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R2R Read-to-Review Program > R2R: Jetan - The Martian Chess of Edgar Rice Burroughs (non-fiction)

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message 1: by Fredrik (last edited Oct 26, 2022 06:40AM) (new)

Fredrik Ekman | 6 comments I am looking for honest reviews of my book Jetan: The Martian Chess of Edgar Rice Burroughs. It has been available for about a month, and has received very good reviews, but so far only a single one on GoodReads.

Jetan The Martian Chess of Edgar Rice Burroughs by Fredrik Ekman

Official blurb: "Throughout its hundred-year history, the game Jetan has influenced many writers and game designers. Invented by author Edgar Rice Burroughs for his 1922 novel The Chessmen of Mars, Jetan has been played by enthusiastic fans and serious gamers alike.
This first-ever book on Jetan explores the game’s rules in depth and provides new interpretations based on up-to-date research. It chronicles the game’s history, explores tactics and variants and provides a complete standard for notating games. Also included are three annotated Jetan playthroughs and several practice exercises. Over 80 diagrams and photographs are used as illustrations, and an essay about Edgar Rice Burroughs’ lifelong interest in sports and games further contextualizes the game."

In order to enjoy this book, you should either be interested in chesslike/abstract games or classic sword-and-planet romance, or preferably both.

My publisher, McFarland, is willing to give out review copies to up to five readers in exchange for honest GoodReads reviews. The format is password-protected pdf. Reviews to be submitted within two weeks from the date that you receive the book (so roughly early-mid November).

Comment in this thread or send me a private message if you are interested.

5 copies available for review:

1) Corrine Ernser

message 2: by Gary (new)

Gary Sundell | 21 comments After I read Chessmen of Mars as a teen, I tried to create my own board and pieces out of cardboard. Couldn't get anyone to play. Currently rereading the series, current read Thuvia, Maid of Mars.

message 3: by Fredrik (new)

Fredrik Ekman | 6 comments Funny, I am also rereading Thuvia at the moment. The plot has its ups and downs, to be sure, but the joy of storytelling is there and the pace is breathtaking. Not a favourite of the Barsoom series, but a good read nevertheless.

Gary, if you are interested in participating in the R2R, please send me a private message with your e-mail. I think it should be possible to send you a review copy of my book.

Gary wrote: "After I read Chessmen of Mars as a teen, I tried to create my own board and pieces out of cardboard. Couldn't get anyone to play. Currently rereading the series, current read Thuvia, Maid of Mars."

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