy anyway”

message 40: by River (new)

River | 720 comments She smiled and let him play with her extremely long hair, quite different from the shoulder length she had before she left

message 41: by River (new)

River | 720 comments “And quite long” she said blushing at his comment

message 42: by River (new)

River | 720 comments Soph blushed even more at that comment and let him play with her hair

message 43: by River (new)

River | 720 comments Soph turned as red as a tomato and relaxed into his arms

message 44: by River (new)

River | 720 comments Soph smiled and layed next to him, in his arms

message 45: by River (new)

River | 720 comments She smiled and let him

message 46: by River (new)

River | 720 comments “We hangs out until your parents get home”

message 47: by River (new)

River | 720 comments “Sure!” She said smiling

message 48: by River (new)

River | 720 comments “Suprise me”

message 49: by River (new)

River | 720 comments Soph laughed and settled into his arms

message 50: by River (new)

River | 720 comments She laughed and judged him with her elbow in the side

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