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message 2: by Candy (last edited Aug 05, 2022 12:35PM) (new)

Candy | 2802 comments Mod
I just watched this on my phone this morning. I will now have to watch it on my desk top to really appreciate the visual presentation. I recommend this presentation whcih examines a page and typography a few of us here in this group have talked about. The dedication page of the Sonnets.

Terribly wonderful and compelling work that Alexander Waugh has done here. So fun!

And now...who is Edward De Vere? Well, the first thing I noticed on his Wiki page...was the connection to William Herbert, son of Mary Sidney. These family names surfaced in our past discussions the "scrambles" argued about hidden on the dedication page.

Why is what I have wondered...WHY would Oxfoord have or want to publish or write poetry and plays secretly? I think maybe because he was a scoundrel and was at first a courtier to Queen Elizabeth, then sexaul scandal he was banished? No? Why did he create a diversion? Was it for spiritual reasons? It's hard for me to understand why there would be a lost identity to begin with. However...the powerful practice of magic, alchemy, maths might have been a reason?

Anyways...if one has the time...I highly recommend this fascinating video its quite wonderful.

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