The Academy For Mythical Creatures discussion

Third Floor ( Academy ) > Séraphine's Dorm

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message 1: by goule (new)

goule | 402 comments

Seraphine is not open to roommates.

message 2: by Lady (new)

Lady Glitter Sparkles *really long hiatus* (lady_glittersparkles) | 114 comments

The door bangs open, as if someone had kicked it. In storms a fifteen year old girl, Séraphine Altalune. She is short for her age, but she seems to radiate a certain power that makes you feel like she's above everyone else.

"Horrid people!" she mutters agrily.

message 3: by Lady (new)

Lady Glitter Sparkles *really long hiatus* (lady_glittersparkles) | 114 comments

Séraphine had brought a lot of stuff with her, and it was really too much for her to carry. However, when she asked nicely for other people to help her, they refused.

It was all very strange. Usually, without her even trying, people would all be rushing to help Séraphine. It was her power. But here...practically no one looked at her!

She'd considered focusing and actually using her power purposefully, but decided the exhaustion was too big of a price.

Carrying all of her bags and suitcases had taken her long enough, but then she'd lost the key to her dorm, and spent an awful hour wandering around the academy, looking for it, before finally finding it in one of her bags. The whole time, her precious belongings were sitting outside her dorm.

If even one sock is missing...heads will roll!

Needless to say, she's not in a good mood.

message 4: by Lady (new)

Lady Glitter Sparkles *really long hiatus* (lady_glittersparkles) | 114 comments ((Thank you😆))

message 5: by Lady (new)

Lady Glitter Sparkles *really long hiatus* (lady_glittersparkles) | 114 comments

The process of dragging all her stuff into the dorm took a bit, and in the end she was sweaty and tired and cranky. Her dress was ruined and her hair was slick with perspiration.

Maybe coming here was a bad idea!

She finally finishes and straightens, wiping sweat off her brow. "Phew!! Thank goodness that's all done! I need a shower!"

She turns around and for the first time, gets a good look at her dorm.

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