The Academy For Mythical Creatures discussion

Third Floor ( Academy ) > Elenour and Aeyrene's Dorm

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message 1: by [deleted user] (new)

(( I'll start for us because I wasn't sure if you saw the comment in Entrance or not. ))

Ziggy walks down the hallway, two huge, fluffy blankets in his arms and a share size bag of Chex-Mix in his hand. He looks at every door before he finds the number Elenour told him. He takes a slow, deep breath before rapping his knuckles on the door softly.

message 2: by [deleted user] (new)

(( Don't worry about it. I just thought I would comment before I forgot about it lol ))

"Hey." he greets her, sliding into her dorm that was decked out in yellow decor. He sets down the two oversized blankets and they could both now clearly see his pajamas...soft, violet pants with a cat pattern and a white tee shirt. No, they weren't the most amazing article of clothing he owned, but the cats were all he could find. "So did you pick our movie yet?" he asks, turning to her and giving her a charming grin.

message 3: by [deleted user] (new)

Ziggy's cheeks turn pink. "I like them better than dogs, I suppose." he says, running his fingers over the material on his legs. He smirks shyly. "They were pretty much all I could find, to be honest." he says sheepishly. "Sooo, what are we watching?" he asks her, placing the snacks he brought next to Elle's arrangement of food.

message 4: by [deleted user] (new)

Good choice! Actually one of my favorite novels. The author is a poetic genius." Ziggy tells her with a grin. "Where would you like me to sit?" he asks, scanning the room. He found it almost inappropriate to sit on her bed without permission, but the dorm certainly wasn't big enough to fit a couch.

message 5: by [deleted user] (new)

"Oh, alright." he says, quietly positioning himself behind Elenour. He passes her a blanket and wedges himself up against the wall with a bowl of pretzels in his lap. He watches quietly as they watch scenes of Hobbits and the Shire flicker across the screen. The entire time, he was very aware of how close he was to her.

message 6: by [deleted user] (last edited Sep 21, 2022 06:30PM) (new)

Ziggy watches her carefully. He chews his snacks slowly and quietly so as to not disturb Elenour. He struggled to focus on the movie, though. The aroma of the room was distracting him. The smell of the sweet scents like milk and honey and sunflowers made his chest feel uncomfortably warm and made his head spin slightly.

message 7: by [deleted user] (new)

Snapping out of the dream-like state, Ziggy looks at her and the box she was rattling in his face. "Yes, thank you." he says, pulling three candies out of the box. Wow, way to be awkward, Ziggy. His thoughts ramble in his head in a flood of embarrassment and thoughts of what he should be doing instead of acting like the "weird guy friend."

message 8: by [deleted user] (new)

(( Yeah that would be great! I can have him ask her later if you want ))

Ziggy's face flushes deep red. He bites his lip, trying to fight a grin, but he can't help it. He grins silently, allowing Elle to rest her head on his shoulder. "Comfy?" he asks with a soft chuckle.

message 9: by [deleted user] (new)

(( idk ask @PetraPluto ))

Ziggy smiles. "Good...I'm glad." he says quietly. He watches as she closes her eyes and turns the TV down so she can sleep if she wants.

message 10: by Lily (new)

Lily (galvadonexnorta) | 57 comments Aeyrene glanced down at the paper in her hand, showing her schedule and dorm assignment. She walked up to a door, triple checking the number for the last time, and swung it open. Stopping suddenly, she saw two people cuddled up in a bed with the TV running quietly. Aeyrene slipped in and set her stuff on the ground before going to head back out the door, hoping they hadn’t noticed her.

message 11: by Lily (new)

Lily (galvadonexnorta) | 57 comments Aeyrene whipped around when she heard the bed shift and saw an embarrassed expression on the girl’s face. Her cheeks quickly turned to match the girl’s, but she tried to hide it. “Are you my dorm mate then?”

message 12: by [deleted user] (new)

Ziggy sits up, looking at the girl who had just walked in. His cheeks flush pink. "I...I can go, if you need me to, Elle." he says quietly.

message 13: by Lily (new)

Lily (galvadonexnorta) | 57 comments “Oh, it’s no problem; I didn’t mean to disturb you,” Aeyrene faltered, edging closer to the door.

message 14: by Lily (new)

Lily (galvadonexnorta) | 57 comments Relaxing slightly, she offered, “I’m Aeyrene, it’s no problem. And who is this?” She gestured to the boy still sitting on the bed, wiping sleep out of his eyes.

message 15: by [deleted user] (new)

"I'm Zigmunt Jones, but please, call me Ziggy." he says politely, struggling to keep eye contact with Aeyrene. He wasn't embarrassed...except he was a little. But he didn't feel like he was embarrassed of Elenour, more just of the situation she walked into.

message 16: by Lily (new)

Lily (galvadonexnorta) | 57 comments Noticing his obvious nerves, Aeyrene assured him: “Don’t worry, I don’t mind. Honestly, you two are pretty cute snuggled up like that.” She smiled gently.

message 17: by Lily (new)

Lily (galvadonexnorta) | 57 comments “Errm, no I haven’t, just the hallways on the way here. Everything looks really nice though, especially the entrance.”

message 18: by [deleted user] (new)

Ziggy sits rigidly still on the bed, his face bright pink. "Well, uh, I think you'll like it here. Everything is really nice and the teachers are good. And you're lucky enough to bunk with Elenour."

message 19: by [deleted user] (new)

Ziggy grins and chuckles. "Yeah, there are lots of attractive people for you to take to the dance, as you can see." he says, framing his face with his hands. He laughs. "I'm joking. But there are a lot of nice people around here."

message 20: by Lily (new)

Lily (galvadonexnorta) | 57 comments Aeyrene looked down shyly: “I’m not really the type of person who would go with someone to the dance when I just met them, unless we’re just going as a friend group or something. But what do you do at the fair?”

message 21: by Lily (new)

Lily (galvadonexnorta) | 57 comments Aeyrene put a finger to her chin thoughtfully. “I suppose it was called such, but it doesn’t sound much like what you’re describing. It was more full of plays and people dressed like me and my mother, which we usually don’t see in the outside world,” she mused.

message 22: by [deleted user] (new)

Ziggy grins at her. "You'd have fun. I haven't been yet, but if there's food, it's probably good. Have you been yet, Elle?"

message 23: by [deleted user] (new)

Ziggy looks at the two girls. "We could probably go. I've never been, actually. Maybe we can find a friend of mine or Elenour's for you to explore with, Aeyrene. Or you can tag along with us and we'll make a day of it." he suggests, smiling.

message 24: by Lily (new)

Lily (galvadonexnorta) | 57 comments ((My bad, I can’t really be on over the weekends))

Aeyrene hesitated for a second, picking at her nails, and then looked up and smiled. “Sure, it’d be fun to plan a day with you,” she answered.

message 25: by [deleted user] (new)

"What do you think Aeyrene? Do you want to come with us or go with one of our friends?" Ziggy asks, leaning back until his back was against the wall. He smiles softly at Elenour.

message 26: by Lily (new)

Lily (galvadonexnorta) | 57 comments Aeyrene froze, unsure how to respond. On one hand, she definitely needed to get to know more people, but wouldn’t it feel weird to go with someone she’d never talked to? Directing her question to both Ziggy and Elenour, she asked, “Umm, what would you two prefer?”

message 27: by [deleted user] (new)

"Yeah I can find someone for you. Or maybe you'd be more comfortable with one of Elle's friends. Whatever you want." Ziggy says, looking back to Aeyrene.

(( i take it at this point, lilly, you're looking for a new rp with one of our other characters? Im fine if you want to rp with one of mine. ))

message 28: by Lily (new)

Lily (galvadonexnorta) | 57 comments “Could you introduce me then?” Aeyrene requested, looking down at her feet.

message 29: by [deleted user] (new)

Lily wrote: "“Could you introduce me then?” Aeyrene requested, looking down at her feet."

Ziggy nods. "Yeah, I think I know someone. She's always hanging out in my English class, and I think you'd like her. Her name's Blake. I can give you her number or dorm hall or something."

message 30: by Lily (new)

Lily (galvadonexnorta) | 57 comments “That’d be great, will you come to her dorm hall with me?”

message 31: by [deleted user] (new)

Ziggy glances over at Elle and nods. "Yeah, it'll only take a second. I'm pretty sure she's just two halls over."
He gets up and walks to the door, leading Aeyrene out.

(( you can just go to Blake's dorm if you want (: ))

message 32: by [deleted user] (new)

Ziggy returns a few minutes later. "Hey, sorry about that. I think the two of them will get along nicely." he says and resumes his spot next to Elenour. "Didn't miss me too much while I was away, did you?"

message 33: by [deleted user] (new)

"Seems cool enough." Ziggy says. "Cool enough to be a decent roommate." he adds with a smile. He watches Elle face as her cheeks fade from red back to its normal shade. "Whatcha thinkin'?" he asks softly.

message 34: by [deleted user] (new)

(( lol sorry I had to post again my GR is being stupid ))

Ziggy shrugs. "You just seem a little off...or something like that...ever since Aeyrene came in." he replies quietly. He didn't dare reach for the remote to unpause their movie. He left the frozen image of Rivendell on the screen and the box of candies on its side and he looks into Elenour's eyes. "What's up? What are you thinking?"

message 35: by [deleted user] (new)

"Nervous?" he asks "Do you not like her very much?" He looks at her and grins, extending his arm to drape across her shoulders.

message 36: by [deleted user] (new)

"Makes sense, I suppose." Ziggy replies. Something still, in her tone. The look in her eyes didn't seem as confident as it was before Ziggy had taken Aeyrene to Blake. "You promise you're okay?"

message 37: by [deleted user] (new)

Ziggy nods slowly and reaches for the remote. "Yeah, of course." He turns the TV back on and relaxes his arms. He wraps a blanket back around his shoulders and wedges the boxes of candy between them.
He watches for a while then zones out. She didn't seem okay...did she not like Aeyrene? Was it something I did or said? Thoughts of insecurities and questions flood his brain.

message 38: by [deleted user] (new)

Ziggy watches the movie until the end but he doesn't move when the credits begin to roll. "So, uh...part two or do we call it a night with just one?" he asks softly. "We can do whatever you'd like."

message 39: by [deleted user] (new)

"Okay." Ziggy says slowly and turns the TV off. He begins to move from his spot and clean up the empty candy boxes and half empty bags of chips. He watches Elenour as he moves, eyeing her fidgeting hands. He stayed quiet, not wanting to push her boundaries.

message 40: by [deleted user] (new)

"Don't worry about it. I had a lot of fun. Thank you for tonight..." Ziggy says folding one of his blankets up. " you need me to stick around and help you clean up anything? I just don't want to leave here in a hurry and leave you with a mess like this."

message 41: by [deleted user] (new)

Ziggy did exactly as she asked, closing every box carefully and organizing them by color in the fridge. He looks back at her and a thought flashes across his brain. Ask her to the dance...
He blushes. "Hey, Elle, I was wondering..." he begins but shakes his head. "Nevermind, it's silly." He smiles to himself, but not happily. It didn't feel right to not ask her.

message 42: by [deleted user] (new)

"I guess I was...I was just wondering if maybe you, uh, wanted to go to the dance? With me?" Ziggy stammers, his cheeks flushing red. One part of his brain celebrated the fact that he was able to squeeze out the question and the other was begging him to beat his head against a wall and cry about how cringey he was. "I-I'm sorry...that was such a weird thing to ask. don't have to answer that." he adds, smiling nervously.

message 43: by [deleted user] (new)

Ziggy smiles. "Good...great...amazing, actually. So, I'll see you there?" he says, taking a small step towards her.

message 44: by [deleted user] (new)

Ziggy grins and reaches for her hand. Saying nothing, he kisses her knuckles tenderly. He then gathers his things and heads for the door. With his hand on the door knob, he looks back at Elenour and smiles. "See ya."

message 45: by [deleted user] (new)

(( do we want to go to a dance topic? ))

message 46: by [deleted user] (new)

(( I can! Any preferences on where we go? ))

message 47: by [deleted user] (new)

(( k I'll comment on the dance floor ))

message 48: by Lily (new)

Lily (galvadonexnorta) | 57 comments

Aeyrene padded back to her room on soft feet, not even tugging her blanket down before falling onto her bed. She curled up on her side, thinking about the people she had met today, before dozing off into a deep slumber in a matter of minutes.

((If you’re on, Petra, I’d be up to rping with Elenour in the dorm after Aeyrene wakes back up.))

message 49: by [deleted user] (new)

After the dance, Ziggy escorts Elenour back to her dorm. He guides her to the door and smiles at her. "Well...looks like we're here." he begins and meets her gaze. His cheeks turn slightly pink. "Hey, uh...I had a lot of fun tonight. So I was wondering if you...if you, um-" He cuts himself off, glancing at his feet. "Would you like to go on a date with me?" he mumbles softly.

message 50: by [deleted user] (new)

(( I am so sorry about the late reply again!! I have been super busy. ))

Ziggy beams. "Great! Fantastic!" he exclaims. "So, uh, I'll pick you up here? Say, next Monday?"

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