The Academy For Mythical Creatures discussion


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message 1: by s.s howler {was it casual?} (last edited Sep 03, 2022 04:34PM) (new)

s.s howler {was it casual?} (howlerplayz) | 888 comments

Filled with many isles of books from top to bottom, the library of The MC Academy is huge. In the center behind the front desk, there's a fairly large tree that has settled itself in.
Just make sure to return your books! ;)


you walk into the old, battered library and an eerie silence meets you. not many other students are here, so the peace isn't yet disturbed. as you stalk the isles, peering at old and new books—some written in languages you've never seen before—you spot one in particular you've been waiting to read. a'las, you grab the book and walk down towards the massive tree in the very center of the fairytale-like library. after checking out your book with the kind yet sour librarian, you take a seat in a bean bag and read until your next class.

s.s howler {was it casual?} (howlerplayz) | 888 comments

Eddie ran into the library, slowing to a stop to check behind himself. Spotting his new friend just behind him, he grinned.
“It doesn't look like much, but just keep following me. It'll be worth it!”

message 3: by [deleted user] (new)

Evanora wandered in, looking for books. She wanted to reread the Iron Trial series, but some new books would probably be good too.

message 4: by goule (new)

goule | 402 comments

If he was not in his office, or in the book club's dedicated room, the next best place to find Junfeng outside of class would undoubtedly be the library. A familiar enough face that had made a plethora of first edition contributions to the shelves, his want to read could never quite be satiated. Or maybe it was that he had become accustomed to hoarding stories.

As he contemplated adding this particular intangible thing his list of hoarded objects — for the sake of posterity, of course — he paused beside another person that seemed to be considering things, as well. A glance down was all he needed to realize that this was a student.

"Have you decided on what it is you're thinking about?" A question asked purely of his own curiosity, a soft smile on his face.

message 5: by [deleted user] (new)

"Huh?" Eva swiveled around. Yet again, she had been lost in the wonderous world of her thoughts, fully consumed by them. "Oh, sorry. Could you repeat that?"

message 6: by goule (new)

goule | 402 comments

"No need to apologize." Junfeng could understand getting lost in thought, considering how often he could lost in his own memories. Much to wander and reminisce about, when he was faced with so many differences. "I asked if you'd come to a decision yet. You seemed to be pondering something very important."

Sometimes he forgot how much smaller the students could be. Possibly a symptom of a somewhat grandfatherly opinion, but they grew fast most often. This girl was perhaps a whole foot smaller than he, maybe more. He took a step back so that she might not have to strain her neck so much. "Are you trying to decide what to read? I find myself with the same problem almost daily."

message 7: by [deleted user] (new)

"Oh, I was deciding between rereading the Iron Trial series or reading this book," Eva said. She showed him the other book, Spells, Jinxes, Hexes, and More: A Guide to Witch and Wizard Craft.

message 8: by goule (new)

goule | 402 comments

Junfeng thought he might have read the first series mentioned. As for the book, he knew most certainly that he had. "An interesting choice." Which — lead to another tangent. He simply couldn't help himself, when he had such detailed knowledge on the production. Or, well, a part of it. "There is a section that features information written by a human, in the guise of a witch, you know. They were an interesting fellow, but their need for embellishment and finesse had them marked as witch. Eccentricities of the time were not viewed quite as favorably as they are now." He nodded, mostly to himself as he recalled another line of thinking. A divergence of thought not all that unlike the branches of the tree within the library.

"If I recall, it had something to do with the colors of their clothing. I believe it was just before a global surge of exchange and the colors they had were...ahead of their time." He paused, then. How unfortunate it was that someone so brilliant could have been condemned in the way they were. But that was food for thought at a later date. "Is the book going to be particularly useful to you, or is it for your own enjoyment? I've no need for it myself, but I did think it was quite a nice read."

message 9: by [deleted user] (new)

Eva thought hard about what he had said. It was interesting to her, and she would think about it later. But now... "Oh, you asked me a question! Uh, I'm a wizard and I want to know more about wizards and witches. And also I want to learn spells."

message 10: by goule (new)

goule | 402 comments

"I see." Plenty of young wizards this time around. Which was very well, considering the recent of the witch trials in several different countries. The view on the practices of witches and wizards was often skewed or misunderstood entirely by the outside world. Perhaps the popularization of the respective crafts in media was helping. He should add several titles to his list of books to read if that was the case.

"We've several texts on the subject. They vary from country to country and practices can influence the path in which a wizard or witch might take. Ah, a good book to read next is an autobiography of a wizard. Or, perhaps alchemist would have been a better word for him. He treated his practice quite like a science, and if I remember correctly alchemy is coined from him. I believe they've had it moved to this section." He gestured with one hand, unaware of the librarians that had lingered closer to hear what he might say. They scrambled to look as though they'd been working as the two walked past them.

message 11: by [deleted user] (new)

Eva followed him, happily and oblivious to the librarians. "I've never heard of an alchemist. Are they wizards? Witches? What's different about them?"

message 12: by goule (new)

goule | 402 comments

"A good question." How to explain... "An alchemist would be...someone that humans would consider close to a witch or wizard. They're not quite either, but they do have a belief in the ability to transform one thing into another." Junfeng supposed that could serve well enough as a starting point to understand an alchemist and their thoughts. "There are some other alchemists that we have work of, but there are more critical texts on whether alchemy has any basis in magic or if it is a purely scientific venture. It's quite fascinating when you look at how it intersects with the usage of the terms of 'witch' and 'wizard' and how some magicians don't think there's much value to dividing the two."

The dragon god was not one to actively dabble in such debates. He found an interest more in the writing that came from it, compiling a story of discussion that eventually found a conclusion — or stretched on for eons more. If he would ever see the end of these debates, he would like to enjoy with a cup of tea. Speaking of: "There are also books on various paths of diviniation. Taromancy has a long standing history that traverses several cultures."

message 13: by [deleted user] (new)

Eva blinked. "Wow! That's a lot to think about. Thanks. Also, I don't really like to read the future much. It's very confusing with multiple ends, and when I do read it, I spend hours thinking about all the possible outcomes." She smiled.

message 14: by goule (new)

goule | 402 comments

Junfeng nodded in agreeance. He had no real capabilities of looking into the future himself. Some that he knew had different sentiments, but to know that the future was malleable brought some great displeasure. The fracturing of possibilities traversed into metaphysical theories that some people simply didn't have the time or inclination to understand. Which was just as well; the dragon god preferred to think of how the past could enlighten the future.

His steps slowed as he approached the section he had meant to show the young wizard. "There should be several more texts on wizardry here, as well. The alchemical writings have a smaller place down the aisle, possibly a little higher up." The more he thought on it, the more this could be included in the curriculum. He was sure he had one or two other witches and wizards enrolled in his class across the grades. A mental note was added as he walked down the aisle, eyeing the titles on the spine of each book. Some appeared older than others, but in good condition.

The dragon stopped before a book bound in green, with the title written neatly in bronze along its spine. Alchemaic Theory and Theses; he gave a satisfied chuff as he pulled it from the shelf, and gestured for Eva to take it. The front cover had a collection of alchemical symbols on the front, ranging in color from silver, gold, and bronze. If she shifted the book, the colors too would shift and each symbol would be a new color. "This one."

message 15: by [deleted user] (new)

"Wow, thanks. This book is beautiful," Eva murmured, tilting from side to side, "I can't wait to read it!" Then, looking up at him, Eva smiled.

message 16: by goule (new)

goule | 402 comments

"You should find it most informative." Her smile was returned by his own before his attention shifted back to the shelves. Perhaps he would do a little rereading today. But, then — "Do you not have a class you must attend soon?" He hoped he wasn't keeping her. The only complaint he'd ever gotten from the students in book club, though few times it had been brought up, was how long the meetings ran. He was sure his class time would look much the same if not for the bells.

message 17: by [deleted user] (new)

"Um, yes! I have Care of Magical Creatures next," Eva said absent-mindedly. She was plucking interesting books off shelves, stumbling a bit when she reached the point where she couldn't see over them.

message 18: by goule (new)

goule | 402 comments

"Be sure not to be late." Junfeng could understand the plight of getting caught up in a good book. Too often had he lost track of time while reading, regardless of what the subject matter was. He could recall one occasion where he'd read through the night and into the morning. The chirp of birds had somehow been so intrusive to the story as to break him from the hold it had over him.

He glanced back to Eva in time to see her piling books higher than she could see. He chuckled softly as he removed a few so she could have a line of vision in front of her. "You'll surely fall if you pile them on like that. I will take these for you."

(sorry this is so late!)

message 19: by [deleted user] (new)

((No problem!))
"I won't! Thanks for the help," Eva said, blinking twice. Then something odd happened. A hole opened up on a shelf. You could see a cluttered dorm through it. "No! Ajax! Akira! Stay!" Too late. Two miniature winged foxes flew through the hole, squeaking with delight. Eva groaned. "No, guys!"

message 20: by goule (new)

goule | 402 comments

Junfeng had seen a fair amount of odd things in his long life. While this exact instance was not so often seen, there had been plenty of uncontrolled portals he'd been a witness to. His reaction remained much the same: an air of patience and an expression that bordered on vaguely impressed. Mostly in that this young sorcerer had somehow managed to befriend creatures such as these. Nigh impossible, if his memory served him right.

"Perhaps they would wish to attend class with you." A joke, mostly, but he did know that several students had decided to bring their pets with them. The logistics of it were not...unworkable, he supposed.

message 21: by [deleted user] (new)

"Oh, no, they're a menace in a classroom," Eva said, setting her books down gently and trying to get Ajax and Akira. Akira, who was probably only doing this because Ajax had convinced her, calmed down quickly. Ajax, on the other hand, was flying everywhere. When Eva managed to get Ajax, he would just teleport away. "Ajax!"

message 22: by goule (new)

goule | 402 comments

Junfeng didn't often directly interfere where pets were concerned, a vestige of his behavior when he was still active in his celestial duties. Still, he couldn't much help the soft smile on his face at their antics. Perhaps he should help Eva out a little. The rather peaceful aura around him extended further than it usually did, bringing forth a sense of calm to all who were close enough to feel it. Not so much drowsiness as it was contentment, hoping to calm the two winged foxes down enough to be cradled in the wizards arms and momentarily "contained".

message 23: by [deleted user] (new)

Akira yawned and curled up, falling asleep almost immediately. Ajax needed a pet on his head before he started snoring. Eva glanced at Junfeng. "Woah! Did you do that?" Her gaze was filled with awe. Eva grinned at him. "Thanks!"

message 24: by [deleted user] (new)

On the opposite side of the room, Callum scans the shelves for a good book. Running his fingers carefully over each spine, he cringes at some of the titles. Sometimes just reading certain things triggered him...but he also didn't want to be caught reading the Princess Diaries. Sighing, he pulls his favorite Harry Potter and crashes on a nearby plush chair.

message 25: by [deleted user] (new)

Callum sinks further into his chair, surveying the room around him as he cracked his book open to the first chapter. His gaze lands on an older boy across the way who looked as if he was deep into his book and had no intention of stopping reading unless the building was on fire. Looking away, his eyes dance around the words on his page, reading and finding comfort in the novel.

message 26: by [deleted user] (new)

(( Oh, perfect! Whatever you want to do is good. ))

message 27: by goule (new)

goule | 402 comments


Junfeng shrugged. "Yes, well. It is nothing." And, truly, it was nothing. Providing others with a sense of peace was the least of his abilities, in his mind. Useful, of course, but not all that magnificent. He looked over to the foxes; curious little things. "I suggest you take this time to return them to your room before your next class. And to remember to check out those books from the library." A nod to the still-open portal in the bookshelf. "The librarians are highly capable, but I believe it would be best to take care of this yourself as the carer for those creatures."

message 28: by [deleted user] (new)

"Yes, sir!" Eva said, beaming. She gently pushed the foxes through the portal and onto the bed. She took her books to the librarian, and pushed them through once they had been checked out as well.

message 29: by [deleted user] (new)

@ⱽ³ᴵ⁰ᴺ ᴸ⁰ᶻ³ᴿ {ᴺᵉᵛᵉʳ ᵏⁿᵉʷ ʰᵉˡˡ, ʷᵃˢ ᶜᵒᵒˡ}

Callum begins reading faster and faster, ignoring the rest of the people in the library. Soon enough, his mind became too full and he had to take a break. He closes the book slowly and snuggles into his chair. He sighs and glances out the window, waiting for his headache and stress to pass him by.

message 30: by [deleted user] (new)

For a brief moment, Callum looks away from the glass. He makes eye contact with the boy across the room. His hair was extremely fluffy and his eyes were large and somewhat enchanting. Callum blinks and looks away, trying not to think anything of it.

message 31: by [deleted user] (new)

Tired of the library of the day, Callum decides to get up. He scoots to the edge of his chair and lifts himself out of the plush cushions. He begins to walk towards the stairs...directly in the direction of the other boy. He keeps his eyes down, minding his own business as he steps closer and closer.

message 32: by [deleted user] (new)

Callum unconsciously slows his pace as he passes Lixin. He lifts his gaze and gives him a tiny smile. He then turned and began to make his way down the stairs at a slow, gentle pace.

message 33: by [deleted user] (new)

Callum reaches the bottom of the steps and is ready to walk out the door. He hears a soft sound behind him and he pauses. He turns around sharply, fearful that someone would try and attack him...fearful that something would happen like it did the last time.

message 34: by [deleted user] (new)

Callum tilts his head curiously and exhales his breath he hadn't even realized he was holding. "Why are you watching me?" he calls softly to Lixin.

message 35: by [deleted user] (new)

Callum didn't know very much sign language. He had a deaf cousin but he had only learned some basic phrases and questions. "I'm sorry, I don't understand." he signed slowly, thinking through every movement. "I only know certain things."

message 36: by [deleted user] (new)

Callum reads the paper and shakes his head. He signs "No, it's okay." He takes out a pen and slowly writes, "I was just wondering if you were following me."

message 37: by [deleted user] (new)

Callum gives him another small smile. He takes the paper and writes: "Just let me know when you think of something." He scribbled down his sentence, then held the pen over the paper for a moment, debating whether or not he should tell him his name. What if he was dangerous?

message 38: by [deleted user] (new)

The smiles made Callum think that maybe he was okay...maybe someone he could connect to. He managed to sign the next part. He had repeated the phrase over and over to people when he was unable to find words. "I'm Callum. I'm a Leshy."

message 39: by [deleted user] (new)

Callum takes the paper from him. "What's a blood elf? Sounds...scary tbh. No offense." he scribbles, and passes it back to Lixin, his face red.

message 40: by [deleted user] (new)

Callum reads the note, his head pounding every time he reads 'blood.' He writes nothing and slowly passes the paper to Lixin. He sits down on a nearby bench, his dead swirling. His breaths come in short, heavy pants, remembering that night...blood, fire, pain...would he hurt him?

message 41: by goule (new)

goule | 402 comments


Junfeng nodded, pleased to see such eager obedience. Most students were lively in much the same way, but...not so cooperative. Headstrong? No, that would mean they had some manner of opinion they actually cared for. With this observation in mind, he considered his own reading choices. He quite liked the classics, but there was a measure of disdain he held for certain ones. Perhaps he could reevaluate that. Once Eva had left to check her books out, he went to find his own to read before his next teaching period.

( done for me )

message 42: by [deleted user] (new)

ⱽ³ᴵ⁰ᴺ ᴸ⁰ᶻ³ᴿ {ᴺᵉᵛᵉʳ ᵏⁿᵉʷ ʰᵉˡˡ, ʷᵃˢ ᶜᵒᵒˡ} wrote: "bqnners wrote: "Callum reads the note, his head pounding every time he reads 'blood.' He writes nothing and slowly passes the paper to Lixin. He sits down on a nearby bench, his dead swirling. His ..."

Callum looks up at Lixin. He signs quickly, "I'm sorry." but tears were in his eyes. How could he explain what he's been through? How would Lixin understand? Callum opens his mouth to speak but stops himself. He simply just signs 'I'm sorry.' again.

message 43: by [deleted user] (new)

Callum pulls out a fresh piece of paper. He writes, "It's a long story...I would explain except it hurts to remember." and passes it to Lixin.

message 44: by [deleted user] (new)

Callum reads the paper. Then he reads it again, tracing the pen with his long, bony fingers. He nods slowly and writes nothing at first. He traces the second dot with his pinkie and picks up his pen. "I'm not afraid of you. It's okay, you don't have to give me space. It's just some words and situations trigger my anxiety and it scares me because...well it's hard to explain why I'm scared, too."

message 45: by [deleted user] (new)

Callum's lips curl into a small smile and he relaxes. He knew what it felt like...he would understand. "What book are you reading?" he writes, hoping they wouldn't have to talk about their pasts.

message 46: by [deleted user] (new)

Elia wrote: "Greyson sat at a table reading a book. The autumn daylight gave the room a silent beauty, the quietness and warmth of the room was making him start to doze off."

Enid enters the room cautiously, fiddling with her ring as she makes her way over to a bookcase. It took only seconds to notice Greyson, and she briefly wondered if he was asleep or not. She put a hand on a book and pulled it towards her, opening it to skin the words.

message 47: by [deleted user] (new)

Elia wrote: "Greyson had fallen asleep, he was leaned over the book, his head held by his hand with his elbow on the table. The book he had been reading seemed to be about plants, that was just based on the pic..."

Enid tucks her book she had seemed to take interest in beneath her arm, using a free hand to smooth her skirt. Her own book was also on plants, herbs to be exact, so as she was about to pass the sleeping Greyson she took notice in the relation. She breifly paused to see what it was about - curiosity taking over.

message 48: by [deleted user] (new)

Elia wrote: "Greyson, woke back up, he had been dozing in and out of sleep most of the day because of the late night reading he had been doing the night before. He sighed and flipped the page, not noticing the ..."

Enid paused, before softly speaking up, noticing the others tiredness. "Hello...I hope you don't mind my asking, but are you interested in plants too-?" She wondered, gently tapping her own book. "I noticed our books are by the same author...?"

message 49: by [deleted user] (new)

Elia wrote: "Greyson looked up, a bit startled. “Oh, hey, yeah. I like plants, and I’m pretty into gardening and stuff like that.” He said, a little embarrassed that she had caught him sleeping. “Im Greyson, by..."

"...Me too!" She said, fixing a smile on her lips. "My name is Enid, I'm pleased to meet you- Greyson." Enid said happily, head tilting a little.

message 50: by [deleted user] (new)

Elia wrote: "Greyson smiled. “Nice to meet you Enid.” He said, closing the book. “So how did you end up here?” Greyson asked, gesturing to the building."

Enid took a hesitant seat in front of Greyson at the table, setting her book down before her. "Well, I happened to be bored. Wandering gets you far, it seems, hm?" She smiled more, placing her hands in her lap. "How about you-?"

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