The Academy For Mythical Creatures discussion

Clubs > Yoga Club

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message 1: by goule (last edited Oct 12, 2022 05:49PM) (new)

goule | 402 comments

Entering the tiny yoga studio, you begin to feel relaxed. Mats are spread out over a wooden floor. In fact, everything about the classroom looks wooden; the walls, the ceiling. The overhead lights appear to be paper lanterns, given a soft glow of light to the room. A tiny waterfall sits in one corner, the sound of trickling water filling the room. In another corner are a couple of cushions. One is already occupied by a student, so you cross over to one of the mats as the club teacher strolls in and offers their greeting. Soon, you begin the motions of warming up and feel the stress and tension leaving your body....

current members
Alfre Varia ( moonlark )
Kumani Seth (petrapluto )
Masami Ashido ( blake bakugo )

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