The Academy For Mythical Creatures discussion

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Alpha : ♡ Half-Hiatus ♡ (ultimatealpha)

Profile Credits

--|| Template Credits: Alpha
--|| Infomation Credits: Alpha
--|| Art Credits: ( **couldn't find artist name** )


--|| Name:
Sariah Courtney Jae
--|| Name Meaning:
Sariah means 'Princess of the Lord' in Hebrew
Courtney means 'broken'
Jae means 'ability, talent, or riches' in Korean
--|| Nicknames:Sariah ( normal ), Sarah ( lover ), Sar ( brother )

--|| Age:17 years old
--|| Birthdate: June 27th
--|| Season of Birth: Summer
--|| Place of Birth: *Classified Information*

--|| Gender at Birth: Female
--|| Current Gender: Female
--|| Sexuality: Bisexual?
--|| LGBTQ+ Status: Accepting.

--|| School: The Academy for Mythical Creatures
--|| Grade: Senior

--|| Species: Demi-Goddess
--|| Species Details:
A demi-god or demi-goddess is a creature more powerful than a mortal but, less powerful than a god. They are a fallen god with two godparents, or one human parent, and one godparent. Demi-gods watch over the same thing as their parent/s but, with only the amount of power their parent allows them to have, which can sometimes be none.
--|| Powers:
Demi-Goddess of the Sky - Sariah inherits this power from her mother, Goddess Hera, Queen of Gods. With this power, she can watch over the skies and somewhat control what creatures fly there. She controls the clouds and weather produced by the sky, but not the temperatures. Sometimes, Sariah's powers are controlled by her emotion. There are points in time when her magic won't work, and that is because her mother is keeping the world safe. Since she was born on earth instead of in the realm of gods, she never got the training with her powers as a normal goddess would.
Demi-Goddess of the Underworld - As the demi-goddess of the Underworld, she has few powers. Her father is power greedy so she can only summon creatures trapped in the underworld and send creatures there, nothing else. Though, there are a few specific people/creatures she can't summon because of her father and his power. But, she can send creatures to the underworld, and if there are dead people with their souls still around she has the option to send them to the underworld.

--|| Overall Personality:
Sariah is a quiet and sweet girl. Mostly. She isn't a drama queen and she hates gossip. She isn't very mean unless you hurt her or her brother. Then she might call the underworld creatures on you.
Sariah is a very passionate person. She loves to draw things, and she's best at doing sketches of demons. She also enjoys going sailing, skydiving, and cooking.
Sariah has favorite and hated foods. She enjoys eating salmon but, she hates pork and turkey. She also likes apples, honey, and sushi. She hates broccoli, carrots, spinach, and ranch salad dressing.
Sariah is a loving person. But, she hasn't completely figured herself out. She's still at the point in time where she is deciding the different things about herself. Sariah is bisexual, right now. She doesn't know her preference at the moment.
Sariah has been heartbroken so, she is a bit of a closed-off person. She still has crushes on cute guys and maybe some of her brother's friends but, otherwise, she doesn't have crushes. When looking for a love interest, Sariah is looking for a taller guy, around six feet. She enjoys a guy with a good sense of humor and one who will help her and love her unconditionally, even in her bad times. She is looking for a guy who is romantic with her but preferably when they aren't in public.
Sariah has friends. Most of them are girls but, a few of them are probably her brothers' friends. She is best friends with her older brother. It doesn't matter if they argue sometimes but, they are very close since they've lived together and shared secrets often. Sure, he'll upset her sometimes but, he'll always find a way to make up for it. Usually by getting her a cookie or some coffee.


--|| Mother: Hera [ Queen of Gods ]
--|| Father: Hades [ God of the Underworld ]
--|| Brother[s]: ---- ---- [ 17, Male, Older Twin Brother, @Petrapluto ]
--|| Sister[s]: ( none )

--|| Friend[s]: tbd
--|| Enemie[s]: tbd
--|| Frenemie[s]:tbd

--|| Roommate: tbd

--|| Relationship Status: Single
--|| Crush: tbd
--|| Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None
--|| Husband/Wife: None

--|| Ex-Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Sean Johnson [ Male, *Location Unknown* ]


--|| Appearance:
Hera | Riordan Wiki | Fandom

--|| Appearance Description:
Sariah is a young woman that is a great resemblance of her mother. She is around 5'3" and weighs around 102lbs. She normally wears white dresses and golden crowns, a symbol blessed to her by her mother to let people know she is a demi-god. Sariah sometimes wears a cape of peacock feathers.
She doesn't have a staff like in the photo. She just does her magic using her mind and hands.


--|| Physical Strength: ★☆☆☆☆
--|| Speed: ★★★★☆
--|| Stamina: ★★★★☆
--|| Knowledge: ★★★★☆
--|| Anger Management: ★★★★★
--|| Athleticism: ★★★★☆

--|| Magic Control: ★★★☆☆
--|| Magic Stanima: ★★★★☆
--|| Magic Lethality: ★★★★★


--|| Backstory: (view spoiler)

--|| Secrets: tbd

--|| Other:
- last updated : 12 September 2022
- profile complete
- all family and gods are based on greek mythology

Alpha : ♡ Half-Hiatus ♡ (ultimatealpha)

Profile Credits

--|| Template Credits: Alpha
--|| Infomation Credits: Alpha
--|| Art Credits: ( name of any artist's artwork used & website artwork is posted on )


--|| Name:
Phoebe Meril
--|| Name Meaning:
Phoebe means 'bright' or 'radiant'
Meril means 'rose'
--|| Nicknames: Phoebe ( everyone )

--|| Age: 14 years old
--|| Birthdate: Spring
--|| Season of Birth: May 13th
--|| Place of Birth: [ classified information ]

--|| Gender at Birth: Female
--|| Current Gender: Female
--|| Sexuality: Straight
--|| LGBTQ+ Status: tbd

--|| School: The Academy for Mystical Creatures
--|| Grade: Sophomore

--|| Species: Elf
--|| Species Details:
Elves are tiny mystical creatures thought to be small and mischievous. They also have different magical powers depending on where they live. Their long pointy ears define them.
--|| Powers:
Photokinesis - Photokinesis is the ability to manipulate light. In Phoebe's case, she can only manipulate natural light from the sun. Manipulating the light doesn't take much energy at all so, she can do it for long periods of time at once.

--|| Overall Personality:
Phoebe is a very shy and quiet girl. She doesn't like to go to community events or dances.
Phoebe loves to garden. She enjoys planting and caring for plants in gardens and inside pots. Her favorite flower is a rose and she is sorta obsessed with them.
Phoebe doesn't eat a lot. She's a vegan but not serious. She isn't bothered when others eat meat or animal products around her. She loves to eat fruits and salads.
Phoebe enjoys sunbathing. But, she hates doing it on a beach or near a pool. She has a phobia of water and doesn't know how to swim.
Phoebe also has a phobia of night and the moon. She can't control light when the sun isn't out giving her natural light to control. And she's scared of the dark.
Phoebe is a very anti-romantic person. She doesn't like having official relationships or drama. She hates going out on official dates but, she's okay with something like hanging out at their house/dorm.


--|| Mother: Carol Meril [ Female, Alive ]
--|| Father: Jolly Meril [ Male, Alive ]
--|| Brother[s]: None
--|| Sister[s]: None

--|| Friend[s]: tbd
--|| Enemie[s]: tbd
--|| Frenemie[s]: tbd

--|| Relationship Status: Single
--|| Crush: tbd, pls ask
--|| Boyfriend/Girlfriend: open, just ask her out~ though she might say no
--|| Husband/Wife: Closed


--|| Appearance:
White hair female elf by V WEI WEIBO | Female elf, Elf art, White hair

--|| Appearance Description: Pheobe has a normal elf-like face and normal pointy elf ears. She has white hair as a result of all the snow she had back at the north pole. Phoebe has blue eyes. Since she was born to two of Santa's elves, Pheobe is only around 2'4" tall, meaning she is a tiny little thing.


--|| Strength: ★★★☆☆
--|| Speed: ★★★★☆
--|| Stamina: ★★★☆☆
--|| Knowledge: ★★★★★
--|| Anger Management: ★★★☆☆
--|| Athleticism: ★★★☆☆

--|| Magic Control: ★★★★★
--|| Magic Stanima: ★★★☆☆
--|| Magic Lethality: ★☆☆☆☆


--|| History: (view spoiler)

--|| Secrets: none?

--|| Other:
- profile complete
- last updated : 21 september 2022

Alpha : ♡ Half-Hiatus ♡ (ultimatealpha)

Profile Credits

--|| Template Credits: Alpha
--|| Infomation Credits: Alpha
--|| Art Credits: ( name of any artist's artwork used & website artwork is posted on )


--|| Name:
Callan Ethan Hemming
--|| Name Meaning:
Callan means 'battle'
Ethan means 'strong'
Hemming means 'werewolf'
--|| Nicknames: Callan (teachers/students), Ethan (best friend), Cal (girlfriend)

--|| Age: 18 years old
--|| Birthdate:
--|| Season of Birth:
--|| Place of Birth:

--|| Gender at Birth: Male
--|| Current Gender: Male
--|| Sexuality: Straight
--|| LGBTQ+ Status: tbd

--|| School: The Academy for Mythical Creatures
--|| Grade: Senior

--|| Species: Werewolf
--|| Species Details:
--|| Powers: ( limitation of 3 )

--|| Overall Personality:
Callan is sorta like a high school bad boy when he doesn't know you. He's a bit like a bully but, if you can befriend him, he's a lot more then that.
Callan has a massive soft spot for his friends. And, he also has one for other people. His crush, who he's around a lot, but she doesn't have a clue.
Callan enjoys social events. No, he loves them.
Callan loves food. Especially Mexican food. He loves to eat tacos and burritos. He also loves


--|| Mother: Jade Hemming [ Alive ]
--|| Father: Alpha Hemming [ Alive ]
--|| Brother[s]: Blaise Hemming [ Deceased ]
--|| Sister[s]: none

--|| Friend[s]:
--- --- [ best friend, @petrapluto ]
--|| Enemie[s]:
--|| Frenemie[s]:

--|| Relationship Status: Single
--|| Crush: tba
--|| Boyfriend/Girlfriend: closed
--|| Husband/Wife: closed


--|| Appearance:
10 Wolf boy anime ideas | wolf boy anime, anime, anime wolf

--|| Appearance Description:


--|| Strength: ★★★★★
--|| Speed: ★★★★☆
--|| Stamina: ★★★★☆
--|| Knowledge: ★★☆☆☆
--|| Anger Management: ★★★☆☆
--|| Athleticism: ★★★★☆

--|| Magic Control: ★★★★☆
--|| Magic Stanima: ★★★☆☆
--|| Magic Lethality: ★★★★☆


--|| History:

--|| Secrets:
- on full moons, Callan does take a real werewolf for and roams the school grounds

--|| Other:
- last updated : 15 september 2022
- profile in progress

message 4: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
XxUltimateAlphaxX { Spooky Scary Skeletons } wrote: "

Profile Credits

--|| Template Credits: Alpha
--|| Infomation Credits: Alpha
--|| Art Credits: ( name of any artist's artwork used & webs..."

May I adopt Callan?

message 5: by Jackie Rain (new)

Jackie Rain (leviforest) | 438 comments

Name: Alvgjerd

Nicknames: Al, Alv, Green boy, Alle

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Birthday: Aug, 19th

Sexuality: Bisexual

Crush: None

Friends: None yet

History: TBRPed (To be roleplayed)

Personality: Shy when you first meet him but once you know him he's the life of the party, chill, rude but only if you mess with him or his friends, protective of his family, friends, and partner.

-Listening to/making music


Flowers - He can create any type of flower he wants.

+Speed: 7/10
+Strength: 6/10
+Stamina: 9/10
+Mental Strength: 4/10
+Power Control/Use: 8/10

Place: Somewhere quiet
Color: Blue
Song: Fairytale


-Loud and crowded places

message 6: by Jackie Rain (new)

Jackie Rain (leviforest) | 438 comments Name: A Swva

Gender: Female

Age: 18

DOB: August 12

Sexuality: Bisexual

Crush: None yet

Friends: Bati (Female), Ale(Male), Tra(Female) {ALL OPEN TO MAKE}

Whes Dewa (Real Father - Dead)
Das Dewa (Real Mother - Dead)
Qyinn Swva (Father - Alive)
Twa (Mother - Alive)


History: TBRPed

Personality: Mean, killer, strong, ruthless, crazy, nice sometimes, cocky, and short-tempered

- Killing


Appearance: demon girl - Album on Imgur

Color: Blueish-black

Texture: Soft

Length: Shoulder

Most common hair style: Down


Color: Light Blue

Birthmarks: None

Freckles: Yes

Color: Black

Piercings: Yes
Hearing aids?: No

Size: Short
Piercings: Yes

Height: 5'9
Curvyness: 4
Extra: None




Speed: 9/10
Strength: 8/10
Mental Strength: Unknown
Power Control/Use: 10/10


Places: Mafia HQ
Type of people: Killers
Color: Bloody Red
Song: All in my head by Whethan
Food(nothings off limits): Pizza
- Killing
- Killers
- Police
- People who want to kill her 'family' (the Mafia)

message 7: by Jackie Rain (new)

Jackie Rain (leviforest) | 438 comments

Name: Lovely Loss

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Panromantic

Personality: Lovely is a shy person who gets scared of the littlest of things, she hates being in closed places with no way out, she loves flowers and calm spaces


Clubs: Art

- Calm and quiet places
- Drawing
- Art and Crafts

- Loud and chaotic places
- Mean people

message 8: by Jackie Rain (new)

Jackie Rain (leviforest) | 438 comments

Name: Kitsu Hafa

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian

Personality: Kitsu is a very flirty person and quiet the troublemaker, she loves to mess with people and joke around, she's hard to get her angry and upset but when you do, it's not fun, she's protective of her friends and if she has a crush on you she would hold onto you never letting you go unless you have different classes.


Clubs: Dance and Soccer

- Messing with people
- Flirting
- Running

message 9: by Jackie Rain (new)

Jackie Rain (leviforest) | 438 comments

Name: Aquarius Dragon

Age: 14

Gender: Demigirl (They/She)

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Aquarius is a calm and chill person, like water, as they are a water dragon. She doesn't take anything for anyone so mess with them and you're going to have trouble.


Clubs: Swim

- Water
- Calming areas

- Chaotic areas
- Annoying people
- Rude people

message 10: by Jackie Rain (new)

Jackie Rain (leviforest) | 438 comments

Name: Bubble

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Gay

Personality: Bubble is a kind person and get flustered easily, he is always in a good mood and loves making people happy.


Club: Art

- Making people happy
- Coloring

- Mean people
- Negative People

message 11: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
ᴀᴋᴜ ᴋᴀᴋɪ{~ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴍᴇ ʜᴏᴍᴇ ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ɪ ʙᴇʟᴏɴɢ~} wrote: "Name: Alvgjerd

Nicknames: Al, Alv, Green boy, Alle

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Birthday: Aug, 19th

Sexuality: Bisexual

Crush: None

Friends: None yet

History: TBRPed (To be roleplayed)


Can I claim Alvgjerd?

₵₳₦₦ł฿₳Ⱡ₭ⱠØ₩₦ ~Radio Housewife~ ʟᴇᴠɪ ꜰᴏʀᴇꜱᴛ {~ʙᴜʀɴ ᴀɴᴅ ᴅɪᴇ~} ~ᴜᴘᴅᴀᴛᴇᴅ ʙɪᴏ~ wrote: "Name: Aquarius Dragon

Age: 14

Gender: Demigirl (They/She)

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Aquarius is a calm and chill person, like water, as they are a water dragon. She doesn't take anything..."

may i claim Aquarius Dragon?

message 13: by [deleted user] (new)

i will be leaving the group shortly. :( too many roleplays for my life rn so if you are interested in a character, here is a list of all of them and a link for my character thread so you can see them. thank you guys for understanding.

List of characters:

Cadoc Sawer, centaur, English
Felix Apollo, caladrius, Head Nurse
Arjun Daidalos, skin-changer, Science

Narcissa Scordaniar, 17, Dark Fey
Jezabelle Crataegus, 16, Pixie
Blake Marcson, 16, witch
Dorothea Forrester, 16, enchantress
Blair Airwin, 17, witch
Eris Bagans, 16, poltergeist

Ziggy Jones, 18, shapeshifter
Callum Castillo, 15, Leshy
Lucifer Cherlot, 18, goblin
Rhys Mordekai, 16, demigod

link to character thread:

ᑕᗩᒪᗩᒪᗩ ᑌᗯᑌ ʕ⊃•ᴥ•ʔ⊃Read Bio!⊂ʕ•ᴥ•⊂ʔ (calalauwu) | 1696 comments Jackie Rain wrote: "Name: A Swva

Gender: Female

Age: 18

DOB: August 12

Sexuality: Bisexual

Crush: None yet

Friends: Bati (Female), Ale(Male), Tra(Female) {ALL OPEN TO MAKE}

Whes Dewa (Real Father - D..."

Can I claim A Swva?

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