The Academy For Mythical Creatures discussion

Clubs > Fencing Club

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message 1: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
Ann Jiu Jiu walked in clutching her katana in her right hand, her hands grew white from her strength

message 2: by [deleted user] (new)

(Poor Ambrose is watching from the sidelines)
Cassiel walked in holding a sword in his hand.

message 3: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod

Ann looked at Cassiel. Relaxing she sat down on one of the benches

message 4: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
((Aren'tt hose the long bendy thingy's? they look fun! :D))

Ann tossed her blade aside and grabbed one of the fencing sword

message 5: by [deleted user] (new)

Cassiel looks at Ann.

message 6: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
She looked back at him staring in his eye.

message 7: by [deleted user] (new)

Ambrose is watching from the bleachers.

Cassiel puts his sword down next to Ambrose and then goes to get a foil.

message 8: by [deleted user] (new)

•Falling Delilah• ( Updated Bio! ) wrote: "Karma wrote: "Ambrose is watching from the bleachers.

Cassiel puts his sword down next to Ambrose and then goes to get a foil."

Kenya looks at Ambrose, " What are you doing? Get a foil! " She s..."

Ambrose gets up and gets a foil.

message 9: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
Ann walked to the front of the line

message 10: by [deleted user] (new)

Cassiel walks up to the line followed by Ambrose.

message 11: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
Ann waited for the teahger

message 12: by [deleted user] (new)

((I am backk))
Ambrose is standing in line.

message 13: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
((My cat Misty is like 500 lol she’s the first pet I had))

Ann walked toawds the girl, Robin that the theacher hand pointed

message 14: by [deleted user] (new)

((Cool names and umm welp Ambrose and Cassiel are paired up this is going to be fun))

Cassiel looks at Ambrose who is smirking.

message 15: by [deleted user] (new)

Ambrose is still smirking.

Cassiel raises an eyebrow at Ambrose.

message 16: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
Ann waved to Robin “hi”

message 17: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
“Are we suppose to practice?”

message 18: by [deleted user] (new)

((Even if we were I have Ambrose and Cassiel so fun))

"I guess." Cassiel says.

message 19: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
“Eh I feel bored” Ann said her eyes laying on the teacher “so we are going to practice the whole day?” An had a way of getting stuff the way she wanted but also in a rude way. If something seems fun to others she might think it isn’t fun.

((I aware if Kenya says yes we’re gonna practice the whole day then Ann will light explode))

message 20: by [deleted user] (new)

((Just how am I going to do this I will try))

Cassiel goes into a fencing stance.

Ambrose does the same.

message 21: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
Z ||Frypans, who knew!!|| wrote: "Robin gripped her foil and looked at Ann"

Ann got ready

message 22: by [deleted user] (new)

Cassiel nods.

Ambrose shrugs.

message 23: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
Ann turn to Ambrose

message 24: by [deleted user] (new)

"Hi." Cassiel says.

Ambrose looks at Ann.

message 25: by [deleted user] (new)

Cassiel goes into a fencing stance.

message 26: by [deleted user] (new)

"The question is are you ready?" Cassiel asks.

((I have to go soon))

message 27: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
"Sheesh" Ann started to attack her opponent

message 28: by [deleted user] (new)

"What is sheesh?" Ambrose asks.

message 29: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
“Sheesh is sheesh”

message 30: by [deleted user] (new)

"True." Ambrose says while attacking Ann.

message 31: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
“yes” she blocked his attacks wish her foil

message 32: by [deleted user] (new)

"What part are you?" Ambrose asks while still attacking Ann.

message 33: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
"Why do you ask?"

message 34: by [deleted user] (new)

((Just so you know the poll you sent me I wasn't able to load it))

"Just wondering is all." Ambrose says.

message 35: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
((OH! It's about Making a middle school for echo's cause some of the oc is below age for high school))

"Oh really?" AN raides an eyebrow

((WHo shall win?))

message 36: by [deleted user] (new)

((Oh ok))

"Yes really." Ambrose says.

((Yes who shall win I could do a wheel spin))

message 37: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod

"I don't think so'"

message 38: by [deleted user] (new)

"How about if I win." Ambrose says.

message 39: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
"How so?"

message 40: by [deleted user] (new)

((Ambrose won))

"How so what?" Ambrose says.

message 41: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod

"How are you going to win tho"

message 42: by [deleted user] (new)

"Mhm let's see like this." Ambrose says.

message 43: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
Ann stood there looking confused before giving Ambrose another attack "I'll go easy on you since I wa-" She stopped her self before she metion he rparents and her horriable past

message 44: by [deleted user] (new)

"You were saying." Ambrose says before attacking Ann again.

message 45: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
She froze there trying not to think about it "N-n-nothing"

message 46: by [deleted user] (new)

"And that is how I win." Ambrose says.

message 47: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
"Nice" She smiled when the foil touched her "Maybe i shoun't have brought that up"

message 48: by [deleted user] (new)

"Maybe indeed." Ambrose says while helping Ann up.

message 49: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
"Thanks. I just had that flashback so thats why I said it" She had often have horribal flash backs of her choldhood

message 50: by [deleted user] (new)

"I also sometimes have flashbacks of my family." Ambrose says.

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