The Academy For Mythical Creatures discussion

Clubs > Choir

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message 1: by goule (last edited Sep 08, 2022 08:22AM) (new)

goule | 402 comments

You walk into the choir room as everyone is warming up. The room itself is constructed for optimal sound usage. The walls are high and vaulted, almost like a cathedral. Organ pipes are along the right wall, but when you stand outside, you will not be able to hear it while it is being played. A piano is on the left side of the room, opposite the organ. Smaller electronic keyboards are also available for individual practice. Five rows of risers made of wood are along the back of the room, with a stand in front for the choral director. By the door are lockers and cubbies, filled with folders of sheet music for each member of the choir with their name marked down on the cubbies. Students begin to fill in the risers as they finish their warm-ups, opening up their folders to the piece they're practicing for the day.

current members
Alvgjerd ( jackie rain )
Jackie Rain ( jackie rain )
Akihito Jun ( veion )
Esha Kadmos ( lennon )
Eva Fox ( janssen )

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