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message 51: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair "Maybe you could switch a class or try out a new instrument, we are in band after all." Grayson said as ey pointed at the instruments along the walls.

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments "No, not that-" She gestured around herself,
"I think I need to change something, but it doesn't have to do with academics or giving up the trumpet."

message 53: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair "Maybe you should try to meet someone new? That's a pretty big change."

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments She shrugged,
"Why meet someone new when I can change my relationship with someone I already know?"

message 55: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair "True, that's a good idea as well."

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments "So you're gonna help me right?"

message 57: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair "If you want me to, yes."

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments She smiled,
"Okay, thanks." Rajah stood up,
"So what happens now exactly?"

message 59: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair "Who are you going to try to change your relationship with? That changes how this could go."

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments Her brows creased in confusion,
"With you. I thought that was clear?'

message 61: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair "I've gone through this kind of thing with other people, it's not usually me, sorry."

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments She felt her confusion rise,
"So you're not going to help me?"

message 63: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair "I will help you but it's going to be a new experience for me as well."

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments Rajah didn't react for a moment before grinning,
"Well at least it makes the two of us, "

message 65: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair "What exactly do you want to change?" Grayson questioned.

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments She thought for a moment, Rajah hadn't thought it through up past the point of asking,
"Uhm, I don't know exactly."

message 67: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair "You can think it through, I okay with most things." Ey explained.

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments "Then how about you suggest since this affects you as well."

message 69: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair "You already have a best friend don't you?"

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments Rajah nodded,

message 71: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair "I don't really know the options you would be okay with."

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments She waved a hand dismissively, sitting back down,
"That's not a concern of mine, I just need suggestions."

message 73: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair "The only things I can really think of involve something like dating."

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments Rajah contemplated the fact for a moment before asking another question,
"Have you dated before?"

message 75: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair "Yeah, multiple times. People think I won the dating lottery because I'm pansexual and poly but they are definitely not right." Grayson replied.

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments She nodded slowly, Rajah had never fully understood the concept of relationships.
"So should we date?"

message 77: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair "I'm fine with it if you are, but I don't want to cross your boundaries."

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments Rajah simply shrugged,
"Okay," To her, dating was a mere title for a different relationship. She knew that more was included but wasn't used to many things relating to feelings,
"You're gonna let me know how it works right?"

message 79: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair "I can tell you but I might not be the best person to ask. I mainly just get a bit more physical when I'm dating and compliment the people." Grayson responded, it wasn't like they knew this very well.

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments Her nose wrinkled slightly,
"See, that doesn't sound so complicated. Why does everyone make a big deal out of it?"

message 81: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair "Because most people obsess over kissing and other parts of it? I really just like to hold hands and such."

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments She held out her hand for a diplomatic handshake,
"That's doable. So it's a deal?"

message 83: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair Grayson took her hand. "It's a deal."

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments Rajah grinned,
" what exactly do we do now?"

message 85: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair "Do you have any boundaries I need to respect? I get very clingy when I date someone and I don't want to make you uncomfortable." Grayson explained.

message 86: by -✿ [reese in pieces] ✿- (last edited Oct 10, 2022 05:03AM) (new)

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments She scratched her and thought for a moment before shrugging,
"I dunno, I've spent the past few centuries on my own..." Rajah grinned,
"You should be fine, plus we've been friends for some time."

message 87: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair Grayson smiled back. "That sounds good, tell me if you don't like something I do though."

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments Rajah gave a thumbs-up,
"Sure," She stretched for a moment,
"Are we supposed to like go places together now?"

message 89: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair "Most people do when they start to date but we don't have to. We could just stay at our dorms or less public spaces if you want."

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments She nodded slowly, thinking it over,
"That sounds good," Rajah clasped her hands together and her instrument and case faded into blue puffs of smoke,
"Ready to go?"

message 91: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair Grayson packed up his drum set and nodded. "Yes I am."

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments Rajah waited for him by the exit of the band room,

((wait to whose dorm? i dont think rajah has one yet lol))

message 93: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair (Grayson doesn't either. We could go somewhere else or one of us could make a dorm. I can't insert photos though.)

Grayson walked up to her. "Where to?" Ey asked.

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments ((I can see if I can get a dorm for Rajah for them to go to.))

She smirked and stated simply,
"To my dorm."

message 95: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair (Okay, thanks)

"That sounds lovely."

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