The Academy For Mythical Creatures discussion

First Floor ( Academy ) > Science Class

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message 1: by Honey.Bee (new)

Honey.Bee Ariel was great at listening. What they weren't so great as was understanding. Science wasn't a strong point. Androgyny reproduced, evolved and had a different cellular structure than most other species. Basically, biology in particular was lost on them.

He had long silvery white hair that fell to his mid back and a pale blue scarf covered his eyes. Sometimes strong light overwhelmed him and made his head swam, so he wore that. Also - he was counted as an oracle. So it helped with meditation and such, though he never usually mentioned that part. People sometimes doubted his knowledge on otherworldly things - understandably so.

message 2: by Honey.Bee (new)

Honey.Bee Ariel looked up, her ears ringing. She wanted to go somewhere secluded. That's what she usually did. Too many people.. She felt crowded. She looked around and her eyes caught on the halfling girl.

Class was almost finished, but Ariel wasn't the type to talk in class, so they just watched. And stared. Some people seemed to feel staring was rude, but they didn't care about made up rules that had no physical form.

message 3: by Honey.Bee (new)

Honey.Bee Ariel cocked its head, still staring. It knew what the girl had mouthed, but it didn't honestly care in any way, so it ignored her. She seemed annoyed, but Ariel didn't really feel she could do anything about it in class. Pale eyes watched the girl through his scarf.

In halfling terms, and maybe other creatures, the girl was pretty. She had smooth skin and her face shape was like from a painting. But most androgyny were incapable of feeling a human-like feeling of attraction. He, though, could maybe grasp it better.

message 4: by Honey.Bee (new)

Honey.Bee ((Sorry!))

Ariel just kept watching. He didn't mind the glowing ball. In fact, he was fascinated by it. He ignored the teacher speaking and stood up, walking towards the girl to get a closer look. He knelt slightly, examining the ball through his scarf.

Or more like - he wasn't seeing through his scarf. He was seeing through a mind's eye. Physically, he could not see at all. In fact, he was clinically blind from some forgotten incident long ago. But now he sought vision through what his conscious saw.

message 5: by Honey.Bee (new)

Honey.Bee Ariel looked at the girl directly. "I was only watching," it said calmly, voice level and unaffected by the girl's persistent anger towards it. "What you have the ability to do is quite fascinating."

It didn't normally speak to people it only just met, but this girl wasn't understanding what it was actively doing, so it seemed necessary. Having realized it had not actually introduced itself, it said, "Hello, my name is Ariel."

message 6: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
Alexander walks in and takes a seat at the end since he usually blocks the board when she sat in the front because he was too tall. Alex took out a book and place it one his head hoping for a little nap before class started.

PoeTheWriter {Tobias Erin Rogers} (poenakahara) | 811 comments Poe eventually entered the class room half
an hour later that Alexander. grumbling about some teacher.

message 8: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
((hi! I’m glitter silvers sister she’s quitting gr for a few months so she gave me her acc for the time she’s quitting! She told me what to do in her rps!))

Alexander turned to Poe, “Finally! It’s been years since I last saw you!” He place a gentle kiss on his forehead

PoeTheWriter {Tobias Erin Rogers} (poenakahara) | 811 comments Poe smiled a bit and kissed Alexander back. "It's only been an hour silly."

message 10: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
“An hour with out you is three years”

PoeTheWriter {Tobias Erin Rogers} (poenakahara) | 811 comments "well." Poe shrugged. "I got held up by a teacher and my little brother."

He sat next to Alexander.

message 12: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
“You never said you had a brother” Alex noted “You kept it away from me?” Alexander pretended to look hurt

PoeTheWriter {Tobias Erin Rogers} (poenakahara) | 811 comments "He's only 16 OKAY? And he's shy." Poe pointed out. "He was abused when he was a child and I had no way of protecting him. we were separated at a young age because our mother died. and then our father went and looked for the culprit. we were separated into two different families."

message 14: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
“I don’t abuse people” He made puppy eyes “Even if he is separated from you that makes no difference he’s still your brother and I help you so I help him”

PoeTheWriter {Tobias Erin Rogers} (poenakahara) | 811 comments "Aleexxxxxxyourgoingtomakemecryyyyy" Poe mumbled.

message 16: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
“Come on if he is your brother then he’s also mine right?”

PoeTheWriter {Tobias Erin Rogers} (poenakahara) | 811 comments "... true."


*Jamming to LOTR music*

message 18: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
“So then I’ll help also”

message 19: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod

PoeTheWriter {Tobias Erin Rogers} (poenakahara) | 811 comments ((Oop didn't realize-))

Poe looked softly at Alex before hugging him tightly.

message 21: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
((I forgot bout this))

Alexander hugged him back "Are you sad that you have to share me?" he jokes

message 23: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
"But I'll aways love you and only you don't worry" He gently kiss Poe's forehead "I haven't seen your brother anyways."

PoeTheWriter {Tobias Erin Rogers} (poenakahara) | 811 comments Poe rested his chin on Alex's arm like a dog wanting a head pat.

message 25: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
“Are we going to do something or just stand there?” Alexander ask holding Poe tight inhaling his sent

PoeTheWriter {Tobias Erin Rogers} (poenakahara) | 811 comments "I like just standing here thoughhhh." Poe grumbled.

message 27: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
“But I’m tired of standing “ He picked Poe up and sat on one of the chairs

PoeTheWriter {Tobias Erin Rogers} (poenakahara) | 811 comments Poe purred as he was picked up and snuggled up against Alex.

message 29: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
“Little pig,” He grinned at Poe

PoeTheWriter {Tobias Erin Rogers} (poenakahara) | 811 comments Poe grinned and wrapped his arms aroung alex's neck.

message 31: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
“Are you a fully grown pig or a a piggy?” Alex joked ruffing Poe’s hair “I might as well call you a piggy”

PoeTheWriter {Tobias Erin Rogers} (poenakahara) | 811 comments "Nooooooooooooo" Poe whined.

message 33: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (last edited Oct 13, 2022 05:24PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
“Piggy”Alex repeats it over again

PoeTheWriter {Tobias Erin Rogers} (poenakahara) | 811 comments Poe used his crystal control to cover his ears. (he's still in his demon form btw)

message 35: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
((Ooh CYA I need to sleep!))

Alex hugged Poe “I’m sorry, Piggy”

PoeTheWriter {Tobias Erin Rogers} (poenakahara) | 811 comments Poe gave a small squeak but hugged Alex back.

message 38: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
(Oml ISTG I didn’t mean to not reply! )

message 39: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
PoeTheWriter {me (bean version)} wrote: "Poe gave a small squeak but hugged Alex back."

“Can’t you change back? Please? I don’t like your demon form” Alexander rubbed poes back

PoeTheWriter {Tobias Erin Rogers} (poenakahara) | 811 comments "Fineeee." Poe turned back to human form, his white hair now having brown streaks in it.

message 41: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
“Thank you. Come to my dorm?” He ask standing up holding Poe in his arms.

PoeTheWriter {Tobias Erin Rogers} (poenakahara) | 811 comments "yussss" Poe purred.

message 43: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
He walked out the classroom

(I req for a dorm just need a mod to make it or Grant my req/wish lol)

message 44: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
(I posted at his dorm)

message 45: by Aria (last edited Nov 04, 2022 11:56AM) (new)

Aria Alex hesitated by the door, then, put a scowl on her face, and walked in, her kitsune trailing behind her. She noticed most of the seats were empty, but decided to sit at one near the back. She walked up to it and sat down.

message 46: by Aria (last edited Nov 04, 2022 12:43PM) (new)

Aria ((Wait, what’s Tsu’s gender?))
Ugh, I think. “Hello.” I mutter, hoping they won’t talk to me anymore. I look away and pet my kitsune.

message 47: by Aria (new)

Aria (Oh ok great!)
I contemplate moving seats. “Alex,” I answer stiffly. I hope this class will start soon.
((Don’t give up Tsu! Alex needs a friend!))

message 48: by Aria (last edited Nov 05, 2022 12:11PM) (new)

Aria ((Ah ok sorry! I didn’t know I had to in 3rd person. Sorry again!))

message 49: by Aria (new)

Aria “I never asked you to be,” Alex said. “I didn’t come here to make friends,” Alex muttered. “I just came here to-“ She said, then realized Tsu was still listening. “Whatever.”

message 50: by Aria (new)

Aria “Well, thanks, I guess,” Alex said, then mentally smacked herself. They would just abandon her, one way or another. Just like her parents.

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