The Academy For Mythical Creatures discussion

Off-Campus > The Park

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message 1: by Jackie Rain (new)

Jackie Rain (leviforest) | 438 comments

Michael "And we're back" | 1425 comments Kazuya was asleep under a tree.

Michael "And we're back" | 1425 comments Kazuya opened a eye.
"need something?"

message 4: by Jackie Rain (new)

Jackie Rain (leviforest) | 438 comments Jackie was sitting on the bench listening to music.

message 5: by Kai (new)

Kai Lelian, for some reason, had decided that today was going to be the day she took a walk. She was humming to the beat of her feet hitting the ground.

message 6: by Jackie Rain (new)

Jackie Rain (leviforest) | 438 comments Jackie was singing the song they were playing.

"Crashed your party
I'm not sorry
I'm not
I'm not sorry
I'm not
I'm not sorry
I'm not
I'm not sorry
Crashed your party
I'm not sorry."

Jackie smiled and nodded to the beat of the song.

message 7: by Kai (new)

Kai "Hey! That song! I was just- Sorry. I'm seriously too nosy. Have a nice day." Lelian scolded herself in her head. She turned to walk away.

message 8: by Jackie Rain (new)

Jackie Rain (leviforest) | 438 comments Jackie looked up. "You were just what?" They asked tilting their head.

message 9: by Kai (new)

Kai Lelian turned back around. "I was just humming the song- the one you were singing. Uh - Sorry."

((Yo- was I supposed to name my character after me?))

message 10: by Jackie Rain (new)

Jackie Rain (leviforest) | 438 comments ((No. I just made mine like that You don't have to though XD))

Jackie smiled. "Really?! I love that song! One of my favorites." Jackie chuckled.

message 11: by Kai (new)

Kai ((Oh okay. lol))

Lelian thought for a second. "I guess it's one of my favourites. I've never thought about it that way. If that makes any sense." She smirked.

message 12: by Jackie Rain (new)

Jackie Rain (leviforest) | 438 comments Jackie smiled. "Yeah!"

message 13: by Kai (new)

Kai "Um- Right. I'm Lelian." She held out her hand.

message 14: by Jackie Rain (new)

Jackie Rain (leviforest) | 438 comments Jackie took it and shook it. "I'm Jackie! Nice to meet cha!" Jackie smiled

message 15: by Kai (new)

Kai "Nice to meet you too. Uh- you look really pretty! Sorry. I don't know why I said that." Lelian shook her head. she says random and awkward stuff like that. all the time.

message 16: by Jackie Rain (new)

Jackie Rain (leviforest) | 438 comments Jackie smiled. "Thank you! I don't get that much so you saying that makes me happy!"

message 17: by Kai (new)

Kai "it's- It's true!" Lelian smiled

message 18: by Jackie Rain (new)

Jackie Rain (leviforest) | 438 comments Jackie patted the spot next to them. "Here! Sit down!"

message 19: by Kai (new)

Kai "Thanks." She sat down next to Jackie. "I do hope I'm not completely interrupting your day."

message 20: by Jackie Rain (new)

Jackie Rain (leviforest) | 438 comments Jackie shook their head. "You aren't!"

message 21: by Kai (new)

Kai ★彡ᴶᵃᶜᵏⁱᵉ ᴿᵃⁱⁿ彡★ wrote: "Jackie shook their head. "You aren't!""

"If you insist. What were your plans for today?"

message 22: by Jackie Rain (new)

Jackie Rain (leviforest) | 438 comments Kai, Kaleb *Caution* ❤ wrote: "★彡ᴶᵃᶜᵏⁱᵉ ᴿᵃⁱⁿ彡★ wrote: "Jackie shook their head. "You aren't!""

"If you insist. What were your plans for today?""

"Just to chill." Jackie said fixing their hat on their head.

message 23: by Kai (new)

Kai "Well, by any chance, would you like to do something with me instead? Maybe go out for lunch?" Lelian smiled softly.

message 24: by Jackie Rain (new)

Jackie Rain (leviforest) | 438 comments Kai, Kaleb *Caution* ❤ wrote: ""Well, by any chance, would you like to do something with me instead? Maybe go out for lunch?" Lelian smiled softly."

Jackie smiled. "Sure! I'm hungry anyways!"

message 25: by Kai (new)

Kai Lelian's eyes lit up. "Where would you like to go?"

message 26: by Jackie Rain (new)

Jackie Rain (leviforest) | 438 comments "I don't really care. Cafe?" Jackie asked, looking at Lelian.

message 27: by Kai (last edited Sep 05, 2022 03:08PM) (new)

Kai "Sure!" Lelian sprung up off the bench.

message 28: by Jackie Rain (new)

Jackie Rain (leviforest) | 438 comments Jackie got up and walked towards the Cafe. "Lets goooooo!"

message 29: by Kai (new)

Kai Lelian laughed and followed Jackie.

message 30: by [deleted user] (new)

Vixi flew above the park in her fox form. She dove down, settling on a tree branch.

message 31: by [deleted user] (new)

Vixi dropped down, turning human. She noticed the person on the bench. She sighed, not sure what to do. Vixi usually sat on that bench after flying around. But that didn't really matter.

message 32: by [deleted user] (new)

Vixi widened her eyes. "Uh, I guess I'll just sit on the floor then," she said, backing away.

message 33: by [deleted user] (new)

((HI SORRY DIDN'T SEE THIS, yes sure!))
Vixi raised an eyebrow. "Well, I don't want to take your spot either, so..." She plopped down on the grass next to her. "Thanks though."

message 34: by [deleted user] (new)

Vixi decides to get up, and as soon as she does, she sees someone else. Vixi groans. Why was the park so crowded today?

message 35: by [deleted user] (new)

Vixen launches into the air. Halfway up, she turns forms. Then she flies around the tree and sits on a branch.

message 36: by [deleted user] (new)

Vixen flies down to Fuyoto, shifting to human. "Hello."

message 37: by [deleted user] (new)

((I'm assuming we're not doing this anymore because you guys aren't responding? Also, Fuyoto is being used in a different RP, so... It's fine if you guys don't want to continue))

message 38: by [deleted user] (new)

((No problem. I don't mind ending here, but it's really up to you if you want a free character))

message 39: by [deleted user] (new)


B o o k -  D r a g o n Akina was half walking, half floating down the park's path. Her day had been tiring, what with her parents trying to talk to her again, and she was grumpily exhausted. Gram has suggested cooling off in the park near the academy so, here she was.
Trying not to snap every time she lost control of her abilities.
Honestly, being a ghost was so much harder than she'd thought it could be.

message 41: by Jackie Rain (new)

Jackie Rain (leviforest) | 438 comments Sera was sitting on a bench, minding her own business, she wanted to cause some drama because she just felt like it. She glanced around to find someone, so she saw a Ghost, she chuckled. 'Wow. A ghost wandering around? She doesn't even look like she can control her form.' Sera laughed. "Hey, Ghosty!" She yelled at them, grinning.

B o o k -  D r a g o n Akina froze.
And then snarled, clenching her teeth.
She turned around and crossed her arms. "What do you want you two bit extra?"

message 43: by Jackie Rain (new)

Jackie Rain (leviforest) | 438 comments Sera smirked. "I'm bored. Entertain me." She said leaning back on the bench, putting her hands behind her head, and crossing her legs. 'This is funny. I love doing this.'

B o o k -  D r a g o n Akina snorted. "Like I'd do anything you tell me to." She cracked her knuckles. "Bother me again and I'll sick that 'thing' hanging out over there on you." Akina stuck her thumb at what appeared to be nothing and started to continue down the path.

message 45: by Jackie Rain (new)

Jackie Rain (leviforest) | 438 comments Sera growled and sang in her siren voice. "Entertain me, Ghost... I don't think you understand who you are talking to..." She looked over at the ghost, standing up.

B o o k -  D r a g o n Akina faked a yawn. "Boooring, is your freaky voice supposed to scare me? I'm a ghost remember? You can't affect me." She stuck her tongue out for good measure.

message 47: by Jackie Rain (new)

Jackie Rain (leviforest) | 438 comments Sera growled, she walked over to the ghost and punched her where it was visible, knocking the girl down and half of her into the ground. "Say that again Ghosty. You clearly have no clue who I am do you?" She spoke, tilting her head down at the ghost.

B o o k -  D r a g o n 'Stupid abilities making me physical when I don't want to be!'
Akina smirked, phased through the ground, and then popped up again behind Sera. "No, I don't, and frankly, I don't care in the slightest who you are. Because I can tell without the slightest doubt in my mind that you, suck."

message 49: by Jackie Rain (new)

Jackie Rain (leviforest) | 438 comments 'What a b!tch!' Sera thought to herself, she turned around, punching the ghost again but her hand phased through. "F*cking lucky you are ghost or else you'd be on the ground in blood." She glared at the ghost.

B o o k -  D r a g o n Akina smirked down at Sera's hand as it phased through her. 'Some days I freaking love this form.'
"Eh, I have my doubts about that." She stepped back and stretched casually. "I've been through plenty of experiences to know how to fight back. Although since you're small and annoying it'll be way easier to take you down." She started walking back down the path again.

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