The Academy For Mythical Creatures discussion

Second Floor ( Academy ) > Fighting Class

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Michael "And we're back" | 1425 comments Blade was asleep.

Michael "And we're back" | 1425 comments Blade started to wake up. "hm?"

Michael "And we're back" | 1425 comments Blade looked at them. "no idea"

Michael "And we're back" | 1425 comments "hmm ok then"

Michael "And we're back" | 1425 comments Blade got up. "i'm blade i go by he/him"

Michael "And we're back" | 1425 comments "ok then"

Onyx Mr. Laughycat | 345 comments In the fighting class, Chryses was fighting another student, and was doing very good blocking, evading, and countering their strikes.

message 8: by [deleted user] (new)

Eva slinked along the walls, watching the students. She really hated fighting and wasn't sure why she was even in this class.

message 9: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
Sage walked around hid behind her powers looking at the fight.

((Mr. Laughycat we talked at echos about rping here))

Onyx Mr. Laughycat | 345 comments Silver Jolie Wolf wrote: "Sage walked around hid behind her powers looking at the fight.

((Mr. Laughycat we talked at echos about rping here))"

Ava(Dragon Lover) wrote: "Eva slinked along the walls, watching the students. She really hated fighting and wasn't sure why she was even in this class."

Chryses would do a pressing block to the other student girls front kick, and would do a Krav Maga outside block into the incoming hook punch from the girl, before doing a extremely fast combo of an left corkscrew hook to their flying ribs, a vertical punch to their sternum, and a hiraken uchi (leopard fist strike) into their trachea, as you heard the girl get knocked the wind of, choking sounds, etc, before Chryses went to finish it off with an Corkscrew Roundhouse to the left, but the girl ducked under it, so he did a Corkscrew Hook to the right, and it hit her jaw, sending the girl corkscrew spinnning, and flying to the ground.

message 11: by [deleted user] (new)

Eva clapped. "Wow! Good job. You too," she said to the girl who was defeated. She really didn't want to fight the boy, but no one else stepped up and it was probably her turn by now.

message 12: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
“Tsk” Sage said “Boring weak people” she mumbled to her self before sitting down “use your powers” she said tot he defeated girl lying on the floor “Weaklings” Sage didn’t like males much and she didn’t make any contact with them either.

message 13: by [deleted user] (new)

Eva blinked in shock. "That's kinda mean," she told Sage quietly.

message 14: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
“I ain’t care” She told her “boys are weak”

message 15: by [deleted user] (new)

Eva crossed her arms. "That doesn't mean to have to be rude," she said, more clearly this time.

Onyx Mr. Laughycat | 345 comments Silver Jolie Wolf wrote: "“I ain’t care” She told her “boys are weak”"

"If I'm so weak, how about you fight me, to see how so WEAK I am. That is, unless. your scared that the WEAK boy might pummel you to the ground doing so." One of the students had agreed to what Chryses said, as he lowly talked to the students, and seemed to interlock there hands together in a good to see you kind of way, before bumping their shoulders together.

Intro; Chryses Arnostovich Novakova, AKA "The Black Zmei", a Russian Martial Artist, in addition to being one of the popular kids, and one of the strongest kids of the school so far. He isn't one to call a bully at the school. But oone of those high class mean boys, sadist sociopaths that teases other people in a way like bullys would, but only to show who's the strongest, as he is mostly seen to being the one to see kick bullies asses, and pull sadistic pranks on the weaklings, loser clubs of the school, and teasing them in a rather emotionally manipulative way. Therefore is usually the one you see in the schools videos, kicking peoples asses, and using powers if necessary.

((Never did an introduction like that before, until now, lol.))

message 17: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
“I never said YOU were weak”

Onyx Mr. Laughycat | 345 comments Silver Jolie Wolf wrote: "“I never said YOU were weak”"

"Oh. So you calling her weak then. Still, if your calling her weak. How do we know your not WEAK? Gotta prove yourself that your actually strong, if your gonna be calling random people weak you know." Chryses snarkled with a smirk, as some of the other guys agreed, also seeming to laugh.

message 19: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
“You want proof?” Sage ask standing up smoothing out her skirt “Male vs Female is it really even”

Onyx Mr. Laughycat | 345 comments Silver Jolie Wolf wrote: "“You want proof?” Sage ask standing up smoothing out her skirt “Male vs Female is it really even”"

(Fighting Roleplay Scene Fight Background Music: Cordae - Kung Fu)

"Here's one question for you. Is anything in life fair, or even?" Chryses stated, going into his own Karate/Taekwondo/Wushu fighting ready stance, one leg front, one leg back, crossing his left arm over his right arm, before slowly turning it into a fighting stance with his left palm heel facing foward more like Wushu, but a bit different, and his right arm fist up in a more karate/taekwondo like fighting stance, and lowered a bit than his left arm, fully into his fighting ready stance.

After like 7 seconds, Chryses would bait her to go first by turning his left palm heel hand into a gesture to come on his fingers, seeming ready to fight.

message 21: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
“Life is fair but not in a good way” she told him. “If life isn’t fair I could have Suicide long before” Sage motion for him to began “is your life fair?”

Onyx Mr. Laughycat | 345 comments Silver Jolie Wolf wrote: "“Life is fair but not in a good way” she told him. “If life isn’t fair I could have Suicide long before” Sage motion for him to began “is your life fair?”"

"What. Trynna confuse me with dumb shit. Come on, would you." Chryses said in a Russian acccent, telling her to come on with his fingers again.

message 23: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
((I’m Silvers sister! She told me to use her acc because Silver Ria quitting for a bit!))

“You go” Sage motion for Chryses to go staring blankly at the wall behind him, she grinned a few moments later.

message 24: by Onyx Mr. Laughycat (last edited Oct 05, 2022 05:22PM) (new)

Onyx Mr. Laughycat | 345 comments Silver Jolie Wolf (NOT SILVER I’M SILVER’S SISTER) wrote: "((I’m Silvers sister! She told me to use her acc because Silver Ria quitting for a bit!))

“You go” Sage motion for Chryses to go staring blankly at the wall behind him, she grinned a few moments l..."

Chryses would then run over to her, and when he got close, he went to a Backside spin into a Fake Tornado Kick to confuse her to make her think that he was going to hit really, even adding a yell to it to confuse her even more, "HIYAH!!" Before doing a combo of a spinning hook kick to her temple to disorientate her, and adding to the combo with a Meia lua de Compasso to her jaw to stun her.

message 25: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
“Excuse me but powers allowed? I just used my powers few minutes back” Sage grabbed his wrist and turned him over. She age him a nice grin after that with an evil smirk. She motion for him to stand up

message 26: by Onyx Mr. Laughycat (last edited Oct 06, 2022 10:11AM) (new)

Onyx Mr. Laughycat | 345 comments Silver Jolie Wolf (NOT SILVER I’M SILVER’S SISTER) wrote: "“Excuse me but powers allowed? I just used my powers few minutes back” Sage grabbed his wrist and turned him over. She age him a nice grin after that with an evil smirk. She motion for him to stand up"

"No, powers aren't aloud. Unless you want to keep that precious body of yours, но, думаю, в наказание мне придется сломать твою шлюху руку. (, but I guess as punishment I'll have to break that slut arm of yours.)" Chryses would say with a Russian accent, before going into a Russian language, saying it rather with sadistic determination with a smirk, before wrapping the wrist that she was holding on to to grab onto her wrist, before forcing himself up, and spinning himself around to very fastly grab her wrist with his other arm, before doing a extremely quick wrist-lock that spun her arm around infront of her, making it easy for her grip to loosen on his own wrist, pulling his now loosened wrist away from her wrist grab, before seeming to quickly put her in a very dangerous waki gatame, also known as an "easy arm-break" for a reason, as he didn't hesitate to hold back, and sucessfully dislocated her arm, adding it with a combo front snap kick right in her groin, causing to incapacitate her, and cause intense pain to her groin area.

(I actually learned this wrist grab defense move from my Taekwondo practice, so I know it would really work in reality for what I just did, lol. In addition to the front snap kick technique which I learned from researching Krav Maga, as for my character clearly knows Krav Maga himself. And the Waki Gatame? It's Jiu-Jitsu. >:3)

message 27: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
Onyx Mr. Laughycat wrote: "Silver Jolie Wolf (NOT SILVER I’M SILVER’S SISTER) wrote: "“Excuse me but powers allowed? I just used my powers few minutes back” Sage grabbed his wrist and turned him over. She age him a nice grin..."

Sage sat up on the floor “I believed you’ve took Martial Arts lessons before in the past?” She ask, and kicked his stomach “I’m not interested on fighting a boy I go easy and no I don’t believe I can save my beautiful face from you and I’m not scare to loose my face also.”

Onyx Mr. Laughycat | 345 comments Silver Jolie Wolf wrote: "Onyx Mr. Laughycat wrote: "Silver Jolie Wolf (NOT SILVER I’M SILVER’S SISTER) wrote: "“Excuse me but powers allowed? I just used my powers few minutes back” Sage grabbed his wrist and turned him ov..."

((Example of a Queda de 4 is on 4:34 is in this video:

Chryses would do a Capoeira Queda de 4 to evade Sage's front quick, and transitioned it into a Capoeira Macaco / Monkey Flip to the back, and away from her, before transitioning into a Capoeira Tesoura de Costa into a Capoeira Macaco em Pe (Backwards Cartwheel) towards the right side, before doing an Capoeira Meia Lua Reversao straight foward, followed by a Tricking Gumbi into Tricking Touchdown Raiz, then into a Tricking Aerial Frontswing, then doing a Capoeira S Dobrado back infront of her into a Three-Point Landing, before saying, "You guessed right. Because I had taken Martial Arts lessons in the past." Chryses said in an Russian accent with a smirk on his face, before slowly standing up from the Three-Point Landing.

message 29: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
"With whom? How long?" Sage ask as she did Rear Neck Chok then Krav Maga "I guessing long?"

Onyx Mr. Laughycat | 345 comments Silver Jolie Wolf wrote: ""With whom? How long?" Sage ask as she did Rear Neck Chok then Krav Maga "I guessing long?""

When she put him in a Rear Naked Choke, Chryses would immediately grab under her wrists, and under her elbow, then ducked down, putting her in an Ippon Seoi Nage to the ground, and while still holding her arm he spun, putting into a BJJ Armbar, bending her arm down back in attempt to break it, "Ever since I was 5-6 years old." He said with a smug smirk on her face, bending her arm down farther to break it, before putting one leg under he head, and lifting her up, transitioning, and putting her into an nearly inescapable BJJ Triangle Choke that cut off her carotid artries.

(From experience in roleplays, and many other things. I'd say the BJJ Triangle Choke is one of the hard difficulty ones to escape, along with the Kneebar, and probably others I don't now yet.)

message 31: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
"Oh~" She made it sound like it was a joke, "Maybe you shouldn't li-" Sage got cut off by her phone on the floor that fell somewhere during the battle "Oopies time to go, Sorry dude but finish the match next time? After some hm.... of my beauty bath's and beauty sleep?"

((TBH Sage might have never talked this much for 6-7 years with anyone after her ex...))

Onyx Mr. Laughycat | 345 comments Z ||Frypans, who knew!!|| wrote: "Lola walked in and saw Chryses do the Queda de 4. "Woah""

Chryses upon hearing this, unwrapped his legs from the BJJ Triangle Choke, before backrolling into a Three-Point Landing, "If you insist." Chryses said, before slowly standing up, before extending his arms out, grabbing his left wrist, and stretching his arms out.

message 33: by Onyx Mr. Laughycat (last edited Oct 12, 2022 01:47PM) (new)

Onyx Mr. Laughycat | 345 comments Z ||Frypans, who knew!!|| wrote: "Lola walked in and smiled, "Was that a BJJ chokehold?"

((pretending my oc knows something g))"

Chryses looked over to Lola, and nodded, "Yes. A Triangle Choke, AKA three-point choke to be exact." He stated in a Russian accent.

message 34: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
Sage looked at Lola and walked out grabbing her phone from he floor

Onyx Mr. Laughycat | 345 comments Z ||Frypans, who knew!!|| wrote: "Lola looked around, "This is a cool room..." lola was a blunt person, she said what she wants to say. "Are you in her 24/7?""

"No... but have been here for a while." Chryses stated to Lola, plainly looking into her eyes in a sociopathic analytical way.

Onyx Mr. Laughycat | 345 comments "I can be your punching bag. That is, if you can hit me." Chryses smirkly stated in an rather quirky way, looking over to Lola in a calm mood, as always.

Onyx Mr. Laughycat | 345 comments Z ||Frypans, who knew!!|| wrote: ""I use magic on my punching bag" she said to him. "Are you willing to do that?""

"Yes. Bring it all if you have too." Chryses firmly said in a clam way, looking towards her using body language too.

Onyx Mr. Laughycat | 345 comments Z ||Frypans, who knew!!|| wrote: "Lola nods, "Okay...""

"Hope your prepared, because I won't be going easy on you in anyway." Chryses stated, going into his own Karate/Taekwondo/Wushu fighting ready stance, one leg front, one leg back, crossing his left arm over his right arm, before slowly turning it into a fighting stance with his left palm heel facing foward more like Wushu, but a bit different, and his right arm fist up in a more karate/taekwondo like fighting stance, and lowered a bit than his left arm, fully into his fighting ready stance.

message 39: by [deleted user] (new)

Eva watched all this, sighing. She didn't really know why fighting was necessary, but this was a class and she wouldn't get a good grade if she didn't fight soon.

message 40: by Onyx Mr. Laughycat (last edited Oct 22, 2022 01:19PM) (new)

Onyx Mr. Laughycat | 345 comments Z ||Frypans, who knew!!|| wrote: "Onyx Mr. Laughycat wrote: "Z ||Frypans, who knew!!|| wrote: "Lola nods, "Okay...""

"Hope your prepared, because I won't be going easy on you in anyway." Chryses stated, going into his own Karate/T..."

(Could you explain how, and what magic she actually used to freeze Chryses? Because how you poorly described it, thus made doesn't even make sense at all. In addition to their being a lot of more logical magic that would make them able to freeze a person like that. As for example Ice Magic, Psychic magic including Magical Psychokinesis/Telekineses and many others, and etc.)

ᑕᗩᒪᗩᒪᗩ ᑌᗯᑌ ʕ⊃•ᴥ•ʔ⊃Read Bio!⊂ʕ•ᴥ•⊂ʔ (calalauwu) | 1696 comments Rates walked into class

((Do u sit or stand here?))

message 42: by Kyleigh , The History Lover (new)

Kyleigh  | 2109 comments Mod
Alexandra walked into fighting class, her second class of the day. She sat down in a chair, waiting for others to show up.

ᑕᗩᒪᗩᒪᗩ ᑌᗯᑌ ʕ⊃•ᴥ•ʔ⊃Read Bio!⊂ʕ•ᴥ•⊂ʔ (calalauwu) | 1696 comments Rayel sat down next to her and opened his bag taking out some books about fighting techniques

message 44: by Kyleigh , The History Lover (new)

Kyleigh  | 2109 comments Mod
Alexandra looked up and noticed Rayel. "Oh, hi" she said, giving him a smile.

ᑕᗩᒪᗩᒪᗩ ᑌᗯᑌ ʕ⊃•ᴥ•ʔ⊃Read Bio!⊂ʕ•ᴥ•⊂ʔ (calalauwu) | 1696 comments “Hello”, Rayel turned to her and smiled “I’m Rayel”, he put out his hand to shake

Onyx Mr. Laughycat | 345 comments (For some reason, I wanna join in. Could I?)

message 47: by Kyleigh , The History Lover (new)

Kyleigh  | 2109 comments Mod
"I'm Alexandra" Alexandra said, shaking Rayel's hand. "Nice to meet you" she said.

ᑕᗩᒪᗩᒪᗩ ᑌᗯᑌ ʕ⊃•ᴥ•ʔ⊃Read Bio!⊂ʕ•ᴥ•⊂ʔ (calalauwu) | 1696 comments Rayel smiled “that’s really pretty name, Alexandra”

message 50: by Kyleigh , The History Lover (last edited Nov 06, 2022 12:53AM) (new)

Kyleigh  | 2109 comments Mod

"Thank you, Rayel. I like your name, too" Alexandra said, giving another smile.

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